For months Sony has refused to accept cross-play between consoles: Fortnite, however, has managed to break down this wall. Now, however, another problem arises: how to link Fortnite accounts on consoles to a single account?
Epic Games comes to our rescue by creating a special tool. But first, a couple of notes: to get started, you need to know that the following procedure will not transfer the purchases and progress already made from one account to another; instead, it will ensure that future progress and purchases are shared. If your only interest was to share the progress already made, it will be necessary to wait until November, when the developers release a tool to merge accounts.
How to connect Fortnite accounts on console: choose the console
To begin, it is important to decide which platform will be Primary and which will be Secondary. Epic recommends setting as Primary the platform you have made the most progress with and are therefore most attached to, as until the account merger tool is released in November, it will no longer be possible to access purchases from your secondary platform. .
How to connect Fortnite accounts on consoles: go to the Epic site
After you have decided which will be your Primary platform and which will be the Secondary, you need to go to the Epic site and follow its directions. You must make sure that both the Primary and the Secondary accounts are linked to an Epic Account: in case this is not the case, you will have to create one for each platform (different email addresses are required: you cannot create two accounts with the same address e-mail). Be careful not to lose your login details for both Epic accounts as you will need them in November to perform the account merger process.
How to link Fortnite accounts on console: link accounts
Now that you have created (or simply verified that you have) an Epic account for each platform, you need to unlink your secondary console to link it to your primary Epic account. Follow the directions on the Epic website, step by step.
With that done, all future purchases and progress will be shared across platforms. We remind you once again, however, that past purchases and progress will not be carried over to the Main console until November, when Epic will distribute a tool to merge accounts. From that moment, it will be possible to play on each platform with only one account.
► Fortnite is an FPS-Battle Royale type game developed by Epic Games People Can Fly and published by Epic Games for PC, Mac, Android, iOS, PlayStation Network, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 25/07/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 12/06/2018
Fortnite is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to evaluate it with a 63%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fortnite Review