We have already told you about the remastered of Onimusha: Warlords in our review, in which we analyzed in detail the porting of the Capcom title, originally released on PlayStation 2 and PC.
In the game, in addition to the various fights, there are also several puzzles that the player will have to solve during his adventure. Here is a guide on where to find and how to solve all the puzzle boxes (there are 6 in the whole game).
- Puzzle # 1:
It is located in the basement of the temple. To find it, just head - after obtaining the Shiden - to the chest to the right of the exit.
Solution - it will be necessary to move the grid to the left, then the one to the right and finally the one to the left again. As a reward you will receive a rope ladder.
- Puzzle # 2:
On the first floor of the castle, as soon as the scene with Kaede and Yamamura ends, just advance in the corridor and enter the room with the staircase. The box is hidden in a small door under the stairs.
Solution - the movements of the grids will be: left, right, left, right and finally right again. As a reward you will receive a bow.
- Puzzle # 3:
In the basement of the castle, after the section with the purifying bell, in the door closed by the green plasma seals. In the room, the box will be on the right.
Solution - just move the grids in this order: central, right and left. As a reward you will get a blue key.
- Puzzle # 4
In the west area of the map, proceeding past the section of the burning building and climbing the stairs, you will come to the box.
Solution - the movement to be done this time will be: central, left, left, right, right. You will receive a Holy Knife.
- Puzzle # 5
In the east area of the map, crossing the bridge and passing through the door blocked by the green plasma seal. Entering the corridor on the left, you will find two doors as you advance, with the second leading to another door on the left. You will find a door locked by the green seal, unlockable with Arashi at the highest level. The box will be behind the waterfall at the end of the area.
Solution - The movements to be made will be: grid at the bottom left, top right, bottom right, bottom left, bottom right. You will get an armor.
- Puzzle # 6
In the east area of the map, after the second magic mirror scene, you will have to enter the room on the right and then the door on the opposite wall. Going up the stairs you will find the final box.
Solution - the movements will be: grid on the left, left, central, right, right, central, central. You will receive a special arrow as a reward.
Stay on the pages of Epic Videogames Guide for more guides on Onimusha: Warlords, such as where to find the magical jewels or the jewels of power in the game.
► Onimusha: Warlords is an Adventure type game developed and published by Capcom for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 4, Steam, Xbox and Xbox One, the video game was released on 06/07/2001 The version for PC came out on 15/01/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 15/01/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 15/01/2019 The version for Xbox One came out on 15/01/2019
Onimusha: Warlords is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to rate it with a 73%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Onimusha: Warlords