World of Final Fantasy it has a nice story of its own, but one of the nicest things about the game is how it gives to some classic heroes di final Fantasy a new perspective.
Some classic characters from final Fantasy they are described in game as Samples. THE Samples mostly they work like the summoning beasts or like the beasts of Eidolon in the background final Fantasy. Once you get it Cloud like Sample, for example, you can summon it in battle and unleash its attack Omnislash on the enemy.
The Champions are unlockable over the course of the game's main story, after meeting a Sample in the main story, his medal will become available for purchase at Girl's Tearoom Nine Woods in Nine Woods Hills from chapter 5 on. The Medals they are bought using 2 Gems weapon, once purchased, you can carry up to 3 several medals with you; allowing you to go into battle together with 3 summonable champions.
The Champions summoned have a bar that fills up. Fans of final Fantasy they will associate it with limit break , trance or atoverdrive meter. The bar is present in the center of the main battle menu. Once filled you will get a star, based on the strength of the Sample summoned, its cost will be 1 o 2 location.
Below is the list of unlockable Champions and how to get them.
Warrior of the Light
It wouldn't be a series game final Fantasy without the Warrior of the Light, the iconic hero featured on the cover and logo of the very first game. He is rightly the first Champion you will meet in chapter 5 of the main story, The Girl Who Forgot Her Name. Once he got his medal, the Warrior of the Light can be summoned at the cost of 1 star.
His attack, Oversoul, causes massive damage as well as increasing its defenses.
The cheerful White Mage from Final Fantasy III, Refia, appears at the beginning of chapter 8 entering a tavern. Refia the 1 Star to summon it. His move is Healing Light, and it's a great healing skill: Restores the HP of all teammates, removing any negative effects affecting them.
Taking a leap forward in the years since Final Fantasy III up to VII, you will meet Tifa, the martial arts expert. His medal can be purchased after the end of chapter 10. Tifa comes back with his classic move Final Heaven. This ability hits a single target, causing physical damage and increasing the power of allies. She costs 1 Star to be summoned.
The next hero who will join your side is Snow, not long after Tifa, at the end of chapter 12. The attack of Snow, Sovereign Fist, hits all enemies dealing ice-type magic damage, and increases the defenses of your allies after the attack. It costs 1 Star be summoned.
Where there is Snow, it can be found lightning not very far from him. She will be available to join you as soon as you complete the chapter 13, Once you have completed the chapter, you will have access to the Girl's Room where you will buy the relative medal.
Lightning costs 2 stars to be summoned, and its attack Gestalt Drive causes physical damage to only one enemy in addition to increasing the power of allies.
Unlock i Samples now it will be easier and faster. Squall will be available from Girl's Room after chapter 14. His move Lion Heart it's a classic, and has almost the same function it did in Final Fantasy VIII, dealing a fair amount of physical damage to a single target. It also guarantees an increase in strength. It costs 1 star to be summoned.
This character that Newbies to the series may not be familiar with appeared in the Final Fantasy VII spin-off Dirge Of Cerberus. In World of Final Fantasy his medal will be available after chapter 15. The ability of Shelke, Countertek, it can be very useful if you find yourself in a tight spot and only costs a star. Reset HP , also removing any negative effects from allies, eliminating the Buff positive from enemies.
Everyone wanted to call him Butz but, directly from Final Fantasy V, Bartz makes an appearance in the chapter 16. After that his medal becomes available. His move, Clash on the Big Bridge, hits a single target with a physical attack, also increasing the team's accuracy and dodging. It costs 2 stars to be summoned.
The most iconic character of final Fantasy it was made to wait, but Cloud finally shows itself in chapter 17, his medal will be available from Girl's Room. His skill is called OmniSlash , a devastating attack that hits a target. Also increases team strength at the cost of 2 stars.
Directly from F there is Celes, the imperial soldier fighting for freedom, his medal becomes available through the Girl's Room after chapter 17 together with Cloud. His skill Runic is a useful attack that hits with ice-type magic damage and inflicts the status effect OblivionAlso restores AP to allies. It costs 2 stars to be summoned.
The great guru of laughter Tidus, makes an appearance in history during the chapter 18, and later you will get the medal through the Girl's Room. It costs one 1 star to be summoned, and will use his move Blitz Ace to inflict damage and increase the dodging of your companions.
Shantotto has finally gotten some fame as an official representative of Final Fantasy XI. You will get his medal from the start of chapter 19. His attack Magic Burst summons a magical blast at a single target, also increasing the Magic stat of your allies. At the cost of 2 stars can be summoned.
And one
And one it shows well before being unlocked as Sample. His medal will be available upon receipt The Airship in chapter 20. And one use the skill The Sending, its iconic dance-ritual da Final Fantasy X. This move resurrects all allies Ko, completely restoring the HP. She costs 1 Star to be summoned.
It doesn't seem appropriate that Land both the final unlockable character, she is the most iconic hero of the series. Like And one, you can get his medal from Girl's Room after obtaining the Airship from chapter 20. The move of Land, Magitek Laser, damages a single enemy with magical damage while also increasing the magical power of allies. It costs 2 stars to be summoned.
This is a Bonus champion, the fourth from the universe of Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth. It is currently only available as DLC, as part of the edition DayOne edition of the game. Once booked World of Final Fantasy, in the package there will be a code to redeem in game. This will grant access to Sephiroth ; will be available as soon as you reach Girl's Room in chapter 5.
Sephiroth uses his very powerful ability called Super Nova.