For the first time in The Legend of Heroes saga, a title boasts multiple endings. Trails of Cold Steel IV in fact has more than one ending. The game is divided into two different conclusions, the Normal Ending and the True Ending; but it actually also hides a subspecies of the final third.
In this guide to the true ending of Trails of Cold Steel IV we will go to deepen how to reach the true and definitive ending of the game and of the saga (at least until Hajimari no Kiseki is brought to the west who will change the cards on the table)
To get the true ending in Trails of Cold Steel IV there are mainly 2 steps. The first becomes available just before the final section of the game. During the final chapter you will be offered side missions to complete before starting the final assault.
Complete them and once you return to Courageous II an old ally will call you proposing a new mission. This new mission will have the name "???" and will ask you to find a sanctuary based on three clues. The sanctuary in question is located in Auros Coast 2, teleport to this map and you will see that a green exclamation point will have appeared in the far north.
Once you reach the sanctuary, you will have to defeat a unique boss fight. We advise you to get ready and equip your best Arts users in combo with Rean who will have to support them with the Brave Order “Divine Song”. Once the boss is defeated, you will get a key item.
Obtaining this item is the first step in unlocking the true ending. The second step is much easier: just play normally up to the final boss, defeat him and enjoy the Normal Ending. Once the Normal Ending is concluded, the game will ask you if you want to reload the game from the beginning of the chapter or just before fighting the final boss, choose this second option, toFace the last fight again and enjoy the changes brought by True Ending and the magnificent credits.
At the end of the credits, it will be possible to obtain a short additional video, a sort of "third finale" that acts as a foreshadowing for the future of the series. To witness this scene, load the True Ending save, skip the two final videos that you have already seen just before and you will be presented with a new, unedited and very important scene.
► The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV is a JRPG type game developed by Nihon Falcom Corporation and published by NIS America for PlayStation 4, PC and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 27/10/2020 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 24/10/2020
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV