In this list there are all key and urgent missions of the Village of Monster Hunter Generations. The main objective is shown next to the mission name. In orange the urgent mission that allows you to unlock the next missions of the village.
1 Star Missions (Complete guide)
Mow the fern! - Delivery of the 8 special ferns
Fungal Hunt - Deliver 5 Abyssal Mushrooms
A blow to the Maccao! - Hunt 10 Maccaos
My Lady's Revenge - Hunt 10 Jaggi
Agile Outlaw - Hunt a great Maccao
2 Star Missions
Rowdy Rhenoplos - Hunt 5 Rhenoplos
Gendrome Traffic Jam - Hunt a Gendrome
The Land Shark - Hunt a Cephadrome
Big Game - Hunt 5 Hermitaurs
Whimsical Fangs - Hunt a Tetsucabra
3 Star Missions
Troublesome Fauna - Hunt a Yan Kut Ku
Lurking Giant - Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur
Desert Glutton - Hunt a Nibelsnarf
Sprouts of the Abyss - Deliver 8 Abyssal Mushrooms
Shiny Loot - Hunt a Gypceros (Prerequisite: [Village 3 ★] Abyss Sprouts)
Soaking Wet - Hunt a Royal Ludroth (Prerequisite: [Village 3 ★] Abyss Sprouts)
The Night Charmer - Hunt a Malfestio
4 Star Missions
Wrath of the Rathian - Hunt a Rathian
Eyes of Fire - Hunt a Nargacuga (Prerequisite: [Village 4 ★] Serpentine Samba)
Serpentine Samba - Hunt a Najarala
Tales of the Swamp - Hunt 2 Khezu
Crustaceous Infatuation - Capture a Shogun Ceanataur
Dark Times - Hunt a Yian Garuga
5 Star Missions
The Fisherman's Enemy - Hunt a Lagiacrus
The Thundering Claw - Hunt an Astalos
The Unwavering Colossus - Hunt a Gammoth
The Enchanting Dancer - Hunt a Mizutsune
The King in Steaming Robes - Hunt a Rathalos
Wrath of the Volcano - Hunt an Uragaan
The Searing Sword - Hunt a Glavenus
6 Star Missions
Hacked Territory - Hunt a Zinogre
Wings of Darkness - Hunt a Gore Magala
A Thousand Scales of Fear - Hunt a Seregios
Tigrex by the Tail - Hunt a Tigrex
My Brachydios! - Hunt a Brachydios
Stop the Cycle of Death - Hunt a Shagaru Magala
Four in Peril - Hunt a Gammoth, Astalos, Mizutsune, Glavenus (Prerequisite: Stop the Cycle of Death - Hunt a Shagaru Magala)