As we have already had the opportunity to say, Nioh 2 presents itself on the market with an overall conservative look, for better or for worse. The excellent souls-like of Team Ninja is however, once again, a qualitatively impressive product, especially from the side of the gameplay and in particular of the combat system. Like any good self-respecting souls-like, however, the balance is represented by the quantity and quality of the main enemies of the title, the bosses.
Like its predecessor, Nioh 2 brings to the screen a great number of bosses, both in quantity and in variety, some of them very inspired and above all very difficult to pull down. For this reason, of course, we could only run to your rescue, setting up a sort of mini guide to help you resolve the clashes against the latter, with the hope of reducing the number of your deaths as much as possible because, trust me, we are dead. many times, and badly!
Mezuki: appearance and origins
The first real boss of Nioh 2 is Mezuki, a gigantic demon characterized by a "human" body and a horse's head. He is a variant of another figure that we will meet in the same mission, the Gozuki, whose appearance differs only in the nature of the "animal" half, since he is half human and half bull.
Mezuki is a creature, it is said, born in very particular circumstances, generated as a result of clashes that took place in some village or in a battlefield, forged precisely by the resentment and pain of the deceased and their horses, pursuit of endless revenge.
Clash with Mezuki: main attacks
The clash with this creature, despite being the very first boss, is most likely one of the simplest of the entire game, net of the whole initial phase, always complex and delicate in every souls-like. The main difficulties are above all the daughters of the huge damage that the monstrous creature manages to inflict, also due to a good amount of different attacks, however not too complex to memorize. The most frequent attacks are the front slash and a spin attack, with which the demon lets the huge ax spin, thus covering a large part of the surrounding space. Our advice is therefore to try to block or to stay away from him in these phases, but paying attention to a very frequent attack (when you are far away) with which the demon launches researching spheres of darkness that inflict considerable damage.
Our advice is to parry these attacks, but paying attention to those that are the most damaging attacks that the boss can perform: grabbing and charging. Both can kill you instantly and therefore we invite you to immediately try to put into practice the new mechanic of the Explosive Counterattack, in these cases, probably the best weapon to avoid being grabbed. Recognizing these two attacks is actually quite simple: once the red spark that distinguishes the special attacks has been triggered, that will be the alarm bell that will indicate that the enemy is about to throw one of the two shots. If he holds the sword with both hands he is about to charge you, while if he stands up on two feet he is about to make a grip. By paying attention to these signs it will be possible to drastically reduce the number of deaths.
Clash with Mezuki: tips for attack and various sensitivities
The first useful tip to get the better of Mezuki is to always stay relatively close to him, thus reducing his range of offensive possibilities. Staying close to him, it's best to keep circling around him on the right side (next to the arm he uses to hold the weapon), to keep reducing the number of his attacks and to avoid many of the horizontal lashes he often makes.
Being close to him, then, is a good way to avoid being hit by a series of very violent frontal blows, which the Mezuki often performs when "forced" at a certain distance. The boss in question is sensitive to Poison, but does not have an element with which he really gets into trouble, so we recommend facing him openly and with the weapon with which you feel most comfortable, regardless of elemental attacks, almost unnecessary.
final Thoughts
Overall, the fight with the Mezuki is simple and won't take you too much effort. By paying attention to these little tips, you will be able to overcome this obstacle without particular worries. Nioh 2 will present many other obstacles ...
difficulty: 2/5
Appearance: 2,5/5
Thematic inspiration: 4/5
Overall rating: 2,5/5
► Nioh 2 is an Action-RPG type game developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 13/03/2020