PlayStation 4 is among the consoles Sony most successful and many players with the arrival of PlayStation 5, instead of jumping headlong into the next-gen, they prefer to buy PlayStation 4 to play the next cross-gen titles and all the masterpieces released to date. For anyone who buys one PlayStation 4 Pro or for all those who already own it, in the console menu there is the option to enable the Boost mode.
This mode allows you to obtain several advantages in playing games that are not updated for the new system and for all players who use the console with non-standard screens. 4K or where the function is missing HDR. The PlayStation 4 Pro console has been updated, from the Home screen the player must reach the Settings menu.
After selecting the settings, you must select the item " work"And scroll to"enhanced mode”And at this point press the X key to activate it. Activated this mode, every time the player starts a game "supported" by the "boost mode" he sees a notification on the screen while the game is loading.