Like a bolt from the blue, Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company International have announced the arrival on the well-known mobile MMO Pokémon GO of the Alola forms of the first generation monsters. For those unfamiliar with Alola forms, these are alternative versions of Pokémon already existing that differ from the originals for some aesthetic details, statistics and type.
The news is so surprising because they belong to the seventh generation of Pokémon, while the Niantic app has currently only reached the third. It turned out that everything is part of the promotional campaign for the two new Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go Eevee !, however it is good to know these new variants in detail to understand how they will affect our trusty Pokémon GO. Here is the complete list including variations of type:
- Rattata and Raticate - Dark / Normal type
- raichu - Electro / Psychic type
- Sandshrew and Sandslash - Ice / Steel type
- Vulpix and Ninetales - Ice / Fairy type
- Diglett and Dugtrio - Earth / Steel type
- Meowth and Persian - Dark type
- Geodude, Graveler and Golem - Rock / Electro type
- Grimer and Muk - Poison / Dark type
- Exeggutor - Grass / Dragon type
- Marowak - Fire / Ghost type

Credits to pokemongohub.com
As you can see, not all Pokémon have a complete evolution line in Alola format, sometimes the variant is in fact only for the final stage of evolution. Know the new type of the various Raichu, Raticate, Persian etc. is critical as these combinations reshuffle the cards on the table regarding Raid Boss and Conquest of the Gyms.
As for the statistics instead, they are almost identical to the original versions of Kanto, what varies is therefore the type, or weaknesses and resistances, and the moveset. Currently, despite the announcement still going back to last week, the only one available is the bizarre Exeggutor, whose complete moveset includes both grass and dragon moves.