The first legendary third generation Raid Boss distributed by Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company is Groudon, a boss that is anything but easy to defeat and for which good preparation is required. So here it is the guide to the best strikers for Groudon, a real tough nut to crack!
The peculiarity of Groudon is that in Pokémon Go it can present itself with three charged attacks of very different types. Solar Beam (GRASS), Fire Bomb (FIRE), Earthquake (EARTH), and therefore the teams to face it can be composed of pokémon equally heterogeneous between them. Let's see together which ones to use.
Solar beam:
- Exeggcutor
- Venusaur
- Skeptical
Fire Bomb:
- Gyarados
- Vaporeon
- Feraligatr
- Ho-oh
- Groudon
- Articuno
Recall that Groudon, being an EARTH pokémon, is weak to GRASS, WATER and ICE-type moves and should be faced by at least eight players over level 30 to be defeated.
Each Pokémon Go Raid Boss needs to be faced with a specific team due to its unique characteristics. In this case, however, we have three different types of teams that could be useful to defeat Groudon. The next Raid Boss has not yet been revealed but in the case of Kyogre we will see some really good ones! Meanwhile you can always find new guides on the capture of Pokémon Shiny and on how to make the most of the Weather System on Epic Videogames Guide.