Pokémon Go is now present on most smartphones and every day it becomes more and more popular and the hunt for legendary Pokémon more and more tight.
That's why we have found this gem for you that can help you become the strongest gym leader in the area.
The game is developed by the same software house that it produced Ingress, the concept of the two games is practically identical, the only difference is that in the older of the two the player is looking for portals and collecting energy in very specific points.
This isn't the only link between the two games, reddit user SkyriderRJM has discovered that Ingress can be used to find rare pokémon spawn points on Pokémon go.
The ingress map has in fact areas covered with white spots, which are energy points called into play exoitc matter. The beauty is that wandering in areas rich in these points with Pokémon Go has a higher chance of encountering rare pokémon. Unfortunately, these points disappear if, with Ingress open, you pass over them, so the advice is to check through the map where there is a greater concentration of points, and then go there with Pokémon Go open, continuing to move in that area up to make pokémon spawn.
A really interesting trick, but which hides a big pitfall, the consumption of the battery. In fact, we advise you not to keep both games open because both need to constantly detect the GPS position, inexorably consuming your battery.
If you want more tips on how to improve your Pokémon Go experience, please consult our guides:
Pokémon GO: Basics Guide
Pokémon GO: How Eevee evolves
Pokémon GO: How to level up quickly
Pokémon GO: How to save battery and traffic
Pokémon GO: Everything you need to know about stardust
Pokémon GO: How to get free coins
Pokémon GO: Guide to weaknesses and strengths