We continue today to pay homage to one of the most important sagas ever, we are talking about Rise Of The Tomb Raider: originally released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the title made its way into the next gen in a rather interesting way, finally attracting both young and old in the fantastic world of Lara Croft. Developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix, the title aroused quite important interest all over the world, this also thanks to its longevity and secondary activities available within the title.
Today instead, we show you in detail the entire trophy list of Rise of the Tomb Raider which, we remember, consists of 64 bronze trophies, 1 gold and the coveted platinum trophy. Let's find out the available objectives together!
Bronze Trophies
- Pyromaniac: Defeat at least 2 enemies with a single Molotov cocktail
- Bar brawl : Kill an enemy in melee using a bottle
- Quick recovery: Healed 3 times in combat
- Dizzying assault: Knock 5 enemies off a ledge
- Triplet: Kill 3 enemies with a single shot from a heavy rifle
- Trusted friend: Kill 5 enemies in 10 seconds with a shotgun
- Fearless: Defeat an immortal swordsman with melee attacks
- Lower parts: Kill 10 enemies by hitting them in the legs
- Deadly conversation: Stealth kill an enemy
- Glu glu glu: Drown 3 enemies with a water execution
- Justice blade: Perform 25 stealth kills using the knife
- What need was there?: Kill an animal with an explosive
- Interpretation of the past: Translate a monolith
- Lover of weapons: Fully upgrade a weapon
- The art of DIY: Factory 5 equipment
- Arrow specialist: Craft 25 special arrows of each type
- Self-learning: Purchase all skills in a category
- Polyglot: Achieve the highest level of language proficiency
- I am the law: Kill 6 enemies with the revolver without reloading
- English descent: Hit an enemy in the head using an arrow (distance at least 25cm)
- Chemical warfare: Kill 5 enemies with a poison arrow
- Watchful eye: Unearth 40 survival kits
- The price of truth: Complete the game on any difficulty level
- Looking for trouble: Complete 5 challenges
- Good Samaritan woman: Complete 3 missions
- Equal in the face of death: Get 25 headshots with bolt action rifle
- Quick and painless: Hit 15 deer in the heart
- Sepulchral challenge: Complete a Challenge Tomb
- tomb raider: Complete all challenge tombs
- Woman of the people: Complete all missions
- In search of the truth: Find 25% of all narrative elements
- Voices from the past: Find 75% of all narrative elements
- Compulsive completion: Complete all challenges
- Precision shot: Hit a bottle on the fly
- Rotisserie: Hit a chicken on the fly with a fire arrow
- Collector: Find 150 cards
- Museum pieces: Find 300 cards
- Go on like this!: Complete all levels in Attack with a bronze score or higher
- Prodigy: Complete all levels in Attack with a gold score
- Golden patina: Complete a level in Attack with a gold score
- Excellent startComplete 10 levels in Gold Score Attack
- My worst enemy: Complete a level in Attack with a score multiplier of 2 or higher
- Iron will: Complete a level in Score Attack using 5 cards
- Is that all ?: Complete 3 Challenges by replaying in a single Score Attack
- The elected: Discover the remains of Jacob's disciples
- Wild shopping: Purchase all items available in the general store
- Tumble: Survive the avalanche
- Footsteps of the father: Enter the Syrian tomb
- Hard peel: Get through the night in the Siberian lands
- Strange friendships: Free Jacob from the Gulag
- The safest way: Start a signal fire in the valley of descendants
- Valid help: Defend the land of the Descendants of the Trinity
- The key to everything: Retrieve the Atlas
- At any cost: Save Jonah from Konstantin
- The road less traveled: Unlock the way to Kitez
- Extreme survival: Complete the game on Survival difficulty
- Last farewell: Go to a funeral
- Human cableway: Perform a manual shift between tight ropes
- Meditation: Find the place with the best view
- Glory to the bold: Do a dip of at least 2,5 seconds
- Untouchable: Replay 5 different levels without taking damage
- Bacon!: Kill a wild boar with a Molotov cocktail
- Slayer: Kill 50 animals while wearing the Huntress outfit
- Siberian explorer: Win 15 fights after beating the game
Gold Trophies
- Nothing is left to chance: Complete the game 100%
Platinum Trophies
- Platinum: You have unlocked all trophies in Rise of the Tomb Raider.
What do you think about it? Did you find this Trophy List dedicated to the homonymous Rise of the Tomb Raider useful? Keep following us for further solution!
► Rise of the Tomb Raider is a Shooter-Adventure type game developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Microsoft Studios Square Enix for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 10/11/2015 The version for PC came out on 28/01/2016 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 11/10/2016