Although the title has already been out for a few months now, Marvel's Spider-Man is still one of the most loved and revered titles of this generation of consoles today. Within this multimedia work we have a lot of side missions, assignments, challenges and collectibles that amalgamate the entire game experience, making the title something mammoth. Today, in our little guide, vi we will go to show the place and the precise point of the stalking of Black Cat and his very nice Cat Doll.
Continuing in the main story, we will receive a special mission that will take us to the first mission of Black Cat and, consequently, to the first of the twelve Cat Dolls present in the game. Once we have found all twelve dolls, we will finally discover Black Cat's secret lair: inside there will be one of the most beautiful costumes in the game, inspired by the dangerous "Black Cat".
- Black Catt Doll 1:
Ithe first stakeout will be found in the financial district, exactly at the point marked on the map. Looking for the building with the tiled roof, we will have to enlarge the image with our camera; at that point we will notice a small flash and below we will have to take a photo of the first Cat Doll of the mission.
- Black Cat Doll 2:
The second location is again inside the financial district. In this case, we will have to find a board depicting a woman in a mask (very similar to Black Cat) and discover that the Black Doll is hidden right behind it.
- Black Cat Doll 3:
We will find the third stakeout in the chaotic neighborhood of Chinatown. After reaching the location indicated on the map, we will have to take out our camera and look for the building full of graffiti on the walls. Once found, we will have to zoom in on the image until we look for the third Black Doll present inside a skylight.
- Black Cat Doll 4:
We will find the fourth stakeout in the neighborhood of Greenwich. Following exactly the point indicated on the map, we will find ourselves taking out our camera to photograph our fourth Cat Doll. Looking left over the rooftops, zooming in on the image, we will find some tables and a semi-open door. Once the image is enlarged, you will notice the merciless Black Cat Doll number four glistening.
- Black Cat Doll 5:
We will find the fifth stakeout in the neighborhood Hell's kitchen. Going to the point indicated on the map, we will have to take out our camera to be ready to hook our fifth Cat Doll. Looking straight at some buildings, we will notice some particular graffiti and, paying a minimum of attention, we will find an open grill with the fifth black doll inside.
- Black Cat Doll 6:
We will find the sixth Cat Doll again in the neighborhood of Hell's kitchen. Heading towards the point indicated on the map, we will have to take out our camera to frame this new lens. Looking down to the left, we will notice gods graffiti depicting the beautiful Black Cat and it is right there in our new goal. Zoom in on the windows of the building, you will notice something shining and that will be our sixth Cat Doll.
- Black Cat Doll 7:
We will find the seventh Black Doll in the district of Midtown. Heading towards the location indicated on the map, we will have to take out our camera to frame our lens. Looking for a white building with a graffiti of a masked woman, we will notice our seventh Cat Doll shining by the door below.
- Black Cat Doll 8:
We will find the eighth Black Doll again within the district of Midtown. Heading towards the location indicated on the map, we will have to take out our camera to re-frame our lens. Looking down, we will find a roof with a large water tank next to it and a semi-open door. Looking carefully, We will find the Cat Doll inside this shiny door more than ever.
- Black Cat Doll 9:
We will find the ninth doll inside Upper West Side. Heading towards the point indicated by the map, we will extract our camera to frame our objective. Looking towards a brown building on the left, the one full of windows and with the view of the bridge in the background, we will notice open windows at the top. Looking closely and zooming in on the image, we will notice the Cat Doll sitting in the middle that will shine as always.
- Black Cat Doll 10:
Cat Doll number ten is always found within the district of Upper East Side. Once we arrive at the precise point indicated on the map, we will have to take out our camera to frame our tenth objective. Looking down at a time-shaped building, we will notice a Black Cat graffiti on display. Looking closely, we will find the tithe Cat Doll right next to that graffiti on the right.
- Black Cat Doll 11:
The last Cat Doll will be found in the district of Harlem. Heading towards the location indicated on the map, let's get ready to take out our camera to frame our last lens. Zooming in on the left we will notice a building with a large white spot, exactly before the tallest building. We will notice the painting of Cat Woman and the image of a diamond, the Cat Doll is sitting right in the middle of that door.
- Track down Black Cat:
Once you have conquered all the Black Cat Dolls in circulation and found all the Black Cat stalks, a special mission will appear to track down and find his secret hideout. The latter we will find within the Upper West Side district, near the sea so to speak.
Once we reach the indicated place, we will find a door that will lead to Black Cat's room which, unfortunately, has set a "nice" trap for us. In return though, the black cat will give us a unique outfit that we can wear for the duration of the game, as well as the best of the costumes present within Marvel's Spider-Man.
We remind you that the title is already available exclusively for PlayStation 4, while all the DLCs can be downloaded directly from the PlayStation Store. Do you find this guide to Black Cat stalking useful?
► Spider-Man is an Adventure-Action game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony for the PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 07/09/2018
Spider-Man is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 93%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Spider-Man Review