One of the recurring questions that most crowd the discussion groups dedicated to the exceptional Super Smash Bros. Ultimate certainly concerns the choice of the controller. If like us you have been Smashing since 7 December, the release date of the Nintendo fighting game, you will surely have realized how the Joy-Con proved unsuitable to the input needs of the title.
Nintendo itself realizes this, which is why in the Limited Edition it has decided to insert a controller from the old GameCube complete with an adapter to connect it to the Switch. If you are wondering if this is just a nostalgia operation or if using a GameCube pad actually makes sense you are in the right place: we at the EpicTrick editorial team had the opportunity to put our hands on a wide range of Pads and we got an idea.
The inadequacy of the Joy-Con, the basic equipment of the Switch, is revealed through a few but decisive factors: first of all the stroke of the left analog is very short, and in a title like Smash being able to accurately tilt the Stick at the right distance between the neutral position and the edge is crucial.
In addition to affecting the accuracy of the Tilt attacks (which many professionals prefer to use through the inclination of the right stick, or the C stick) it has a very bad influence also on the management of the quality of the movement. In summary, this controller, even used in the joint version with the appropriate handle, fails to accurately reflect our intentions on the gameplay, creating smudges and frustration.
Naturally a couple of Joy-Con will be able to animate the needs of evenings with friends, in which each pad held horizontally will act as a complete controller, focusing on fun.
Nintendo GameCube Controller
Nintendo's official controller harks back to the aesthetics and key layout of the glorious GameCube's old pad. While the left analog and button layout is just perfect for Smash Bros.'s toughest matches, this controller carries all the limitations of the original pad: the absence of the LB key and the lack of the +, - and home keys relegate it to the exclusive use during games, making the experience offered very limited.
We must add to the aforementioned absences the need to purchase an adapter that can support up to 4 controllers, the cost of which is around 20 euros. The adapter occupies both USB ports located on the front of the Dock Station.
Nintendo Switch: Pro Controller
It can be purchased around 80 euros and offers incredible versatility, as it is suitable for almost all of the Switch stock portfolio. It can be used both wirelessly and in USB-Type C connection and several tests have certified the complete reliability of the input lag in wireless mode, which is even lower than in wired mode.
È the pad of choice for Splatoon 2 players and its consistency is undoubtedly superior to that of the Joy-Con pair, however the cross layout of the buttons makes the execution of the most complex commands uncomfortable for long-time gamers, accustomed to the traditional controller.
Hori Battle Pad
Official Nintendo product, developed by Hori. For 25 euros it offers an exclusively wired experience via Usb and does not require the adapter to work. Like the GameCube controller offers a layout identical to the GameCube experience without giving up the needs of modernity: all the Switch buttons and even the LB dorsal button are present on the front of the pad, making Hori's offer extremely versatile, albeit limited to exclusive use in docked mode.
The most substantial difference between the original controller and the Hori version is represented by the 2 backbones: While the GameCube and its modern incarnation offer a challenging lunge, this transposition involves recording input at a much lower pressure.
The big flaw of the Hori Battle Pad is represented by the turbo button: an additional function that offers the opportunity to record macros and of course banned during the course of official tournaments. To simplify the life of the referees, the Smash community has spoken out by preventing the absolute use of this controller during competitions, so if your purpose is to participate in any event, you will have to give up using this pad.
Magic-NS Controller Adapter
Player experience matters more than any layout or tool offered by any controller. If you love a game-pad in particular, forcing yourself or suggesting you to switch to something else would be an unnatural forcing, for this reason we feel the obligation to suggest the Magic-Ns Controller Adapter.
This wireless adapter, with converter cable sold separately, allows you to connect any latest (or penultimate) generation controller to your Nintendo Switch console. For the diehards of the DualShock 4 or the mellow forms of the Xbox, this is the best solution. It goes without saying that this adapter has no support for official Nintendo competitions.
Depending on your needs, you can decide which controller is best for you. In case you don't intend to participate in tournaments in the near future, our choice undoubtedly falls on the Hori Battle Pad, which for an affordable price can offer you the experience of the GameCube controller without giving up the versatility of a modern pad. The GameCube key layout is particularly suited to the needs of Smash Bros, and we therefore advise you to give it a chance. If you intend to try your hand at some competition, use this guide to make your choice. Good luck with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
► Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a fighting game developed by Bandai Namco and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 07/12/2018
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 94%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Review