Chapter 1: The meeting with D
After watching the introductory videos you will find yourself next to Jessica, the aunt of the protagonist you will identify with: Ashley. You will discover that one day your father, Richard, showed up at Jessica asking her to take care of his daughter and hide the fact that he was alive until Ashley was 14 years old. In the letter received for your birthday there is a portable device, which contains information about your family: your father was a brilliant scientist, who did research on memory, working in the research center, he met your mother Sayoko whom he married. There is no other news about your mother on the electronic device. In order to find out the whole truth, you will have to find your father. The electronic device, given to you by Richard, is called DAS which can only be used by you as your fingerprints have been stored there. Evidently the father wanted to communicate only with you. This device is capable of taking pictures!
1. Port
After the conversation you will arrive in the port of the island. Jessica will go find her brother, as he hasn't picked you up at the dock. Meanwhile, talk to the captain of the boat who tells you that this is the second time he has brought a person to this island; it mentions a tall man with blond hair, who is most likely your father. However, you will not be able to obtain further information on the man. On the island instead you will discover that it belonged to a family named Edward who, following the death of the progenitor, left the island due to the misfortunes that occurred after this tragedy. For this reason the island was called Bloody Edward, but most likely all this is just a legend.
You'll go find Jessica, who seems never to come back. Then leave the captain, who will give you some candy.
Following the road you will reach a drawbridge. You will hear Jessica scream over the bridge. But the bridge has risen, you have to take it down! Then press on the right bank of the bridge, where there is the crank to pull the bridge down. Analyze it, then hold down on the end of the crank and turn clockwise. This will lower the bridge; you can proceed.
Beyond the bridge you will first see a monument dedicated to the Edward family, then a crossroads. To the left it is blocked by a gate. By analyzing it you will discover that you need a code and a cogwheel to be able to open the door. Now analyze the signal right in the center of the screen. There is a completely broken insenga, put it back in place by moving and turning the various pieces. By fixing it you will find that in addition to the gate there is the Villa Edward.
All you have to do is take the road that leads to the right. Always follow the small road. At some point you will come to another crossroads. In front of you, however, the road is blocked by boulders, so turn right. You will find yourself in a cemetery.
2. Cemetery
There are the tombs of the Edward family. After seeing the tombs of Henry and Thomas, you will notice a block that stands in your way. Simply move it by moving the stylus from left to right. The slab you moved has the letter "D" engraved on it. The ghost D will show up in front of you. This ghost has been waiting for years for a person to be able to see it. Only people with pure hearts can see D. You are the only one who can bring back the memory of when the ghost was alive. Speaking of Ashley's father, D will have reminiscences about his past, so he will disappear. Continue always following the road. You will find yourself on the other side of the road which was blocked by boulders.
3. Gold mine
Going through the arches, you will see a wagon on a rail. Examine it. Press on the toolbox where the sprocket is! So look at that kind of machine that's to the left of the wagon. It has a rusty nameplate. By rubbing the stylus on the touch screen you will find that you will not be able to remove the rust with your hands alone. Look at this point to the right of the wagon. There is a small table with another toolbox containing a wire brush! With this you can remove the rust. Go back to that tag and clean it. On the plate it says that the gold extracted from the mine belongs to the Edward family. Keep in mind the logo on the plate that you will need to enter the closed gate. Go back there then.
Look at the gate, then that panel on the right. Use the cogwheel and press on the two keys that depicted the logo you saw, i.e. first the one in the lower center and then the one in the upper right. The gate will open then, go through it.
4. Villa Edward
Always following the road, or continuing straight, you will reach an imposing wooden gate. Examining it, you will notice that a hand with a sphere protrudes at the top left, while a hand without a sphere protrudes at the top right. Now look at the entrance to that small building on the left. You'll find Jessica's glasses on the floor, maybe she's in there! Entering it, you will find that there is not a living soul. Scan the room, then the white suit pocket on the floor, or near the right sleeve. There's a picture of Ashley holding Sayoko! Now look at the boxes, they contain spheres of various shapes. Take the smallest iron sphere. Now look at the table instead. Go through the folder and take the cover of your parents' essay. Then click on the stack of books, then look near the stack. There is a DAS 00 card, get it! It contains a message from your father: he is waiting for you inside the villa! There's nothing left here, go back to the garden.
You will meet D again, who will reveal to you the memory of his father's death, which took place just beyond that door. He will also tell you that Franny called him D, but no one knows who he is.
Now analyze the empty hand again and use the iron ball. You will open the door. D will be your first ghost companion. At this point, remembering the captain's words, you will try to remember and you will be asked some questions that you will have to answer. If you make a mistake, they will come back to you anyway, so don't worry. These are the questions and answers:
Question: A few days ago I received a letter from my father. Before this, I thought he died when I was three. Using the letter I looked for him all the way to the island but when I arrived he wasn't there. The first person who went to look for him was ...
Answer: Jessica.
Question: In the past there was a prosperous family that lived on this island. But they all died with mysterious causes leaving the island uninhabited. The family was called ...
Answer: Edward.
Question: While I was looking for Jessica and my father, I explored the cemetery. Inside were the tombs of the Edward family. The names on the graves were ...
Answer: By Henry and Thomas.
Question: After moving a block from a hole in the cemetery wall, I encountered a ghost named D. Before D had no memory of his life. But when he talked to me he remembered something. Something…
Answer About his father.
Question: I found Jessica's glasses on the kiosk door. I went in to look for her and in there I found a DAS card that contained a message from my father. I also found a chest of drawers in there. Inside was ...
Answer: The cover of the essay "Another".
Chapter 2: Lawrence's Mansion
There is not much to do. Simply go straight ahead until you reach the staircase, where at the top is the entrance to the villa. D will start talking to you about Butler Wells and will also remember that D and his father were guests at the mansion because his father had received a letter. You just have to enter.
5. Entrance hall
Looking at the door in front of you, you will find that it needs a numeric code to open. Walking around this circular room D will start asking you about Jessica. To the left and right are two paintings depicting a bird. Analyze them well, because there are numbers written on them. The one on the left has the numbers 1 and 8, while the one on the right has the numbers 1 and 2. Take a picture of them by clicking on the icon. At this point, open your DAS (by pressing the Start button or by pressing the icon at the top right), press on the film to access the images taken. Then take one of the two images and bring it to the top screen by pressing the top center button and put the other photo on the bottom screen. Enlarge it. On the upper screen you will then see the two photographs, one above the other, thus obtaining the code 1128. Insert it into the door in the center, which will open.
6. Corridor
You will then find yourself in a corridor. There are four rooms, two on the right and two on the left. Down the hall is a painting of Lawrence Edward, D's great-grandfather! It is for him that D and his father came to the villa. You will then hear the sound of a piano, coming from the music room, the one at the top left.
7. Music room
There is no one in the room. In front of the shelf on the right you will find some papers scattered on the floor. This is part of the "Another" essay, pick it up. Then analyze the shelf where there are books, each one has a symbol on the cover at the top and a letter of the alphabet at the bottom. By putting them in order you may get a code, but there are some books missing. Now go to the piano and try to play it. D will remember that playing a melody will open a secret door. Then analyze the picture on the wall near the piano. Now go back from the previous shelf. However, analyze the cabinet on the right, it contains a DAS 902 card. At this point, exit the music room and enter the door in front of you, the Butler's room.
8. The Butler's Room
Analyze the bookcase in front of you, there is a book with a white cover, similar to the ones that were on the shelf in the music room, take it. You will then get the book with the letter Y. Then analyze the desk you have nearby, on top of it is a new notebook with a torn page. On the blank page below, however, there are the grooves, perhaps you will be able to read what was written on the torn page, probably used by your father. Then take the pencil and move it using the stylus. Unfortunately, however, it will break immediately. Look near the notepad: there is the DAS 01 card, take it and insert it into your DAS to find that your father is waiting for you in the innermost room of the villa to tell you everything about him, about your mother and about Another.
Now go down and look at the chimney and grab some coal to use to read the groove you couldn't read before. Use it just like you did with the pencil. On the paper you will read "Bill will come", who will Bill be?
Then go up the stairs and look at the three closets. In the left cabinet you will find a letter. It is written by Leonard Edward who apologizes to his father for having undertaken a career as a musician. But who is Leonard Edward? In the center cabinet there is an old album full of old photographs of Henry and Thomas Edward. Unfortunately D won't remember anything. Then look at the wardrobe on the right. Contains the Butler's Diary, a scroll and a rectangular box. The scroll depicts the family tree of the Edward family, with some missing parts, the rectangular box instead contains a coin that you will collect only if you solve the puzzle inside. You will need to slide the squares to the exact position. Once solved you will get a silver coin. Finally, look at the Butler's Diary, where it is written that, after the death of their father, Thomas and Henry were entrusted with two rooms of the hummingbird: gold and silver. Later the keys to access it were entrusted to the Birds. What does it mean?
Leave this room and go back to the entrance, to the statue with the cavity and put the silver coin there. The 1st double-leaved key will fall from the bird's beak. Go back to the corridor. Now you can enter the lower right room, the room of the golden hummingbird.
9. The room of the golden hummingbird
Look at the top left shelf. You will notice another white cover: it is the book with the letter E, take it. Now analyze the desk at the bottom right. There is a wooden case in which the gun and bullets are missing inside. D will remember the gun. Now look at the figurines on the desk, the one on the left is complete, with a drum. Now go up the stairs and look at the cupboard, look at the corner in the lower center. You will see a chalice, it is the chalice of the golden hummingbird. Inside you will find the 2nd double-leaf key. You can then enter the front room. However, you must use both keys, you must join them trying to match the various parts of the key. Then put it in the lock and turn it. You will open the door.
10. The room of the silver hummingbird
Look at the bookcase at the top right. You will find another book with a white cover. Take the book with the letter N. If you have followed this solution carefully now you should have all the books. Now walk on the blue carpet. It is stained with blood. It is stained with the blood of D.'s father. He collapsed on that carpet and died. Look at the bird cage upside down on the floor. He will remember that the man who shot his father was dressed in a black jacket. Now go up the stairs and take a look at the desk because there are some torn pieces of paper and a red notebook, analyze them. Reassemble the page. It's a notebook page that looks like someone's diary. Then go back to the music room.
11. Music room
Place the books so that the letters form HENRYTHOMAS. Photograph the symbols in order or memorize them. Now go to the piano and play the melody by pressing the keys according to the order of the symbols, that is, calling the keys from left to right starting from 1 and arriving at 8, press this sequence: 4, 5, 6, 5, 1, 5 , 6, 5, 1, 6, 4.
It will move the shelf revealing a door. At this point you will review the events with a series of questions so as not to forget the important things. Here are the questions and answers:
Question: I entered the mansion, which was once inhabited by the Edward family, with D, hoping to find my father. In the entrance hall there were two paintings and a sculpture of a bird. The key was hidden as a part of the bird sculpture ...
Answer: Key to the room of the golden hummingbird.
Question: In the wardrobe of the Butler's room I found that Leonard, the son of the owner of the villa, left the house and had two children. Leonard fell ill and died young, so the owner, Lawrence, took custody of the children, Henry and Thomas. In preparation for their arrival, Lawrence has prepared two special rooms. These rooms were called the room of the golden hummingbird and ...
Answer: Room of the silver hummingbird.
Question: Who was D's father? D still can't remember his name ... and I haven't found my father yet ... but I managed to find some traces that lead me to him ... the DAS card I found in the Butler's room said Dad was inside the villa. And the message that was on the notepad ... the name that was written on that note was ...
Answer: Bill.
Question: So in order to get deeper into the mansion… I had to solve a puzzle with the books in the music room. To solve the puzzle of the melody I found 3 books. There was the book "Y", the "N" and ...
Answer: The one with the "E".
Enter through the secret door.