The Wonderful 101: Remastered is a PlatinumGames title released on May 22, 2020 for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC. But how many trophies are there? I am 42 bronze, 5 silver, 3 gold and obviously only one platinum.
Bronze Trophies
Here are the Wonderful 100s: finish the prologue
The vile and ferocious officer: Defeat Laambo
The defeat of the giant: Defeat the Gah-Gujin!
The sneaky and immoral officer: Defeat Wanna
The killer of the abyss: Defeat Ohdarko
The contemptuous and savage officer: Defeat Walltha
The wicked and mischievous officer: Defeat Vijounne
The little Prince: Defeat Vorkken
The tiny little invader: Defeat Vaaiki
The cold and merciless commander: Defeat Ghimmy
The brains of the detestable: Defeat Jergingha
Here they are ... the Wonderful 101: complete all operations
Hero in training: Complete all levels on normal difficulty
Wonder-hero: Complete all levels on hard difficulty
One hundred eyes see everything: form a team with 50 allies
There is a bit of justice in everyone: recruits 1000 citizens
A hero to love: Raise the level of an ally to the maximum
Something to be proud of: Unlocks a module slot
Win the heart: Get all the pieces of the hero's heart
Full force: maximizes the Wonder-bar
At full power: maximizes the Wonder-power
No more evil grin: recruit an enemy
Platinum- Earn 10 Platinum Medals in unique matches
Silver Savior- Earn a silver medal or higher on all Operation Results screens
Boing, boing: Fend off 10 attacks using the Morphobudin
Returned to sender: Reflect 10 laser beams using the Morphsword
Take this: make at least 50 throws
You mind if I use it: Collect all different types of weapons released by enemies
Smoothie apprentice: blend 30 times
Unscrupulous hero: destroy at least 3000 things
One stack after another: Collect 1000 Wonder-piles
Astronaggi, what a passion- Accumulates 10.000.000 A in astronauts
Wonder-jujitsu: complete 100 ukemi
Unmatched teamwork: use the Wonder-line to activate 100 morphs
Around the world: extend the Wonder-line for at least 100 km
The black morpho belt: Score 3 different morphs in one combo
Star of the counterattack: Block 30 enemy attacks
It will get better next time: Get at least 10 bonuses for dodging attacks
Budding engineer: Get 3 skills
Morphoon fans: get all special morphs
Module fans: get all modules
Ace of the database: get all Wonderful files and GEATHJERK documents
Silver Trophies
The entire team of the Wonderful 100: Form a team with 100 permanent allies
Operation Annihilation: Complete all secret missions
Treasure hunt: Loot half of the treasures hidden in the toilets
Hunting for statues: Get half of the Wonder-figurines
Iron hammer: get half of the objects hidden underground
Gold Trophies
101% Wonder-hero- Complete all levels on 101% Hard
An ever stronger team: Get the Morphogiant
Platinum model- Earn a Platinum or higher medal on all Trade Results screens
Platinum Trophies
Forever Platinum: get all trophies
Here is the entire list of trophies for The Wonderful 101: Remastered, all that remains is to wait for the release date and find them all. Will you buy The Wonderful 101: Remastered?
► The Wonderful 101: Remastered is a scrolling strategy-fighting game developed and published by PlatinumGames for PC, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 19/05/2020 The version for PC came out on 22/05/2020 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 22/05/2020 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 22/05/2020