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Naughty Dog and its backward compatible titles

Shortly after Sony confirmed the almost total backward compatibility of the PlayStation 4 catalog, some developers are confirming the news on their official pages. Naughty Dog has in fact confirmed that all its titles released for PS4, including The Last of Us: […]


Newell, the future of gaming in neural interfaces

It might seem like a futuristic speech, a very remote hypothesis, a story directly taken from Cyberpunk 2077, instead it is pure and simple reality. For some time we have been talking aboutapplication of neural interfaces to gaming, of more or less elaborate […]


Final Fantasy Adventure - Spell List

MAGIC EFFECT Cure Recover HP Heal Heals Poison, Darkness, and Stone statuses Sleep Put an enemy to sleep Mute Prevents an enemy from casting spells Fire Magic attack of fire Ice Magic attack of ice Bed Magic attack of thunder Nuke Non-elemental […]


Odin Sphere Leifthrasir - Review

It often happens that the HD remasters of certain games turn out to be disappointing operations where the graphics are retouched leaving the game basically unchanged, thus wasting a good opportunity to improve it. Fortunately, at Vanillaware they don't seem to […]


App to sell photos from Android and iOS smartphones

App to sell photos from Android and iOS smartphones. Whether you are a professional photographer or a hobbyist, if you want to make some extra cash, there is a huge market for selling photos.With just a little practice, you can not only improve your skills but […]


Demon's Souls takes advantage of PS5's adaptive triggers

Let's not turn around, come on: Demon's Souls will probably be the most important killer application available at the launch of PlayStation 5. It is therefore logical that every single news released regarding the remaster of the masterpiece FromSoftware and SCE […]


How to check Instagram messages on your PC

Instagram is the most popular photo and video sharing app in the world today and has more than a billion (!) Users using it every month. If you are an Instagram user, you already know that the app is a powerful tool for sharing your social media profile with others […]


How to unlock Fast Travel on Far Cry New Dawn

With Far Cry New Dawn we return to Hope County, 17 years after the events narrated in Far Cry 5, and what better way to navigate the length and breadth of this splendid new sandbox than Fast Travel? Let's see how to unlock it right away. In Far Cry New Dawn fast […]