SkyTube is an open source third-party YouTube application for Android that users can install and use in place of the official YouTube application. SkyTube offers a view-only experience, which means it does not support signing in with a Google or YouTube account; […]
Prologue The first bars of the game will see our Geralt refugee within the safe walls of the fortress of Kaer Moren, a training place for the Witchers, extraordinary warriors who have the task of eliminating the monsters that threaten the sovereigns or the common […]
Tom Clancy's: The Division 2 features many Collectibles, including some interesting customization items for your character known as Masks of the Hunters. A total of twelve masks is hidden within the Ubisoft title, with this guide we want to help you collect them […]
Wizards of the Coast has recently unveiled the expected date for the arrival of the title on PC and console! Dark alliance, RPG signed by the division of Hasbro Wizards of the Coast, Sara available on PC and PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series […]
Clash Royale is available on multiple mobile platforms, including Android, a space where it has become one of the most played video games in recent years. It is an application that with a simple premise has won the hearts of many players around the world. Either […]
With Bravely Default II on the market, Square Enix has confirmed itself as one of the most important development houses in terms of the JRPG genre. In fact, the game takes up the classic formula of Japanese-style role-playing games of the nineties with turn-based […]
God of War Ragnarok is one of the most anticipated titles for PlayStation users: everything we have seen so far is only a short teaser of the game, which should be released by the end of this year. Regarding the target console, the hypothesis of a choice by Sony […]
You can stream some Disney + movies in IMAX resolution, no matter what device you are using. Here's how to take advantage of the extended 1.90: 1 resolution.Disney + offers a feature called IMAX Enhanced, which allows you to stream certain movies at an extended […]
Of all the rare Pokémon featured in Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee, Mewtwo is certainly the most difficult to capture, and needs good preparation. Unfortunately, you will only be able to meet him far later in the adventure, after defeating the Elite Four […]
It is certainly not the first time that a popular mod has become a successful commercial product. There are examples from various sources: Red Orchestra was originally a mod for Unreal Tournament 2004. Then there is Counter-Strike, the most canonical of examples, […]
Many expected it, and finally it has arrived: Mario Kart Tour already has a multiplayer mode. As we warned some time ago, Nintendo was about to enable a second test in this way, which for the first time would be available to all players. Now, this long-awaited […]
Sites to print photos online. You are looking for a website to print your photos and you don't know which ones to choose here is our on where to print photos.Do you have many digital photos and would like to have the opportunity to see them again by touching them […]
Review for Strange Brigade. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/08/2018 When he still produced video games, Valve launched a title on the market that was a huge success. Left 4 Dead, thanks to its cooperative multiplayer […]
In Persona 5 Royal the Social Skills allow Akira to cope in any situation or to unlock new Confidants. Social Qualities are Knowledge, Expertise, Courage, Charm and Kindness. In this guide we will explain how to increase social skills in a short time and efficiently. […]
September is approaching and Square Enix, together with Crystal Dynamics, has decided to accompany us in the wait for the release of Marvel's Avengers with appointments dedicated to revealing new details about its title. The War Tables are not events dedicated […]
An announcement awaited by many, Outriders has a launch date set for February 2, 2021 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, PC and Google Staff and will be accompanied by cross-play that will allow you to play together regardless of the […]
Well the answer is yes, there is an alternative store to the Google Play Store for Android smartphones. We are talking about Happy Mod, a great novelty that you can also download on your PC or Mac. Although it is not an official store, HappyMod still manages to […]
HP today announced various innovations for its range of Omen products, the one dedicated to gamers, which will see both new laptops and new peripherals including mouse and headphones arrive on the market over the next few months. The main novelty concerns the […]
Rockstar Games finally unveils the official release dates of the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy Definitive Edition collection (GTA: The Trilogy for the rest of the article). Let's talk about dates as Rockstar wanted to separate digital releases […]
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, you will find items that can improve the different stats of the Pokémon. gelatin they are somewhat different. Not only increase a random stat, but they can also potentially grant rare qualities to a Pokémon. Jelly […]
Also this week Epic Games Store is delighting its fans by providing them with two free titles. The first is Abzu, whose description taken from the shop page is as follows: “Immerse yourself in a vibrant ocean world full of mystery and teeming with color and […]
Acer introduces the new Acer Chromebook 712 designed specifically for the school environment. The new Chromebook features a premium and durable design, a 12-inch 3: 2 aspect ratio display for enhanced portrait viewing and the latest XNUMXth Generation Intel® Core […]
New details revealed for the Pirates of the Caribbean expansion Coming June 22, 2021 Sea of Thieves: A pirate’s Life announced during E3 2021 is the largest and most ambitious expansion by Rare for its pirate title. Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life is a […]
As in other Battle Royale video games, even in Call of Duty: Mobile players can have different skins that they can use in Multiplayer or Battle Royale games. Normally, to get them you have to buy in the Store with real money, but it doesn't have to be, as there […]
How to make stickers for TikTok? Stickers are trending across all social media. Facebook was the first to add them to Messenger and fashion took off and spread like wildfire. TikTok, being a very popular platform, of course, comes with stickers. Many want to know […]
In Dead or Alive 6 (of which you can find our review here) you can buy tons of alternative costumes and various accessory items using the Points. There are several ways to get them, but if you want to specifically aim to accumulate large amounts (also to complete […]
Red Solstice 2: Survivors bonus content revealed Additional content that can be purchased at the launch of Red Solstice 2: Survivors, exit at PC Steam next June 17th. The game available at the following […]
With the launch now imminent, let's take a look at a last wave of information shared by Square Enix for NEO: The World Ends With YouWith the title now very close to launch, scheduled for the end of the month, we return with another wave of information on NEO: The […]
In this article, we will show you how to take a screenshot of a complete WhatsApp conversation on Android devices. Android yes it is always distinct in allowing the customization of settings and for the various programs that can be run on the operating […]
How to make and use a Minecraft coal smoker? Now, to get to the point, the first thing you need to know is what materials do you need to create this happy smoker? These would be the following: Four pieces of wood and an oven. The wood doesn't have to be made into […]
The game dedicated to Demon Slayer, the very famous manga from which an equally successful anime adaptation is based, is shown with a new gameplay video focused on the character of Nezuko. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Hinokami Keppuutan, this is the title […]
Review for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Game for Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 17/04/2014 The version for PC came out on 09/04/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 21/02/2019 […]
As for Shenmue, we have two nice easter eggs that can be unlocked without too much difficulty. Meet Mr. Yukawa It will be possible to meet Sega's Senior Executive Officer Yukawa-san as a hidden event. To meet him, just get the “happi” and “suit” figurines […]
By now DOOM Eternal and the demonic army have invaded our PCs, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and we are all busy bringing a devastating wave of fire and lead to the heavy metal beat of the Bethesda title soundtrack. The guys at Id Software have included many bonuses […]
The Gold Edition version lands on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S and Xbox Series XGreedfall: Gold Edition is ready to land on next gen the next one June 30 2021. The acclaimed fantasy RPG by Spiders Studio e Focus Home Interactive originally […]
In Call of Duty: Mobile Multiplayer matches, in addition to being able to count on Perks and Skills, the player can also equip a additional aid known as "Point Streaks". This is a type of fighting machinery that can be used to take out multiple enemies and are […]
The Japanese company has denied the rumors of a possible external acquisition. Square Enix has officially denied the rumors about a possible acquisition of the development company by a third party. […]
The tech giant proposes a new alternative for the monitor category. Many of you will already know Gigabyte, one of the most famous companies in the tech sector: recognized for being among the most important in the production of motherboards and video cards, the […]
As part of the deal, Acer will be an official partner with the premium gaming brand, Predator. The seats Sim Racing Team R8G e-Sports they will be paired with powerful desktops Acer Predator Orion 5000, fast monitors and Predator gaming accessories. Thanks to […]
Our list of best Nintendo Switch gamesThe new hybrid Nintendo Switch console stands out from the competition precisely because of its changing nature. Thanks to some hardware gimmicks […]
Review for Yakuza 6. Game for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 08/12/2016 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 17/04/2018 When we go out into the street it is late at night: the neon lights blind us, very strong and colorful as always, so much […]
In this guide we explain how to get the best ending in Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, which is no small feat given the amount of crossroads to overcome with the right choices and a fair amount of quests to complete. Unfortunately, there are no ways to understand […]
How to download privacy data from Spotify. Spotify has introduced a new privacy tool. It allows you to download and view all the data Spotify holds about you. Let's take a look at how it works.How to download privacy data from SpotifyTo download your data from […]
Do you want to protect your privacy on WhatsApp? Today we explain how to hide the date and time of the last access on WhatsApp. WhatsApp has certainly made it easier and cheaper to communicate with friends and family but, in some cases, constant online messages […]
App for cute photomontages. Have fun creating cute photomontages with your Android or iPhone smartphone.Do you want to give vent to your imagination by creating cute photomontages such as appearing in a magazine, having the body of a bodybuilder, being a super […]
Telegram has always been, together with WhatsApp, one of the most used instant messaging services in the world. Although the operation of this app is focused on security, there are numerous tutorials on the net that explain how to spy on Telegram. I wrote this […]
The staggering increase in popularity that video games have gained in recent years is a factor that does not go unnoticed in the world of commerce. And it is that every time the number of people attracted to try the experience of such incredible creations increases. Therefore, […]
Both have professional photographic functions with the world's first variable telephoto lens. Sony today announced two new products of the Xperia 1 and 3 family, more precisely the Sony Xperia 1 III […]
Live stream on June 11 for the event The Austrian publisher Koch Media announced a videogame themed live. The event will be held Friday 11 June, at 21pm according to our time zone. The Koch Primetime, […]
The world of gaming mice is extremely vast, offering a multitude of products capable of satisfying the needs of any user, both in ergonomic shape, in price range, and in connection type. The range is extremely wide because the mouse is the most personal peripheral […]
The publication of Project CARS 3 by Bandai Namco on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One has certainly helped to restore the spirits of virtual drivers around the world and although not exactly a perfect creation, the course work by Slightly Mad Studios provides […]
Although one of the main objectives of Sniper Elite 4 is to remain patiently hidden, it is still possible to approach the title in a less reasoned way. In such situations, a good shotgun can do for us. In particular we would like to introduce thel Trench Gun, […]
Welcome back to complete guide about the Oninaki Daemons. In this second part we will review the latest creatures that can be encountered on Kagachi's journey, including the mysterious Eleventh Daemon. In case you have not read it, we refer you to first part, where […]
Games are a great source of entertainment, they help us distract ourselves, improve our skills and avoid stress. When entering the game of our choice, it has been observed that it closes immediately, which does not allow us to play calmly. This is why users are […]
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is part of that circle of films capable of elevating themselves to cult after having patched at the box office. The release of the film, which took place in the United States in August 2010, was concomitant with the arrival of a beat […]
In order to immediately unlock all the campaign maps for the PC di Star Wars Battlefront 2, we can use this procedure to insert a particular code: First, once we have opened our profile, we will have to click on Instant action and take a look at the lower left […]
If you're wondering When did Fortnite come out, what year is Fortnite from, you've come to the right place, because below we're going to explain everything you need to know about this game that's blowing up on all platforms. What is Fortnite Battle Royale? The […]
Gone are the days of relying on text messages to communicate with friends or family. Today we have many forms of communication available, such as stickers, emojis, gifs and voice messages. When it comes to voice messages, WhatsApp allows users to speed up audio […]
Call of Duty Vanguard returns to show itself with a reveal of the multiplayer scheduled for today. After watching a long section of the single-player campaign during the Opening Night Live at Gamescom 2021, Call of Duty: Vanguard will return with a new event to […]
Review for Blacksad: Under the Skin. Game for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 14/11/2019 Over the past decade we have seen the rebirth (and perhaps even death) of graphic adventures thanks to the late Telltale […]
Cora is one of the first characters to join the Tempest crew. Before you even enter the ship, you will find Cora on Ryder's father's team. After the events of the Nexus, Cora will join your team. She has good biotic powers. To romance Cora you will need the male […]
Main Scenario 000: Confessions of the Creator: Complete Main Scenario 012 and purchase in the PP catalog for 2000, PP or complete Main Scenario 013 to get it for free. Museums Museum How to get it Battle Replay Complete Main Scenario 012. Museum Complete […]
Panda Helper app store is one of the best known of the unofficial app stores, an alternative to Cydia that offers tons of applications and games to download. It's completely free, and you won't find many of its apps and games anywhere else.Can I also get unofficial […]
This is not an exaggeration, as there are also those who try to connect the PS3 controller to the PC to play, or try to connect and use a ps3 controller as an N64 controller, all this for a better gaming experience. Skip and listen to PS3 game audio through headphones To […]
With games released for free in this month's PlayStation Plus membership, we find the amazing Destruction AllStars, a title that seamlessly blends mechanics and styles from other games to create a Destruction Derby with all the trimmings. In this guide we will […]
Review for Home Sweet Home. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation VR and Xbox One, the video game was released on 27/09/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 16/10/2018 The version for Xbox One came out on 16/10/2018 That VR technology works great with […]
Download the application on Android One of the simplest ways to download this game is from the platform that gave it birth, namely Android. Obviously, for that, you need to have a device that is compatible with the game's specs. In this sense, it is advisable to […]
Review for XCOM 2 Collection. Game for Linux, PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 01/02/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 29/05/2020 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 31/12/2018 The version […]
Any woman who has experienced pregnancy will tell you that it is never easy to move forward. There are so many inconveniences that pregnancy can cause, but now there are also ways that technology can help facilitate the happy event.Pregnancy Tracking AppPregnancy […]
Finally, wb games has revealed its upcoming Harry Potter RPG, Hogwarts Legacy. Given the recent controversies over the author of the series JK Rowling, WB Games has made it clear that Rowling has no direct involvement with the magical RPG developed by Avalanche. […]
But, of all the games that do, it probably is the best Minecraft, precisely due to the fact that everything we find can be changed in some way or at least modified in certain aspects, whether it is land or mob. Also, animals in Minecraft are a great way to show […]
WoW subscription There are several subscription methods for enjoying World of Warcraft. This is a time-to-time payment that the user chooses at the time of signing up. This has the option to cancel the payment every month, every three months or every six months, […]
Photofunia is a cloud-based photo editing tool that gives you a fun experience. Take a photo and wait to see the magic.Its proprietary technology automatically identifies the face in the photo and allows you to add photo effects and create fun photo face montages. […]
New month, new Legendary Raid Boss for Pokémon Go! After the arrival of Groudon, the first legendary creature of the third generation, it is now the turn of his aquatic counterpart Kyogre. Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company released an update for their […]
The teleportation command in Rust and the commands in Rust Rust is a very interesting survival video game that allows you to do many things, it is undoubtedly a lot of fun. If you are interested in playing it, you can get it directly from Steam, but first you have […]
A Final Fantasy is not a Final Fantasy without the good old summons, and Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is no exception. The new chapter of the Final Fantasy fighting game uses summons as a game mechanic that can change the course of a game. In all, 7 summons are available, […]
Since 1996, the Italian software house Milestone has developed video games mainly dedicated to the world of engines. In recent years in particular, it has launched on the market of officially licensed products dedicated to the world of two wheels such as Monster […]
King of Seas developed and edited by the team 3DClouds will arrive only at the beginning of 2021 on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but theaction rpg set in the seven seas it seems to have all the credentials to bring healthy fun in suggestive […]
FIFA 22 has officially arrived and in the homes of all football fans, virtual and otherwise. The new chapter of the Electronic Arts brand has brought several innovations to the screens, some appreciated some less, testifying to how much the development team is […]
5 Entertainment's battle royale release announced for PS24 Naraka: Bladepoint is coming to PlayStation 5, the confirmation comes from the official account of the battle royale of 24 Entertainment, which also publishes a gameplay trailer. Of the battle royale fantasy […]
The competitive video game landscape is gaining ground in gaming, and this makes it necessary to use cutting-edge devices to compete against other players. Along with standard gaming peripherals such as keyboard and mouse, a quality headset which manages […]
You will likely be known by a large number of people by now, especially teenagers and young adults. If you've ever played the famous round of cards " police and thief «, This game carries the same premise in the virtual realm. Of course, the context is different, […]
Hitman 3 is the third and final game in IO Interactive's assassin trilogy, a title as high quality as its previous chapters, so much so that, in our review (here), we defined it "A must-have for those who have already played the previous chapters and want to conclude […]
Review for The Walking Dead: The Final Season. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 14/08/2018 After several months of limbo, the story of The Walking Dead: The Final Season has finally taken its well-deserved […]
Review for Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition. Game for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC, the video game was released on 14/11/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 28/06/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 26/06/2018 A type […]
With the last one 5.30 update di Fortnite, Epic Games wanted to introduce several new contents including the Portable Slit, the Real Score game mode and a new emote, Boogie down, available for free to anyone who will strengthen the security of their account enabling […]
In an interview with Famitsu, brand director Kazutoki Kono and producer Manabu Shimomoto suggested that in the near future good news should come, aimed at all Ace Combat fans. The announcements in question should have come this year, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth […]
In the course of Inside Xbox, a trailer was released announcing the arrival of the title at launch. The highly acclaimed Yakuza: Like a Dragon, published for now only on PlayStation 4 and which is supposed to be released on PC, will also arrive on Xbox Series […]
Not even the time to arrange the first copies on the shelves that Cyberpunk 2077 surpasses the record of concurrent players on Steam: but that's not all, in the presentation trailer there is an alleged secret message concerning the future DLCs. CD Projekt RED […]
Genshin Impact updates, and with the updates a new usable character arrives as per the tradition of Gacha games. In a presentation “demo” trailer, Mihoyo explored the skills of Zhongli, an elegant GEO element fighter. From the video we can see his two special […]
ASUS announces the availability on the market of its new ones VivoBook S14 and S15, thin and light laptops that find the perfect balance between personal style and level performance and that arrive both in the version with AMD Ryzen ™ processors - i VivoBook […]
Square Enix has just released a brand new animated trailer of the new Marvel's Avengers expansion titled War for Wakanda, coming on 17 August as a free update for all owners of the base game. In addition to adding Black Panther, the third new playable superhero, […]
The next gen version of the title inspired by the stories of HP Lovecraft has arrived by surprise. The Sinking City, an investigative video game developed by Frogwares, has been made available on […]
We are almost at the end of Untitled Goose Game and we arrive at the most curious area of the game, namely one miniature version of the village for which we wandered throughout the game. So let's see the latest lists of objectives of this title son of fun […]
The New World game has the function of being multiplayer, which means that you can enjoy this game with both Steam friends and other people online, there are many people who are buying this game and it is a game that it brings its own challenges and actually that's […]
Unveiled the production chains and the map of the United States Giants Software has unveiled the contents of the Collector's Edition of the PC version of Farming Simulator 22. This version will include a high quality tractor headlight (which will flash in sync […]
Review for Sky Force Reloaded. Game for Android, iOS, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Steam and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/11/2017 Sky Force Reloaded it's one of those titles that, at least to a longtime player like myself, evokes so many […]
Why are there programs that are not downloaded to rooted phones? A rooted mobile phone makes it easier for applications to access areas of the operating system that the manufacturer usually keeps hidden. In the case of games, it allows players who cheat to create […]
After landing in the Game Pass for Console, the latest title made by Remedy Entertainment - Control - is confirmed in the Xbox Game Pass for PC catalog. Control will be available in the Xbox Game Pass for PC catalog starting from January 21st. The announcement […]
Over the last few hours he's been making some discussions about starting a real one class action against the developers of Roblox, accused by some users because of the ways in which the sales of content in the in-game store are managed.The lawsuit started […]
EA Sports has published the list of POTM Bundesliga candidates for FIFA 22 via social channels: let's see who they are and how to vote! FUFA 22 is preparing to go out and in the meantime EA Sports is completing all the "preparations". In this regard, the company […]
Razer, a global leader in the world of gaming, today announced the confirmation that work on the Razer Naga Left-Handed mouse has begun and pre-registrations are open, in order to support the production of an updated release. mouse in question. The Razer company […]
Review for Blair Witch. Game for PC and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/08/2019 Development studio Bloober Team, which worked on the likes of Layers Of Fear and Observer, returns with a new horror game Blair Witch. The title is one of the most evocative […]
Skull Face is located at OKB Zero, an old disused Soviet base which is where the steel giant Sahelanthropus sleeps. The XOF leader wants to reveal it to the world for a plan he has been fond of for some time: to provide nuclear power to the highest bidders and […]
Review for Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled. Game for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 21/06/2019 Many friendships were born thanks to the titles of the glorious PlayStation era, but just as many have begun to falter for […]
In this guide we will show you how to get the "Total Relax" trophy in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart has just been released on PlayStation 5 and among the many secrets […]
If you have recently started playing the Riot Games e you can't wait to climb the rankings, despite the few cards available, our friendly neighborhood ZeroMulligan comes to the rescue. Together with his entourage has selected the 5 best approach methods and the […]
Turn management in Divinity: Original Sin II can be a great tool for getting enemies to deal as little damage as possible, along with powering up characters. Resurrect an ally or acquire action points before the enemy's turn comes at the right time is very important […]
Rocket League and Fortnite celebrate their first collaboration and the reason is soon said. Rocket League went free-to-play just in these days, moving from Steam to the Epic Games Store and so the creators of Fortnite have thought of an initiative to encourage […]
The Kojima Productions title starred in another spectacular movie. L'uscita di Death Stranding Director's Cut, next gen version of Death Stranding with several additional content, approaches: for this very reason a new (and latest) trailer has been released, as […]
The latest rumors about Battlefield 6 seem to rule out a cross-gen version for PS4 and Xbox One. Chapter 6 of the Battlefield saga may not be published on previous generation consoles: a leak of the […]
Review for Warriors All-Stars. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, the video game was released on 30/03/2017 The version for PC came out on 29/08/2017 We should all be too accustomed, by now, to the release of Musou video games on the market. Most […]
The Elden Ring review embargo, FromSoftware's latest work, expired today at 16:00 With the release set for February 25, 2022 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X and PC, it seems natural that the many fans of Hidetaka Miyazaki and of the development […]
Reyes Vidal is a Mass Effect Andromeda character with whom it is possible to have a romance. He is not part of our Ryder's group as he is not aboard the Tempest: all the main options regarding his romance will be available after you complete the story mission […]
Instagram how to disable video autoplay on Android, if you are an Instagram user, you may have noticed that every video shared, starts playing automatically the moment you see it. Many people don't mind this, but for many it's an irritating feature. Because every […]
Oh yes, the beautiful endings of NieR: Automata, the masterpiece of PlatinumGames (produced by Square Enix) has a total of 26 variants of endings in the game! One for each letter of the alphabet. The "official" endings are those from the letter A to the […]
Capcom and IGN have decided to show a 5-minute excerpt of the PS4 Pro version of Resident Evil Village. There is only a month left until the release of Resident Evil Village, the awaited new chapter […]
ASUS ROG Strix XG438Q, the monitor The world's largest 4K UHD FreeSync 2 HDR gaming, features a 4-inch 43K UHD panel with a 120Hz refresh rate, professional-grade HDR coverage with 3% DCI-P90 color gamut and outstanding certified contrast DisplayHDR 600, as well […]
Tricks to master WhatsApp perfectly…! More than just a messaging application, WhatsApp has become a true communication tool for millions of people who exchange photos, videos and audio notes through this free application, which is now available for all types […]
In the past few days, Rockstar Games has announced GTA: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition. A collection of the three most famous chapters such as: Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, all remastered in Unreal Engine […]
With the release of the Nioh 2, "The disciple of the Tengu“, Which took place last 30 July, our trophy list arrives on time. Recall that the first expansion of the Team Ninja title added a new weapon, new guardian spirits, a new area, new missions and much more, […]
WWE 2K Battlegrounds, the sports video game developed by Saber Interactive and published by 2K Games, has a list with altogether 13 trophies and achievements on PlayStation 4 e Xbox One. The video game is available on PC and Nintendo Switch. Complete guide […]
The latest effort by the guys from CD Projekt RED, Cyberpunk 2077, has several attributes: Body, Technical Ability, Reflexes, Cool and Intelligence. In addition to these attributes, there are skills. These are different from perks, as they behave more like sub-categories. […]
We are back on Mars, once again armed to the teeth. After our test a few months ago, we were able to immerse ourselves again in the world of Red Solstice 2: Survivors, this time trampling the urbanized […]
Fortnite is one of the best games of its kind. This is so good that it has not only become an icon for gamers, but for culture in general as well. That's why today you'll see how capture your best moments, learning how to take selfie photos in Fortnite Battle Royale. This […]
In fact, today, the competitive aspect of any video game has been held in high regard, as with the appearance of the competitive scene of several video games on a professional level through Esports, many of the players are seen as athletes and professionals at […]
What is it and how to make a frame in Minecraft? A frame is a block or tool that Minecraft offers for creating banners or adding patterns. This tool can be obtained either by crafting (crafts) or by finding one previously made inside a village and claiming it as […]
ThatGameCompany announces the debut of their latest effort also on the Nintendo console. ThatGameGompany is proud to announce - via the official website - that Sky: Children of the Light will be available […]
Do you like to look at the WhatsApp status of your contacts? Don't miss any changes? To do this, you need to keep checking the status very often. In today's tutorial, we will explain how to automatically know when someone changes their WhatsApp status, without […]
So far, Google's Stadia game streaming service has been a disappointment, offering gamers a small selection of titles, a set of secondary features, and little else. For many, Stadia has ruined the image of streaming gaming, but nvidia is ready to fix the problem […]
After knowing more about our next alter ego in the saga, Ubisoft returns to talk about Assassin's Creed Valhalla publishing two videos that explore many aspects of the adventure set in the cold territories of present-day Northern Europe. The first of the two […]
This fall Tekken 7 will officially enter season 4, which will be inaugurated with the arrival of the character Kunimitsu. Bandai Namco announces the first dlc of the fourth season pass for its flagship 3D fighting game. You can watch the announcement trailer below: Along […]
As usual, with the release of a new title (even if in this case it is a revisitation) come new Achievements and Trophies to unlock and in the case of Observer: System Redux they are “only” 23 plus platinum for the PlayStation 5 version. The sci-fi title of […]
A new title based on the series created by Hajime Isayama is preparing to land on gamers' smartphones. The universe of Attack on Titan continues to give birth to numerous videogame transpositions. The most recent announcement is for Attack on Titan: Brave Order, […]
One of the most popular players today is Ibai Llanos, this content creator, not only dedicated himself to broadcasting his private video game sessions. Rather, it works hand in hand with the growth of video games as a profitable medium. This is how Ibai worked […]
The game director of Bethesda, Todd Howard, discussed the service Xbox Game Pass following the acquisition of Zenimax by Microsoft products. According to the expert game director, this service offers great potential especially for those video games that otherwise […]
What is World of Warcraft? If you are a new user of the video game World of Warcraft and what you are looking for is to become one of the best World of Warcraft players, first we will explain to you what the game is and what the game is about so that you can understand […]
Chapter I: Awakening The game begins… after the opening cutscene you will find yourself in the world map. Take advantage of this to familiarize yourself with the navigation mechanism between zones: head south, following the dotted line, until you find an area […]
The mascot of the Lonely Isle of Armor DLC in Pokémon Sword and Shield is Kubfu, a small legendary Pokémon that resembles a grizzly bear. It is a Fighting-type Pokémon that draws motivation from defeat, training hard after each defeat to get stronger and stronger. […]
Review for Injustice 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 16/05/2017 The version for PC came out on 14/11/2017 Last year Injustice 2 made its debut on our platforms showing itself as a solid and fun game, distinguished above […]
Genshin Impact, China's ARPG just arrived on the market, recorded over 17 million mobile downloads in just four days. According to an analysis by App Annie, we're talking about a game that has earned over $ 50 million in revenue since its launch on September 28th. […]
A detailed view of what Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit can offer was presented by Nintendo, which with a trailer of over 5 ′ explains the new title coming out on Switch. Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit use augmented reality to unite Mario's (and Luigi's) virtual […]
Review for King's Bounty II. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 24/08/2021 In an effort to mix different genres such as RPG, Open World, Turn-Based Strategy and Adventure, many have tried their hand at over […]
Act 1 is divided into 9 areas Area 1: Ground Zero After the introductory sequence you will take control of Snake, as soon as you get the chance crawl under the truck in front of you to collect a ration; then go under the other truck to activate another scene. […]
As for the Mida Multi-Tool, also to get the weapon The Rat King in Destiny 2, it will be necessary to carry out specific objectives, which will allow you to obtain this interesting sidearm. Its two perks will allow you to have a damage increased based on the number […]
Review for South Park: Dial-ups. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 17/10/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 24/04/2018 In the last decade or so the gaming industry has evolved more and more: […]
Review for Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 18/01/2019 The version for PC came out on 01/02/2019 In recent years, the gaming industry has accustomed us to simulators of all kinds, from the classic […]
Let's start the solution of The Last of Us with the prologue: Prologue After the opening scene you will control Joel's daughter: look around the room and continue towards the corridor. Examine Joel's bathroom and bedroom, then go downstairs. In the kitchen, […]
Review for Life is Strange 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 27/09/2018 "Life is wonderful," said Frank Capra. "Life is beautiful" retorted fifty years later Roberto Benigni. “Life is strange” finally taught us Dontnod, […]
After 30 years, the NetherRealm Studios franchise is in better shape than ever. The announcement came directly from Warner Bros. Games: Mortal Kombat 11 has reached 12 million copies sold, while the entire franchise had sales of 73 million units. At the same time […]
Review for Transport fever 2. Game for Linux and PC, the video game was released on 11/12/2019 It was 1994 when Chris Sawyer conceived Transportation Tycoon which, to all intents and purposes, can be considered the pioneer of all management games for PC dedicated […]
We tried the Tales of Arise demo, available on the PlayStation and Xbox stores for free starting the day before yesterday. Here are our considerations! The videogame September, as per a long tradition, is a fundamental hub for the entire videogame season. Many […]
The game was released in North America and Europe.NIS America is pleased to announce the release of Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny. The title is available in North America and Europe on Nintendo Switch. On July 5th it will arrive in Oceania. The free […]
Today the official announcementNetflix's The Witcher anime is coming. The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf this is the title of the new animated film, announced in a new trailer during WitcherCon, along with CD Projekt RED. The release date should be 23 […]
If you are looking to know all the TV series and all the movies contained in the Netflix catalog, the procedure to see it is simple.Browser's complete Netflix catalogWe will explain how to know all the contents in the Netflix catalog, of TV series and movies. […]
A rumor has come back about the alleged expiration of a Japanese-style exclusive. Acclaimed by critics and audiences, Persona 5 and its renewed version, Person 5 Royal, is exclusive to […]
Nintendo Switch has now become a thriving garden where to cultivate the Pokémon brand: if Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee set fire to the powders before the eighth generation, it is also true that space is given to less classic experiences. The month of March […]
Review for Fire Emblem Warriors. Game for Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 28/09/2017 In 2014 it debuted on the ill-fated Nintendo Wii U Hyrule Warriors, the first Nintendo-themed musou. The success of the project (especially in […]
Many new features in this new version, including a new island to explore.PlayStation announced Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut, a new version of the game that will be available starting from the 20 August this year on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation […]
Minecraft Have you ever wondered what Minecraft is and why it is so popular? Minecraft is a video game Sandbox in multiple ways, where the only limit is creativity. The truth is that despite being several years old, it is still very popular with the public because […]
As reiterated several times, the PS5 will be released on 12st November in some areas of the world and the 19st November everywhere, but apparently the release date of Dirt 5 it will certainly not be simultaneously. Sure, the rally racing title will be one of many […]
A small detail returns that will appeal to the most whimsical of us. GIGABYTE announced, a few days ago, the new AMD Aourus Radeon RX 6700 XT Elite 12G graphics card, a product that, in addition to […]
Video games they are a company that generates billions and billions of euros in profits every year. This is due to the fact that virtually any technological device must always have options through which the user can entertain himself. These are entertainment systems, […]
Whether you are a veteran of the lands of Azeroth, or this represents your first sortie into the Blizzard world, the approach to World of Warcraft: Classic can be easier by following some useful tips for level up. On average a player will need hundreds of hours […]
Christmas movies on Netflix you should see. Here is a list of the Christmas movies you can watch on Netflix during the holidays.Looking for a christmas movie to see with your family or friends and you don't know which one to choose or which ones they are featured […]
Undoubtedly for anyone wanting an experience in a new world, downloading and installing World of Warcraft is a great option, even so, if you're having trouble, read on. Today we bring you the solution to the error "World of Warcraft 3D acceleration could not be […]
Lapatia village Alistia's planet will unlock after defeating the mad witch in Juraika in the eighth chapter. Approach the helm and you will receive some more information on this planet. The first house you will find, after landing, is a shop where you can buy […]
If you're wondering why your PlayStation 4 trophy screen has changed, or because you find yourself with a much higher level than the previous one, here you will find the answers you are looking for. In order to make players progress between the first levels faster […]
Want to know how to change your Instagram username? You really need to. Well, you've come to the right place, start reading. When we create an Instagram account, it asks us to enter a username which is the one that in principle our users will see in our profile […]
Scrap material is one of the main components and the lifeblood of Diablo Immortal's crafting and upgrading system. Regardless of the rarity of your item, you will need a lot of scrap material to upgrade it. In this guide, we'll look at the uses of scrap […]
VVVVID to access a selection of over 1570 hours of entertainment: anime, film and TV series.This app is especially suitable for those who love the world of Japanese anime and manga.You will find episodes always updated even in preview compared to other countries. […]
Review for Disgaea 1 Complete. Game for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 26/07/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 09/10/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 09/10/2018 It is useless to turn around: we are […]
Do you want to take a break from Instagram? It is perfectly reasonable. Instead of deleting the app or your profile, try temporarily deactivating your Instagram account. When you can come back in a month, everything will be exactly as you left the social network. How […]
After giving a 10 euro bonus to those who redeemed Rocket League, Epic Games Store this week is giving away a new game. It is Roller Coaster Tycon 3: Complete Edition, a management video game. The description from the shop page is as follows: “Build the park […]
What does PUBG Mobile mean or what is PUBG Mobile in the world of video games? If you are a video game enthusiast, surely you will know that Playerunknown's Battlegrounds game better known as PUBG Mobile is a virtual reality game that is about battles, highlighting […]
One of Koei Tecmo's flagship video games released in the last generation of consoles was certainly Bladestorm: The Hundred Years 'War, which narrated the events of the Hundred Years' War between France and England, in a unique style that cannot be it was very […]
Panoramic photos the best apps to take them. You would like to take panoramic photos of your landscapes and you would like an app to do it here are the best ones.Panoramic photos the best apps on Play StorePanorama a 360 Panorama 360 allows you to create and […]
Shenmue is a vast title that hides many secrets inside, let's see how to discover them: 70 Person Battle Once the game is over, wait for the credits to finish and save. From the start menu go to Options and you can access the 70 Person Battle mode. Real time […]
The Pokémon Sword and Shield DLC, The Snowy Lands of the Crown, has finally arrived and, along with it, the Pokédex has expanded with many new Pokémon to collect and capture. Among these, there is certainly the Galar form of Slowking. This new shape differs […]
THEevolution is a mysterious process through which a Pokémon changes in appearance and more. This mechanic, present since the dawn of the Pokémon series, is also naturally present in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for Nintendo Switch, but it does not […]
How to sell items on the Facebook Marketplace, plus key tips for selling successfully. Facebook Marketplace allows you to sell items online for free. You can sell items on the Facebook Marketplace via the desktop website or mobile app. How you want to get paid […]
Review for LA Noire. Game for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the video game was released on 17/05/2011 The version for PC came out on 08/11/2011 In 2011, after a troubled development of about seven years, LA Noire made its debut on PlayStation 3 (of which it […]
The next installment of Sony and Polyphony Digital's legendary racing simulator, Gran Turismo 7, has been announced as coming to PlayStation 5. While some footage is already circulating, we know that Gran Turismo 7 aims to take advantage of the PS5's many improvements, […]
In recent years, open world games like Minecraft have been developed. Right now, New World is the latest game that has become very popular due to how amazing and fun it is, if you are new to this game and want to become one of the best, you have to follow the Basic […]
Here's everything you need to know about Diablo Immortal: Classes, Skills, and Levels of ExcellenceIt is no surprise that Diablo Immortal you draw heavily from Diablo III in many of its game systems, it has been clear since its announcement. Despite this, […]
The almost extinct SMS messages were replaced a long time ago by WhatsApp and today it is more normal to say "I'm sending you a WhatsApp" than "I'm sending you a message". Up to Android 4.4 Kitkat it is possible to insert a WhatsApp widget on the lock screen, […]
The well-known Insider AestheticGamer - aka Dusk Golem - recently revealed new information on the possible arrival of Resident evil village e Monster Hunter on console Nintendo Switch. According to the few lines published by the Insider on the social platform […]
Diablo Immortal is somewhere in the middle of the Diablo story timeline. The new game is therefore both a sequel and a prequel. It remains to be known whether the events of Diablo Immortal will continue to affect the Diablo 4 setting in any way. They […]
Maneater is one of the free titles this month for those who own the PlayStation Plus and, in general, it is one of the games that has caused the most discussion during 2020. It had already been announced that the game would be supported with several DLCs. However, […]
Activision through the profile Twitter, confirmed that Nuketown 84 ′ is coming on November 24th. The famous map present in all chapters of the series Black Ops, is ready to return also in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War in a completely revisited guise. Straight […]
Ubisoft reassures players on the state of play. Good news about Beyond Good & Evil 2 comes from the latest meeting with Ubisoft investors. The leaders of the French company have confirmed that the development of the ambitious adventure at the edge of the galaxy […]
Whatsapp: convert voice messages to text! WhatsApp is the instant messaging application of choice for millions of smartphone users and in most countries has replaced the conventional SMS method. With amazing features like text messaging, voice and video calling, […]
Review for John Wick Hex. Game for PC and Mac, the video game was released on 08/10/2019 On a cinematic level, it does not often happen to witness phenomena like that of John Wick that, despite an important cast, it was quietly released in cinemas and quickly […]
Review for Super Mario Party. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 05/10/2018 Sometimes trying to reinvent yourself could turn out to be wrong. Many titles have met with criticism when they changed direction, such as DmC Devil May Cry or the […]
Review for Predator: Hunting Grounds. Game for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 24/04/2020 A new video game dedicated to the famous Predator sci-fi franchise arrives, but this time entirely focused on an asymmetrical competitive multiplayer. […]
Review for Unruly Heroes. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 23/01/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 28/05/2019 Life is strange at times. There are videogame works capable of forever changing the […]
New animated sequences for the game signed by SEGA and Ryu ga Gotoku Studio.Waiting to experience the second Japanese-style investigative adventure, Sega has released a new video dedicated to Lost Judgment. The game The next episode of the spin-off action […]
Seasonic announced the Seasonic Power Supply series CONNECT, the certified power supply 80PLUS Gold with hub function that can be fixed on the PC case thanks to a magnet. The first power supply CONNECT that will arrive on the market will be theSSR-750FA, a 750 […]
Want to create amazing videos on your phone, now we will list you the best full video editor apps that you can install on your Android or iPhone smartphone.The best video editing appsKineMaster - Video Editing & Trimming Do you want to create amazing videos […]
If you've wondered how unlink or delete my Call of Duty Mobile account from Facebook? Either because you only want to use the Activision account or you simply don't want to play this episode anymore, you will have to follow the steps that we will tell you below. Facebook […]
Review for The Ascent. Game for PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 29/07/2021 Among the most anticipated indie exclusives of this hot summer 2021, The Ascent finally arrives in the hands of owners of Microsoft consoles and PCs with the […]
Here is the Outriders trophy list revealed. After the latest trailer titled "There is no going back" and the demo available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X e Steam, we want to share the Outriders trophy list with you. Third Person Shooter with RPG […]
A new trailer of The World Ends with You - The Animation has been released, which gives some small anticipation on the opening of the anime. Neku is shown waking up in the middle of Shibuya, in the famous intersection, with no memory and no recollection that can […]
Cofidis Spain allows you to buy in installments on Amazon. The process is simple and is debited from your checking account.CreditLine is your credit line for purchases on granted by Cofidis that allows you to buy what you love, for a total amount from […]
The report looked at every form of video game that exists. The fact that the video game industry was growing was hardly a mystery. However, this does not mean that we are not surprised if we think that in the world the gamers are now more than 3 billion. According […]
The Amulet of Kvasir is a talisman obtainable shortly after the start of our adventure in God of War, useful for making the dodging movement easier and giving us a few more seconds to counterattack. It is obtainable after entering Alfheim. In Alfheim, you can […]
Outright Games in collaboration Bandai Namco announce the launch of DreamWorks Trollhunters The Defenders of Arcadia. Developed by the famous studio WayForward, DreamWorks Trollhunters The Defenders of Arcadia, takes the player into a fantastic action-packed story […]
Review for Accel World VS. Sword Art Online. Game for PC, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 07/07/2017 Whether you like it or not, Sword Art Online is a franchise that over the years has managed to build an extremely loyal fanbase […]
As if having more than 60 hours of gameplay wasn't enough, Sword Art Online's latest RPG features multiple endings. After the first 2 endings that do not need explanations, in this guide we will therefore see how to get the true ending in Sword Art Online: Fatal […]
At one point in the saga, Crash was in a with another bandicoot named Tawna. She usually had a marginal role, as she played the damsel in distress. But in Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time (out on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) things will be different. Tawna is […]
Metroid Prime 4 continues its development phase and Retro Studios is hiring more and more staff. It is last minute news that a former God of War developer has joined the team. This is Jon Marcella, a former senior game designer from Santa Monica. In particular, […]
Review for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 31/08/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 23/08/2018 The version for Xbox One came out on 23/08/2018 Warhammer 40.000: Inquisitor […]
YouTube is the ideal platform for watching all kinds of videos, especially because it works perfectly in web browsers and native applications. However, you may have some problems from time to time. One of those problems is a black screen on YouTube where the […]
Scribblenauts Showdown, the son of a different mother from the original series, is a title that has partially disappointed us. Although the formula still works, the contents are sparse and the party game experience is not fully satisfying if you find yourself […]
Review for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. Game for PlayStation 5, the video game was released on 11/06/2021 After an almost total absence of the iconic duo on the PlayStation 4 generation (exclusion […]
Get one good setting to stabilize and improve the FPS and performance on Valorant as well as get a better viewfinder and sensitivity is something that has plagued more than one Valorant player. Having a point of view and a feeling best is extremely important when […]
Colorful status update with Facebook. Facebook has released a feature that allows the user to select the color that appears behind their status under the text. This means that users will now be able to see a background color instead of the normally white background. Recently, […]
Review for Immortal: Unchained. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 07/09/2018 In recent times, starting a review talking about souls-like has become more and more frequent. Explaining once again the birth of this (sub) genre […]
The new Fortnite Week 2 challenges have recently leaked online, thanks to which players will be able to get precious stars to level up their Battle Pass. The challenge we are going to analyze today is: “Search among a scarecrow, a pink fireball and a big […]
THEaccessibility is one of the most talked about topics in the world of video games in recent times: from titles with numerous functions related to accessibility such as The Last of Us: Part II to prizes such as those of The Game Awards, which from this year will […]
2020 has been a beautiful year for Japanese RPG lovers. The JRPG is in fact returning to be one of the leading genres of the current videogame scene thanks to increasingly larger productions and […]
By now you know, Survival horror has been at the center of admiration and criticism of gamers and the press for years: between those who appreciated it in many of its facets and those who hated it in its entirety, it is useless to deny that titles belonging to […]
Review for Little Nightmares 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 11/02/2021 Version for PlayStation 5 is scheduled in the 2021Version for Xbox Series X is scheduled in the 2021In […]
You don't know how easy it is to put a profile picture on WhatsApp without clipping. Don't know how to do it? Then read the article. WhatsApp is a wonderful way to stay in touch with friends, family and relatives. Always remember to have an excellent and […]
Game developer and e-sports competition organizer Riot Games Inc was founded in 2006 with the intention of revolutionizing the way video games would be revolutionized. Riot operates more than 20 offices around the world, employing 2.500 people. Its video game par […]
The first build dates back to 2019 Speculations regarding Abandoned continue to accumulate, especially since not much is known about the Develop of the title. A theory has recently surfaced from a Russian insider that the title has to do with a project related […]
Jeff Grubb, editor of The Verge, confirmed during a podcast that EA is developing the remaster of the Mass Effect trilogy. An admission that crystallizes, if possible, all the rumors that have occurred during the past months, indicating a forthcoming publication […]
Review for Lego Worlds. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 07/03/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 08/09/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 15/03/2017 The massive success of Minecraft […]
Available starting November 22, 2021 on PC, Mac, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, e old gen, Giants Software has released a new trailer dedicated to Farming Simulator 22. The new trailer highlights over 400 vehicles and agricultural machinery from the most renowned […]
In these days many of you will have plunged into the new adventure Pokémon, set again in Alola, and between one capture and another you will be in search of the various secrets hidden within the game, in addition to the news. Among these we find the introduction […]
The best free launchers for Android. There are free launchers for every type of need, those with the most accurate graphics, those with particular functions up to the minimal ones which, however, offer very fast performance.The best free launchers for […]
The beloved classic Japanese RPG comes in a remastered version. Square Enix announces the release of the remastered version of a classic Japanese RPG, or Legend of Mana. The title is the fourth installment in the Mana series. The game is available on Nintendo Switch, […]
Razer announces Acari, the ultra-low friction mouse pad, designed for maximum smoothness and speed in a large 420x320mm surface - enabling ultra-fast reaction times and absolute pixel-level precision. With a unique hard surface in ultraviolet-activated nano-spheres, […]
It is now available through eShop Nintendo, the download of the Monster Hunter Rise demo, a title that will be released in its full version for Nintendo Switch on 26 March of this year. If the success of the other chapters of the brand weren't enough to certify […]
Marvel's Spider Man 2 and Marvel's Wolverine will not be cross-gen titles After the reveal al PlayStation Showcase, through a post on Twitter, Insomniac Games confirms that Marvel's Spider Man 2 e Marvel's Wolverine they will not be cross-gen titles. The confirmation […]
Maneater will also be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S at launch. Tripwire Interactive and Blindside Interactive's game in which we play the role of a hungry shark will see significant improvements on next-gen consoles. First of all, […]
Pokémon Sun and Moon will be available for Nintendo 3DS starting tomorrow, November 23rd. The wait is long, and in this simple guide we want to show you some of the ways to start your adventure in Alola. Some tips that will make the Pokémon title easier and […]
LA Noire, Case 4 - "Buyer Beware" Watch the intro cinematic until you arrive at the crime scene, then bend down to examine the body. Take the receipt he has in his pocket, then go a few steps farther to find the shells of the weapon that killed him. At this point, […]
These apps for Android and iOS will help you keep an eye on your heart rate while exercising.It is important to monitor your heart rate, especially when exercising. Most people focus on calories and weight without considering heart rate to determine how much energy […]
The Outer Worlds has been available very recently and has already been talked about, laying the foundations for a valid alternative to the Fallout series, as our Donato points out in the EpicTrick review. The title developed by Obsidian Entertainment is vast and […]
Apple Watch, with the release of WatchOS 8, saw the introduction of the Mindfulness app, which replaces and improves what was the "Breathe" experience. Mindfulness includes two types of sessions: Breathe e Reflect, and each of these works like the Workout app: […]
Although his work has been widely recognized by FromSoftware, George RR Martin found a way to praise himself in Elden Ring. The writer, author of many books and who is well known for giving life to the novels behind the TV series Game Of Thrones, has in fact inserted […]
The eccentric game director has announced that he is working on a new title. Yoko Taro, the eccentric game director behind the Drakengard and NieR series, has announced that he is working on a new […]
It is interesting to observe the three owners of platforms in the video sector and to see where their respective paths have taken them. Microsoft has focused heavily on services and a more open ecosystem, as seen primarily from their Xbox Game Pass service. It […]
The Sandstone Golem is one of the bosses of the Diablo Immortal world who is strong and brutal enough to warrant a raid. You will not be able to deal with this garment alone. World bosses are new to Diablo Immortal. They are part of a new event in the […]
According to a rumor, a new chapter of inFAMOUS could arrive, right in view of the PlayStation Showcase 2021. inFAMOUS could come back with a new chapter which could be announced in the course of PlayStation Showcase 2021, all according to a rumor reported by Nick […]
Limitless Stories: Upload unlimited stories on Instagram, Whatsapp and Facebook. You can upload a video even older than 24 hours and section it into multiple sequences perfectly optimized for the reference social network: in practice, you download the app, record […]
The new Yakuza: Like a Dragon is almost upon us, it will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PC on November 10th. The version for PlayStation 5 instead will arrive with a delay of 4 months, on March 2, 2021, but this is not the worst news. […]
The remastered version of Alan Wake appears to be online in a Taiwanese store complete with a release date. Following an appearance at a Taiwanese online store, Alan Wake looks like that is about to return shortly with a remastered version for PlayStation 5, Xbox […]
Who among us in FIFA 17 don't want to reach the top of world football by taking a small or medium-sized team? The problem is to find the most appropriate players. Those young people who, costing little and growing a lot, will allow us to become more and more important […]
Hitman 3 reaches an important milestone: it is the best-selling game of the week in the UK, according to data provided by The wait for the new title of the historic Hitman series was certainly very strong; in fact, Hitman 3 recorded 17% more […]
ASUS Republic of Gamers (ROG) announces ROG Chakram, an all-new gaming mouse with a programmable and detachable joystick that revolutionizes the gaming experience. ROG Chakram is a mouse that makes flexibility its strong point: it allows you to easily connect […]
Do you want to remove a TV series or movie from your Amazon Prime Video viewing history? Here's everything you need to know.Amazon Prime Video is filled with great movies and TV shows, from Amazon originals to licensed third-party content. Whenever you watch something […]
Hunting plays a vital role in Red Dead Redemption 2, since the protagonist Arthur Morgan it will be able to use the hunted animals to obtain precious skins and meat to feed on. However, getting skins in perfect condition can be very difficult, especially at the […]
In NBA 2K18 there are different ways in which you can strengthen the team. Among the best Playmakers, Guards, Small Wings, Large Wings and Centers these are the best available. These are the best Small Wings available early in the career: LeBron James (Cleveland […]
The team Raw known for the excellent development of titles dedicated to the Zelda saga and specifically The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. The development team he also dedicated himself to the creation of securities for Nintendo 3DS and specifically: […]
Review for Kona. Game for PlayStation Network, PC, Mac, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Linux and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 17/03/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 09/03/2018 In Kona we are in the cold and snowy […]
Assassin's Creed Valhalla will run in native 4K on Microsoft's next-gen console. After a long series of rumors and leaks, there was finally the announcement that the new chapter of Assassin's Creed is Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Apparently, work on this new chapter […]
The Blizzard Hearthstone free-to-play trading card game has been enriched a few months ago with the single player add-on Monster Hunt (part of the Witchwood expansion). In Monster Hunt it will be possible to face a whole series of battles using new heroes with […]
Perfect World Entertainment and Echtra Games have announced that the winter themed update for Torchlight III titled Snow & Steam is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. The update is the biggest patch applied to Torchlight […]
NEO The World Ends With You is an extremely interesting title, in which however a lot can go wrong, let's see how the demo behaves!NEO: The World Ends With You is one of the most interesting projects scheduled for release in the near future. Announced out of nowhere […]
Nintendo has announced a new Nintendo Direct for tomorrow day 17 February. The live broadcast will be broadcast at 23:00 on the Nintendo Youtube channel and it will be very full-bodied, with one expected duration of about 50 minutes. During Nintendo Direct […]
There are different types of creatures in the fauna of ARK: Survival Evolved, such as extinct dinosaurs and mammals. In addition, its creators made sure to include a large number of fantastic beasts in order to obtain an experience never seen before. There are […]
The structures that can be generated are unlimitedAlthough its main function is for solid blocks, it is also used to cut water or lava flows or sweep a block with a plant or lawn. In short, the applications are many, that's why it is important to know how to make […]
The newest game for Nintendo 3DS, Yo-Kai Watch 2, is out on April 7, 2017 in two different versions: Spirits e Pulpants. However, what are the differences between these two versions, and which of the two is better to buy? the two versions differ only for some […]
AOC is pleased to announce that in the first quarter of 2020 it has achieved world market leadership in gaming monitors. The brand achieved the highest market share globally, a whopping 19,5%, outperforming its competitors for the second consecutive quarter (IDC […]
The studio will collaborate with other development companies. During an interview with the weekly Weekly Famitsu, Hajime Tabata spoke about two new projects in development at his JP Games studio. Tabata describes them as two very ambitious titles, with the first […]
For months Sony has refused to accept cross-play between consoles: Fortnite, however, has managed to break down this wall. Now, however, another problem arises: how to link Fortnite accounts on consoles to a single account? Epic Games comes to our rescue by creating […]
ASUS, a well-known company of peripherals and components for PCs, has announced the release of two new custom cards belonging to the GeForce GTX 1650 range equipped with GDDR6 memory modules. The first ROG-STRIX-GTX1650-O4GD6-GAMING custom model is equipped with […]
Review for TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 19/03/2020 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 14/05/2020 “When you get to the Isle of Man, you don't know if you […]
Some rumors seem to confirm the existence of a new title dedicated to Donkey Kong. The well-known insider Zippo returns to the donkey kong topic after several rumors that spoke of one possible new release developed by the Super Mario Odyssey team. According to […]
Let's see what happens when you hide comments on Facebook. Social media sites like Facebook are a great platform to catch up with friends. But it has also become a breeding ground for hate speech, personal attacks and more. These often make their way into your […]
Review for Car Mechanic Simulator 2018. Game for Mac and PC, the video game was released on 21/07/2017 “… Even though it's seven in the morning, the heat is already starting to be felt. Let's hope the 'Cuda guy doesn't delay because I only have one bridge […]
As every year, several announcements are expected for this night, during which The Game Awards 2020 will be held. Right on the stage of the event, Nintendo will reveal the third character of Fighter Pass Vol. 2 for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The new fighter […]
How to set up Amazon Echo on first use with Amazon Alexa. The Amazon Echo are speakers that allow you to perform various operations via voice commands. This is thanks to Alexa (Amazon Alexa is a ' artificial intelligence, a virtual assistant similar to […]
Review for Life is Strange 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 27/09/2018 The long path to the credits continues, and the creature of Dontnod e Square Enix does not disappoint expectations. In Life is Strange 2 […]
About a month after its release, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales continues to update, and this time Insomniac Games has done an excellent job of optimization, surprisingly improving the performance of the title. The game introduces a new graphics mode, in […]
Words Guru, the new word game available on iOS and Android, it's not the kind of games we often deal with solutions and tricks, but, by popular demand, for those who are stuck, here is the list with the solutions to the first 100 levels of guru words. The […]
Coming this week within FIFA 21, on time as every year, there will be the TOTS. Punctual as every year, the FIFA servers are ready to embrace the most heartfelt event of the season: the arrival of the TOTS. The Team of the Season (hence TOTS) will invade the FIFA […]
The arrival of the PS5 is getting closer and closer and, slowly, the games begin to show themselves in their beauty on the next generation console. After NBA 2K21 e Demon's Souls, just to name a few, this time it's the turn of DIRT 5, which is shown for the first […]
The list of Vampyr trophies has been released, in all there are 29: 6 bronze, 17 silver, 5 gold and 1 platinum. The game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Focus Home Interactive will see the light on June 5th 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One […]
Arkane showed us a little behind the scenes of this interesting title. Deathloop is a title that, in many respects, has been on the players' radar since the reveal that took place during E3 2019. […]
After Pokémon Gold e Pokémon Silver, arrived on Nintendo 3ds via Virtual Console in September, the third and last game of the Johto saga also arrives on our consoles: despite the various additions compared to its predecessors, this time Crystal Pokémon […]
Today Intel announced XNUMXth Generation Intel® Core ™ processors S series for desktop systems, including the flagship Intel processor Core i9-10900K, the fastest in the world for Gaming. XNUMXth Gen Intel Core desktop processors deliver extremely high actual […]
Pocket when you find something you want to consult later articles, videos save directly from your browser or from applications such as Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and Zite.Very often on the net, browsing from your devices in the most disparate moments, you happen […]
Complete a speedrun of Dragon Quest III, signed role-playing video game Chunsoft and landed only in 2020 on a portable console Nintendo Switch e PlayStation 4, it could be much simpler than expected. To reveal it are the speedrunners of the title, who would […]
We all know AOC by now. For the uninitiated, this is a Taiwanese company specializing in the production of monitors dedicated to the gaming world, particularly attentive to the needs of the gamer, and which always tries to offer the best product at the best price. After […]
Smart TVs work via apps they support, and most, if not all, have apps for popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, etc. A smart TV generally doesn't have a browser, so anything you stream will be streaming through a dedicated app.Netflix does not load on […]
Google photo apps for Android and iOS.Google has launched three brand new photography apps for Android and iOS. They are all free, they are all original and they are all worth trying. These three new apps are what Google calls “appsperiments”, or experimental […]
How configurare YouTube Kids. Without a doubt, Youtube has become a real television for many children. Faced with this, they end up being vulnerable to dangerous content. Thinking about it, Google decided to launch Youtube Kids. Google has thought that using this […]
Naughty Dog has finally released the patch that improves The Last of Us: Part II performance on PlayStation 5. We've been waiting for it for months now and it's finally here, the free upgrade of The […]
Review for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 04/09/2020 Just launched Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 do a little experiment: close your eyes and throw your mind and heart to 1999. Let yourself be […]
Whether it's a long plane ride or travel, Netflix has become synonymous with entertaining on the go. TV series like "Squid Games", "Bridgerton" and "You" all require you to binge. It's super easy when you're connected to the internet at home, but what happens when […]
The trophy list for Konami's next title, Metal Gear Survive, arriving on February 22 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, is finally available. The title has 52 trophies (1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 7 Silver, 42 Bronze). The list contains no plot spoilers, so read it quietly!Bronze […]
Nintendo has finally added online multiplayer to its board game. Better late than never, one might say. Super Mario Party, the latest installment of Nintendo's hugely popular board game series, was […]
Like any LEGO game, LEGO DC Super-Villains has a large number of collectibles to track down and obtain. The most complex and intriguing of all are the Red Bricks. In this guide to the Red Bricks we will show you their location, one by one, for both normal and […]
After a summer break from the battlefield it's time to resume the guides on Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, which go to touch in missions as complete as possible more important than the last title (in chronological order) of the saga created by Hideo Kojima. […]
In this short guide we will explain how to upgrade your Power Kits in Pokémon Rumble Rush. When equipped to your Pokémon, Power Kits drastically increase their fighting skills. The Mirror Power Kits allow you, after loading a special bar, to bring another Pokémon […]
These Monster Hunter Generations monster guides will show you different aspects of the battle: The ideal weak point to hit and with what kind of damage Elemental weakness and which point to hit to get the best effect When to use traps and their duration When […]
12 Minutes, shown for the first time in 2015, immediately attracted the attention of many players. The title presented itself as a interactive thriller with a strong narrative component, but the feature that most of all had intrigued was that of catapulting a […]
Brrr how cold Among the many innovations introduced in this new chapter of The Legend of Zelza saga we also find the temperature. The latter will greatly affect the gameplay (as you can also read in our review) and if you are not prepared you will face a slow […]
Let's make one thing clear right away: in Battlefield 1 there is no trick that can earn EXP without lifting a finger. However, a good deal of knowledge of its mechanics could allow you to quickly reach higher ranks. Here are three ways to start your campaign on […]
Publisher Chorus Worldwide and Japanese developer Tricore have announced a new survival horror for 2021: Yuoni. The game is presented as follows by the publisher: "Hey, do you wanna play Yuoni? With these words, a girl is thrown into another world where it is […]
Every self-respecting souls-like always has its “poisonous” map ready to make our life impossible, perhaps located right at the start of the game to further complicate things. Even in Nioh 2 this does not change, and the exclusive PlayStation 4 immediately […]
It's easy to find out who viewed your Instagram Story. All you have to do is tap your Story Circle, swipe up and you'll be presented with a list of people who have viewed it. But is it possible to see who views your Instagram Stories and who posts the most? Can […]
The trophy list of the new Oddworld title: Inhabitants has been discovered. Released today, April 6, 2021, Oddworld: Soulstorm finally arrives on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 after […]
The Last Remnant is one of Square Enix's JRPGs that was recently re-released with a remastered version. Not everyone knows that the bosses you face during your run can be recruited into the guild later. Here are the steps to follow and the places where you need […]
Many users who play Fortnite have all kinds of skins to make their characters unique and attract attention. The problem is that many of these skins aren't free and you have to pay real money to get them. However, there are several ways to get all Fortnite skins […]
App for reminders and appointments. The best apps for reminders, to-do lists, appointments and notes.Do you want apps that help you remember your daily tasks and organize your daily work activity with lists of things to do or to carry out? Thanks to these free […]
The arrival of the next-gen is monopolizing the attention of fans in this season finale of a 2020 videogame-speaking imposing. The arrival of the new consoles, however, also coincides with the arrival on the market of some of the most anticipated titles of recent […]
On the occasion of the release of the remake of Resident Evil 2, we decided to help you with the list of obtainable trophies. Resident Evil 2 Remake account 42 trophies, divided into 28 bronze, 9 silver, 4 gold and the inevitable platinum. Obviously here […]
Ban is a form of sanction imposed by the administrators of a web server. It consists in temporarily or permanently blocking all accesses and advantages that the user has on the web server of said administrators. Unfortunately over time Fenixzone has been attacked […]
Sony is introducing new ways to amplify connections with friends and favorite games even when gamers are away from the console. For this reason, the company is pleased to present the updated PlayStation App, reinvented to enhance the gaming experience on PlayStation […]
Re! Commerce is a new Amazon service that allows you to sell your used smartphone to Amazon.Re! Commerce Amazon: how it worksHow to sell used smartphones on AmazonWhat you need to do is go to the page dedicated to the service. Then enter the brand and model […]
Review for Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise. Game for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 02/10/2018 In the 80s a manga destined to become a legend was born: Hokuto no Ken, arrived as Ken the Warrior, appeared for the first time in the pages of […]
Review for The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 20/09/2019 Please remember this song, and remember me too. A short sentence full of meaning that embodies all the essence of a romantic adventure, full of […]
App to watch TV series. Here is the list of the best apps to watch TV series and Fils on your Android or iOS smartphone.Are you a fan of TV series and movies and would like to watch them comfortably on your smartphone or tablet Android or on iPhone and iPad? […]
Review for Smoke and Sacrifice. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 31/05/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 15/01/2019 The version for Xbox One came out on 15/01/2019 The videogame world is a continuous […]
Death Stranding was one of the most popular titles of 2019 and, despite almost two years have passed, it continues to capture the interest of many gamers. The first game conceived and produced by Hideo Kojima after the exit from Konami is considered a success […]
Shenmue III has only been out for a very short time, but we're sure the more completists among you have already started trying to get every single hidden trophy in the game. Some of them will be quite easy to obtain, but for the more valuable ones Ys Net has been […]
GIFs are a great way to convey your emotions online. You can post them in your journal to share your thoughts on a topic, send them to one of your friends to share a laugh, or use them to comment on someone's post. The only problem with GIFs […]
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba will be released on both Old-Gen consoles PlayStation 4 e Xbox One both PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X e PC: the confirmation came directly from the pages of the weekly magazine Shonen Jump, that Aniplex e CyberConnect2 they took advantage […]
While many players are waiting to find out what Square Enix has in store for the second part of Final Fantasy VII Remake, some rumors say that the news on the first part is not over.. The sure thing is that there is an exclusivity agreement until April on the […]
After the leaks regarding the plot of Resident evil village, which we talked about here, comes more information on the title. This time the latter concern the online title, whose presence along with some features, was made known thanks to a post on a Reddit page. The […]
If you are playing Elden Ring on PC, you should (at least for now) avoid doing it online. As reported by Windows Central, in fact, the new game from FromSoftware has been the victim of a new exploit, which could put an end to your progress in the game, forcing […]
THEpsychological horror game by Unfold Games, DARQ, finally arrives in its Complete Edition version on the now old-gen and, soon, also on current gen. The launch is scheduled for the 4 December on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC (via Steam and GOG) a 19.99€, […]
Aloy's new adventure postpones to 2022. Today the German PlayStation Blog through a post summarizing the main games coming out by the end of 2021 on the PlayStation 5, confirms that Horizon forbidden west confirmed several times during 2021, postponed to 2022. […]
The official release of FIFA 20 is just around the corner and, to alleviate your unstoppable wait, we present a new tutorial who will speak of Fancy Shots & Passes, elegant shots and passages Kazooie94, ProPlayer and EA Gamechangers member, publishes on his […]
Like every beginning of the week, the Fortnite team offers us new challenges and each time they are more and more complicated. The map showing the location of the battle star can be found in Moldy Warehouse. This is one of the most recognizable treasure maps […]
FIFA, with its own mode Fifa Ultimate Team, is able to snatch hundreds of hours a month from even the most "calm" of gamers. We at, therefore, after having "freed ourselves" from various commitments, thanks to a really hot period in terms […]
Gambling has always been part of the Diablo franchise. You can trade some gold for a completely random chance to get a powerful legendary item. The game mechanics have been slightly tweaked for Diablo Immortal. Now you can choose exactly what to bet […]
Fortnite Crew, new monthly subscription that is inaugurating the next 2 December, will include the exclusive crew package, V-Buck bonus and the Battle Pass of the current season. If you are a Fortnite player who takes the Battle Pass of each new season, or you […]
Ahh, the son of Bahal has woken up, it's time to do more experiments! It's been about 20 years since the mighty Joneleth Irenicus uttered this iconic phrase, prelude to an unforgettable adventure for many, deserving a throne in the Olympus of videogame masterpieces. It […]
GIF is an image file format that, unlike other image formats, supports animations. Basically, you can record short animations and save and share them in GIF format. The format is now widely used for Internet jokes and tutorials. We cover several apps and services […]
Review for Super Lucky's Tale. Game for PC and Xbox One, the video game was released on 07/11/2017 Reviewing a platformer after playing Super Mario Odyssey is not easy, especially since standards are set inside your head so high that any other production is insufficient. […]
Sequel to the highly acclaimed Metro 2033 and here proposed in a remastered version, Metro: Last Light Redux is available for free on GOG but for a limited time: it will be possible to obtain it within 48 hours from today. The promotion, included in the GOG Christmas […]
Vesper release date revealed. Vesper, a title developed by the Cordens Interactive team, finally announces the release date of this long-awaited video game. The release date will be July 30, 2021 and the title will be available on PC, via Steam and At […]
The case Cougar MX331, unveiled last weekend will be available in four variants based on appearance and functionality: the basic variant has a mesh front and a matte left side panel with some air vents. The next variant features a mesh front and a tempered glass […]
Materials to make the dispenser To make a dispenser or automatic dispenser in Minecraft, you will have need a series of items that are very simple to obtain, which are: Seven stones, an arch and a red stone mineral. Getting the stone is the simplest, as it naturally […]
Of course, they're not the only rare creatures you can farm, so if you're feeling creative after this tutorial, we recommend looking for how to make a simple mob farm in Minecraft? , so that nothing stops you in this title. How to find slimes in Minecraft and how […]
Publisher Playism and developer FYQD-Studio have released the Bright Memory launch trailer, new game out today on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X: In Bright Memory, we play the role of Shelia, a young researcher who has lost her parents and who is preparing to […]
Oppo, leading global smart device brand, e IHS Markit, a world leader in market analysis, today jointly published their first white paper on intelligent connectivity to OPPO INNO DAY 2019. The white paper is titled "Intelligent Connectivity: Increase opportunities […]
From the smallest to the oldest, from the comfort of home, in free time from work or waiting for a consultation or an appointment, for all those who want disconnect a little from reality and indulge in a moment of relaxation and for who need a means of entertainment […]
Evan Fournier is not happy with his appearance within NBA 2K22 and makes it clear in a comment on Twitter. NBA 2K22 continues to talk about himself, but this time not in a positive way. The basketball player brings up the new chapter of the Visual Concepts and […]
How to read this guide: We will indicate with color Orange the main characters of our adventure and the places that interest us most, which we will have to keep in mind. With the heavenly instead we will indicate the equipable objects that we will find during […]
Steam Deck is a relatively recent rumor but, as in other contexts, we have always asked you to take everything with the proverbial a grain of salt. Well, we are happy that for once the rumors are reality: through the twitter account of the insider Nibel, we have […]
Microsoft Flight Simulator appears to be ready to arrive on Xbox One. A classification on the PEGI database suggests a difficult version for this console. Microsoft Flight Simulator in Xbox One […]
CD Projekt RED kicked off his third episode di Night City Wire for Cyberpunk 2077. Focus right on title city scenery. A city full of crime, homelessness and increasing victims, but also full of things to see. It will feature six districts, each with their own […]
This video game released in the 2000s has marked a generation thanks to the great quality it offered at the time. In addition to the possibility it offered us to be able to play with people from all over the world in multiplayer game mode and the tools to play […]
After finishing the main adventure of Final Fantasy XV there are many quests scattered for Lucis to face. One of the most difficult is the dungeon of Pitioss, unique in its genre because it's all about solving puzzles and platforming sessions, rather than battles […]
Escape from Tarkov is a game that does not provide any help to the players, and many times the quests require some effort. Here we will see how to complete as easily as possible the very first mission offered by Prapor, entitled Debut. The objectives of the quest […]
Quantum Error, initially planned only for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, will also be released on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. This was revealed by the game's development team, TeamKill Media, with a new trailer for the title. Recall that Quantum Error […]
In God of War, our primary weapon, the mighty and faithful ax Leviathan, it can be upgraded up to five times to unlock more and more power and new skills. Upgrading it to the maximum will unlock the "Worthy" trophy. To do this we will need the object Frozen […]
Review for Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, the video game was released on 21/07/2016 The version for PC came out on 17/04/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 28/06/2018 The version for […]
Cyberpunk 1.2 patch 2077 finally has patch notes ... however it doesn't have a release date yet For the umpteenth time we find ourselves talking about the patches planned for Cyberpunk 2077. Scheduled […]
Continuing in the fantastic world of 5 person, sooner or later you will come across Caroline and Justine: two twin guards guarding the Velvet Room. The two guards they will make a Confidant pact with our protagonist asking him to complete certain […]
A very interesting indie is unveiled during the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase event. Developed by Sad Cat Studios and distributed by Coatsink, Replaced is a 2.5D sci-fi action-platform title […]
Gwent it is still in open Beta and everyone who is using it thinks the game is already pretty good at this stage. Being already playable, but at the same time a little different from the card games we are all used to, it will be good to review the most used terms […]
Review for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 07/12/2018 The most ambitious crossover fighting game in videogame history is back to being talked about in its fifth incarnation thanks to the careful supervision […]
Review for ZERO Katana. Game for Mac and PC, the video game was released on 18/04/2019 Apparently 2019 will be the year of the samurai and, after the brilliant debut of the shinobi Sekiro, the new title of Askiisoft arrives on Nintendo Switch and PC: Katana ZERO, which […]
Devil May Cry 5 it's a truly incredible title. Our review says it, gamers say it, Capcom itself says it. Have you already won all the Japanese stylish production trophies? In case you haven't done it yet, you can consult our guide, to discover them one by […]
Bethesda releases a new video for the highly anticipated Starfield, a sci-fi RPG coming in 2022. Inside this trailer, we learn about new information about the history of the game world and who we are actually going to impersonate. In particular, we will take on […]
It has now been eight years since CD Project RED first confirmed that, as well as on The Witcher 3 (released three years later), on a new title called Cyberpunk 2077.. This new project immediately promised a futuristic setting far from what was shown in the adventures […]
GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd, a leading manufacturer of motherboards and graphics cards, announced today that its TRX40 series motherboards fully support the latest AMD Ryzen ™ Threadripper ™ 3990X CPU. With advanced thermal and power designs and the release […]
There are a large number of Android applications in the Google Play Store, so it is not strange to find them for all audiences. In this opportunity we present you 7 Android games valid only for adultswhich we advise you to enjoy only if you are of legal age. A […]
In Pokemon themed video games the strengths and weaknesses towards the elements of the pokémon represent one of the most important factors of the game in all its versions, from Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Go through Pokémon Ruby. Each battle in Pokémon Go it […]
Batman Arkham Knight - Achievements, Trophies, Achievements For all trophy hunters, here is the complete list of those featured in Batman: Arkham Knight. We warn you right away that those aiming for high honors on Playstation 4 will remain with a bitter taste, […]
Originally PlayStation 5 it had to have a different size than the official release. According to the designer of the console Sony, Yujin Morisawa, the hardware had to be sized to contain the airflow and the heat sink. The engineering requests, following the drawings, […]
Trophy hunting as Razputin Aquato.Double Fine Productions has finally released Psychonauts 2, the sequel to the cult title released on PlayStation 2 sixteen years ago. After all this waiting, you don't want to leave it incomplete, do you? So here are all the goals […]
With The Golf Club 2 the guys from Hb studios they try again: about years after The Golf Club that had impressed us with its editor, we are offered the revised and corrected sequel. Compared to the predecessor, the contents are greater and the layout is more complete […]
With the arrival of Fortnite update 4.0, the new weekly challenges for season 4 of the Battle Royale By Epic Games. One of the most difficult challenges of this week is certainly "Find the FORTNITE letters", which will be scattered around the map. The spots […]
There are still a handful of months left until the launch on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 of Horizon forbidden west, but Sony does not fail to tease the public with a load of information. In the past few hours, Guerrilla Games has shared an unprecedented insight […]
Benq, a well-known monitor company, has announced the release of the latest SW321C monitor, which will add to the Benq range of monitors intended for professional use. The SW321C monitor is a 32-inch monitor equipped with an IPS panel. The resolution reached by […]
This article lists the entire A Legionary's Life trophy list. The title is currently available for PC on Steam, in English and German. As Skilled As An Average Professional: Reach at least 50 in both the Sword and the Shield Skills. Carthago nova: survive the […]
Sooner or later it would happen and it did, PlayStation 4 is officially out of production in Japan. Sony has confirmed that PS4 will remain on the market with only one model, namely the PS4 Slim. Sony will continue to support PS4 with new content, updates and […]
Review for WRC 9. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 03/09/2020 Version for Xbox Series X from 10/11/2020 WRC 9 is a rally game developed by Kylotonn Games and published by Bigben […]
In Yakuza 6: The Song of Life it is possible to find safes on the game map. Each safe, once the key has been found, can be opened to collect everything inside, generally objects to be equipped to improve the physical statistics of the protagonist, Kazuma Kiryu. In […]
Already some leaks had anticipated the announcement that had been in the air for a few days, but now during the ubisoft forward the official confirmation has arrived. Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time Remake is reality and will come out on January 21 2021 for […]
Defiance 2050 is one of the best third-person shooters on the market, similar to Fortnite, since it is a lot of fun to play and offers a frantic pace that gives this genre a new look. That's why everyone wants to know, and with that in mind today you will see How […]
1 of 5 Here is the complete solution of Resident Evil 4, which will guide you step by step to the finale of one of the most beautiful titles of recent years. Introduction The opening movie will introduce you to the game by telling you the story of the previous […]
Review for A Plague Tale: Innocence. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 14/05/2019 Give it a try: having spotted a school of fish, throw a piece of bread into the water. You will see dozens, hundreds of large and small fish […]
There are games that are made to last. Europa Universalis 4 is a title that always reveals itself in splendid shape, even after more than four years from its release, so much so that we cannot find good reasons for a chapter five. The depth reached by the game […]
Here is The Gardens Between World 1 guide. The Gardens Between is a puzzle game by The Voxel Agents with a wonderful atmosphere and a very refined audio department, a title that we defined, in its […]
As usual, theUltimate Team di Fifa offers players the ability to unlock interesting cards by completing some specific objectives. In this case, we would like to point out a really interesting player, which we will tell you how to get. This is the famous Nice wing […]
The daily gifts from the Epic Games Store continue. What is it about today, you may be wondering? Well, the binary creature in question is none other than Torchlight II, excellent role-playing production produced by Runic Games that has ignited, almost ten years […]
And, although the FPS genre is already saturated with the large number of titles that come out per year, you shouldn't miss the chance to play Crossfire, because it's literally like a breath of fresh air for those who are tired of it. How to download and install […]
The remake of the famous Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was again postponed. The game, in development at Ubisoft India, was initially announced for release in January, only to be postponed to March and, now, to date to be allocated. A Ubisoft release explained […]
Attention: This guide is based on the English version of the game, but we hope that our tips will help you in the most difficult situations of this new chapter of Kingdom Hearts. The staff of Epic Videogames Guide wishes you a lot of fun! The Starting Land The […]
There are two ways to grab easy money in Watch Dogs 2: one by hacking Pablo The Skinner's phone and the other by submitting. Let's go into detail. The first method consists in carrying out the main missions up to the one called "Eye for an Eye". Once you get […]
We are going to see how to delete Whatsapp message sent on iPhone and Android. WhatsApp has finally implemented a new option that many users have been asking for for a long time and that Telegram, its main competitor, has been holding for a long time. We are talking […]
Review for White Day: A Labyrinth Named School. Game for PC, Android, iOS and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 19/11/2015 The version for PC came out on 22/08/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 22/08/2017 Although it is not that exploited […]
I was registered on Skype, what can I do now? When we are victims of the webcam scam, the aggressiveness of the threats and the actions of the scammers put the victims in very intense stressful situations that can last several days, weeks and sometimes several […]
League of Legends solution: compatibility issues The first thing you can try to overcome the situation where Lol does not log in due to disconnection is to resolve the compatibility issues that can occur, in this case, with Windows 10. For this, you need to locate […]
According to the volume of Final Fantasy VII Remake Material Ultimania it seems that, originally, we should have played an entire section of the game just as Tifa. This portion of the game should have been placed in chapter 7 or 8 and it concerned a special mission, […]
Android clipboard the best applications. By now, most people have almost completely replaced the paper diary and pen with the note-taking application installed on their smartphone, which does not take up space and is always at hand. The best note-taking apps […]
Pokémon GO is not even officially released in our country, but the entire community of fans (and not) is literally going crazy behind this new Niantic project. Thanks to the apk downloadable from the internet, in fact, the whole world had access to this title […]
In this article we will look at how to change your age on TikTok if it has been entered incorrectly and you want to access age-appropriate features. You cannot change your age on TikTok within the app. To change your age on TikTok, you need to contact the platform's […]
A news as predictable as expected, Call of Duty: Warzone will be integrated into Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War in December. The confirmation, arrived directly from Bobby Kotick CEO of Activision Blizzard, also leads us to the main news, and that is that Warzone […]
MLB The Show 20, the baseball sports title developed by Sony San Diego Studio, has a list of 26 trophies on PlayStation 4 in all. The trophy list of MLB The Show 20 includes 9 Bronze Trophies, 9 Silver Trophies, 7 Gold Trophies and 1 Platinum Trophy.Bronze Trophies See […]
Electronic Arts has unveiled the arrival of a new event that will give access to many rewards also for the next FIFA 22. Waiting for the next one FIFA 22 is now skyrocketing. Electronic Arts is unveiling, little by little, the many innovations that the title will […]
After so many images, trailers and rumors, finally we were able to try Resident Evil 3 Remake through the Raccoon City Demo released by Capcom a few days ago. It is a taste of Resident Evil 3 Remake, it is true, however it hides a small puzzle in finding the code […]
The insights continue on the latest expansion of Legends of Runeterra, a successful trading card game by Riot Games. As always to tell us about a deck entirely focused on twilight mechanics, there is our Davide “Zero Mulligan” Suardi from the neighborhood. Diana […]
In Assassin's Creed Odyssey it is possible to buy liveries for Fobos, the horse of Alexios or Kassandra, which will be delivered to you in the first hours of the adventure. When you first meet your horse, you can choose between three variants: white, brown and […]
The Krypta in Mortal Kombat 11 is different from all the other chapters seen previously. In addition to the myriad of treasures, it is full of hidden paths, traps, special items and easter eggs that recall the titles of the past. Let's see what needs to be done […]
The videogame medium has always been seen as an excellent tool for narrating more or less engaging stories, where the close bond with the characters often becomes deep and exciting. A Plague Tale: Innocence immerses us in a horrible world, ravaged by the plague […]
Waiting for the next one to come out Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time you have decided to commit your time by rediscovering the fun offered by the previous one Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy and trying to get all the trophies, but you don't know how? Here are […]
One of the toughest challenges of the season is a race against time. Fortnite: what you need to do for complete the tests a time in the third week of the season, it's not just about finding the stopwatches hidden in the map, but building structures […]
Review for Tyranny. Game for PC, Steam, Mac and Linux, the video game was released on 10/11/2016 We cannot deny that the attraction towards evil has always been a fascinating theme whether it is cinema or literature. As for the gaming landscape Tyranny undoubtedly […]
In Fire Emblem: Three Houses the level of Support with your companions is fairly important to develop s with them, but especially if you want to recruit characters from other houses. In this regard, we recommend that you read our Guide to the best characters to […]
Casting to an Amazon Fire TV Stick is a useful option. It can help you view the contents of your laptop, smartphone or tablet on the TV screen connected to the Amazon Fire TV Stick.It's easy to set up with a Windows 10 or 11 PC or Android device. It is slightly […]
Out of the 135 Pokémon available in Pokémon GO, Magikarp it really seems to be the most useless. Even the Pokédex makes fun of him! Magikarp is a pathetic example of a Pokémon capable only of wiggling and splashing around. The nature of this useless behavior […]
How to sell on Amazon, create a seller account. If you are a merchant and have a shop and would like to start selling on Amazon we will list the steps you need to take to become an Amazon seller.First you will need to create a Amazon seller account from […]
CD Projekt RED is back to talk about the future of their action RPG. During the last meeting with the shareholders, the CEO of CD Projekt RED, Adam Kiciński and the CFO Piotr Nielubowicz returned […]
Hold on has recently announced Larkbox, a mini-PC that fits in the palm of your hand. Chuwi LarkBox appears to be the smallest 4K PC with a form factor of just 61 x 61 x 43mm (0,16L). Larkbox is equipped with an Intel quad-core N4100 processor Celeron eighth generation […]
They are aimed at gaming and content creation. Transcend, a leading manufacturer of digital storage devices, has just announced an M.2 PCIe SSD built with the best current specs. Let's see it together. […]
Review for Maid of Sker. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/07/2020 “You may think he's lost his mind, but the bad news doesn't end there. He wants me to sing for him as she already did, for my fame to attract poor innocents […]
Spotify is rolling out a new feature that lets you download music and podcasts to your Apple Watch, for listening without an iPhone.Spotify is finally rolling out a new feature that lets you download music and podcasts to your Apple Watch, so you can listen to […]
Electronic Arts has officially unveiled the players who are part of the TOTS (The of the Season) of the Bundesliga in that of FIFA 21. Let's find out together! After Premier, Liga Spagnola, the TOTS of the community (and all the “minor leagues) comes the turn […]
Facebook Slideshow allows you to convert photos into movies, Facebook has developed the Slideshow function that converts your photos and videos into a small video clip-movie, very like. The feature is similar to Apple's Memories and Google Photo's Movie Assistant. Slideshow […]
Worried about the (almost) complete lack of news regarding Halo Infinite? Keep calm, word of 343 Industries. The software house based in Redmond, development team responsible for the Microsoft shooter franchise following the departure of Bungie, expressed through […]
The gigantic FIFA 21 themed international tournament will officially take place from August 20-22 in Denmark.La football season, the real one, is slowly coming to an end. That of FIFA 21, on the other hand, proceeds quickly. With the arrival of new events, including […]
One of the things you should know is that i armored vans that carrying money cannot be found on the map as a mission. In light of this, they can only be activated as missions secondary if you encounter one at various points on the map. And once they are found, […]
In recent days Sony Interactive Entertainment has been deepening some aspects of its future branded more deeply PlayStation 5. While the Japanese giant has for example explained how to transfer the bailouts from PlayStation 4, some of its internal teams are gradually […]
As in all films, the creator of this universe always appears within Marvel video games. In 2018's Marvel's Spider-Man he had made his brief appearance inside a bar this time around Insomniac Games has decided to honor him, given his disappearance, with a statue […]
KINGMAX, the world's leading supplier of memory chips, is pleased to announce today's release of the new PX3480 P.23480 PCIe 4.0 × 4 (Gen 4 x4) SSD. The product in question is recommended for those who own an AMD Ryzen 3000 processor with X570 chipset motherboard. […]
If you want to become a real threat in Genshin Impact, you have to use the best weapons. However, there is a lot of variety and it's hard to know exactly which ones are worth it. For this same reason, today we will show you the best Genshin Impact weapons by type […]
The patch includes Miami Strike and the Zombie Outbreak Mode update. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War mid-season update is coming. The Season 2 patch is called Reloaded and includes new multiplayer […]
The Overwatch game director leaves the team after nineteen years. Bad news for Blizzard Entertainment: today it was Jeffrey Kaplan's farewell has been made official, one of the leading exponents of […]
TrueCaller: what it is and how to best use its functions. Whether you are on Android or iOS, Truecaller is an app you must have on your phone.What is TrueCallerIf you are new, here is a brief introduction to Truecaller. This is an app that identifies who is calling […]
What is Shining Resonance Refrain? If you are wondering, rest assured: you are not the only ones who do not know it. The Shining series is one of those that never came out of Japan, but which tries this year with the remastered version of Shining Resonance, a title […]
Also, to access this beta, you just need to have "Minecraft" for Windows 10, download it and in turn download the free update shown on Xbox InsiderHub and have a GeForce RTX 2060 graphics card to enjoy this experience. Next, we will explain what you need to do […]
If you use the PS4 browser frequently, you should learn to clean it from time to time to avoid possible problems when visiting web pages. In this sense, later we will teach you everything you need to do for clear your browsing history and cookies on your PlayStation […]
Heroes of the Storm has reached its version 2.0, and with it new characters such as Genji and D.Va have appeared. In this guide we will explain how to create one Pilot setup for D.VA. The Build Pilot setup focuses on two main talents: Colpo Grosso at level 10 […]
With Nexomon: Extinction finally even the owners of PlayStation 4 have the opportunity to have a fighting title between Pokémon-like monsters at hand. And as good collectors we are sure that you will not want to miss the various trophies you need to get to the […]
We have already told you about Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury in our review: the title, in addition to the new open world adventure Bowser's Fury, also features the classic Super Mario 3D World originally released for Wii U in 2013. Inside this part of the […]
There are some game styles that should never be missing in a mobile player, such as shooting games, racing games, and even an adventure game, but the list isn't complete without a good fighting game. A fighting game is ideal for when you are short on time and can […]
Review for Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 02/10/2020 The version for PC […]
We tried the new oriental MMORPG.Many of you, at least once in your life, will have tried one of the many MMORPG present on the videogame market, often also free to play; just in the last few weeks we have had a chance to try Swords of Legends Online, […]
The space opera The Outer Worlds it turned out to be a great sales success. The Private Division label owned by Take-Two Interactive has unveiled the results obtained by its products, including the space opera Take-Two Interactive FY2022 Q1: The Outer Worlds […]
It has been a few days since the release of Outlast 2 is literally terrifying gamers all over the world, not just for the experience itself but for the particular difficulty of its objectives. If the task of completing the game 100% seems titanic to you, don't […]
You know you can open WhatsApp on a Mac computer? As with Windows, there are several ways to access this messaging application from a PC, beyond the official version provided by the company. Using WhatsApp on Mac it is the best way if you usually […]
SEGA and Ryu ga Gotoku Studio are back to talk about the new Japanese-style investigative adventure.Waiting to return to take the role of Takayuki Yagami, Sega and Ryu ga Gotoku Studio have released a new video dedicated to Lost Judgment. The latest cinematic trailer […]
Here's how to get all the Solegatti from this area. Super Mario 3D World has recently been revamped and re-released for Nintendo Switch, in a form that has convinced many, albeit with some reservations (find the review here). As usual EpicTrick does not leave you […]
Bulbasaur and Squirtle, who have gotten a new Gigamax form, aren't the only starters you can get in the new Pokémon Sword and Shield expansion, which continues to present some welcome surprises. In the new DLC for Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, Lonely Island […]
Many people dream of becoming airplane pilots when they grow up. However, not everyone ends up achieving this, for whatever reason. However, you can always feel what it feels like at the controls of a plane with 11 games like Microsoft Flight Simulator for your […]
TikTok is both simple and complex at the same time. The design and usability are very simple and the app makes video creation and interaction as easy as possible. The sheer volume of features and options we have available on the app is what makes it complex. Can […]
Square Enix's MMORPG still breaks records Square Enix has unveiled the sales accrued with Final Fantasy XIV: these are increase further in the last period. While sales of the MMO are increasing more and more, Square Enix's overall earnings are falling. However, […]
1 - THE AMBUSH TREASURES: 0 You will start your adventure in Uncharted on a boat in Panamanian waters where you will find the coffin of Sir Francis Drake with a lot of surprise, unfortunately you will not be able to enjoy the discovery as you will be attacked […]
Gears Tactics, as already pointed out in ours review a few days ago, offers some interesting news in the world of turn-based strategy that make the title practically unique of its kind. The fact that it is based on a well-defined story line does not make it at […]
New trailer for the Demon Slayer video game. The publisher Aniplex and the developer CyberConnect2 release a new trailer for the Demon Slayer video game, starring the character of Kyojuro Rengoku: Kyojuro […]
Tips on how to find Elder Lairs.In Capcom's latest effort, Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, the Super Rare Tane represent a very demanding challenge after the main campaign. As the name suggests, the rarest monsters in the game nest in these lairs. These […]
Subnautica: Below Zero trophy list revealed. Confirmed by Unknown Worlds: Subnautica below zero is out in May on PC, PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X. On this page we want to share the Subnautica Below […]
Review for indivisible. Game for Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 08/10/2019 After an almost infinite gestation, following a successful five-year crowdfunding campaign, Indivisible, the new IP action RPG […]
During the initial stages of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you will have to go to meet the old Impa at the Villaggio Calbarico which, in addition to entrusting you with the task of recovering the sacred giants, will assign you another mission. Inside […]
Moving, within Control (of which you can find our review here), it can be really difficult, especially because in the latest Remedy Entertainment production we are dealing with a building that offers an intricate series of rooms, a structure that seems to have […]
Watch a great movie, read a compelling book, or play a great video game. While the first two actions are considered for many arts or cultures, the third is still not considered as such despite the fact that the video game industry is one of the most important and […]
Review for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 31/12/2019 It is very difficult to remain objective when playing with feelings. It always has been and, to make good nocturnal fatalism, it always will be. […]
Here we are again with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 and his universe of tricks and skills to discover. Each skater (reread the list here) has more or less advanced skills and unique challenges, and we are ready to continue, after Tony Hawk, with Bob Burnquist. Let's […]
nacon has announced that it has entered into a licensing agreement with Activision to create a special edition of the REVOLUTION Unlimited Pro Controller dedicated to the next video game in the iconic Call of Duty franchise. Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War throws […]
Syberia: The World Before release date on PC has been revealed.The publisher and developer Microids has finally revealed the release date on PC of Syberia: The World Before.The game will be released on December 10th and will be available for purchase through […]
Starting today 3 November 2020 for all subscribers PlayStation Plus it's time to download the new free November games. This month, all players can get their hands on two major titles as well Middle-earth: The Shadow of War e Hollow Knight. The two titles can be […]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons continues to entertain millions of players around the world and the latest update has brought some very interesting news. Among these, the return of Volpolo, a merchant known in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. In New Horizons, Volpolo […]
Common Whatsapp connection problems. Whatsapp not working? Just last night I received a hundred messages asking me why Whatsapp doesn't work today. You don't have to immediately be alarmed and think that your phone is to blame if Whatsapp doesn't work on your […]
The new Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare turned out to be a particular chapter in several respects, but in general it deserved a more than good rating in our review. For all those who want to collect all the trophies of the PlayStation 4 version of the game, here […]
Playing at Mass Effect Andromeda you will encounter various puzzles, created by the Remnants to protect their terminals and their consoles. These puzzles have a high level of security and can be difficult to solve if you don't understand the rules behind […]
How to download ringtones for android.Today there are apps that are so easy to use to download ringtones that you really have a wide choice.How to download android ringtones here are the best appsZedge is the most famous and most downloaded app of this category, […]
Unveiled the first features of the new chapter of STALKER by GSC Game World. Fans of the saga of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. they will be happy to see the new trailer of GSC Game World, released on March 26, 2021. […]
From time to time it happens to meet a game that totally changes the way of understanding the videogame hobby: a valid example was Final Fantasy XIV. We are talking about a title that has brought for the first time a multiplayer experience that can totally capture […]
La new season of FIFA 20 tutorials, begins in style with a video featuring the new celebrations. Kazooie94, ProPlayer and EA Gamechangers member, posts on his Youtube profile a video that illustrates, in detail, the animations and how to perform them. Ok, take […]
Among the surprise announcements of The Game Awards 2020 evening, there is also the presentation of Ark 2. The sequel to the first ARK: Survival Evolved will also feature the actor Vin Diesel. The trailer in CGI does not provide additional details on what will […]
There are few brands that resist the slow and inexorable passage of time but fighting games, as the name of the genre itself suggests, still hold their own. One of these has withstood generations and generations of rivals and consoles: we are obviously talking […]
Missing a month at the release of Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S and Microsoft released the line-up of titles that will be available from launch for the two new consoles. Among the upcoming titles it is also specified which ones they will enjoy Smart delivery […]
The statues of Little Nightmares are one of the collectibles in the game. Through the following guide you will be able to find and destroy all those present in the game. The prison Number of statues: 2 At the start of the game, continue up the long flight of […]
The Dead Space remake will have no microtransactions. The announcement of the Dead Space remake has delighted millions of fans of the famous horror saga around the globe. It was in fact for a very long time that there were rumors of the return of this historic […]
There are substantial updates to Nintendo's original work in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, such as the Mario figurines that Link can collect. Once you have made them you can place them in the homes of the island's residents, as if they were gifts to the […]
Premise After Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which was hugely successful, given the setting of modern warfare, the developers of the Treyarch they decide to bring this brand back to its origins. In fact, Call of Duty: World at War brings us back to the fields of […]
Restore deleted or lost Instagram photos and videos. Recover deleted or lost Instagram photos and videos. With 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a photo sharing app and serves the purpose of marketing visual content, organizations are leveraging it […]
Like every beginning of the week, the Fortnite team offers us new challenges and each time they are more and more complicated. For the treasure hunt of Week 5 of Season 5 you will need to find the place shown on the map. The map showing the location of the battle […]
Axie Infinity official fanpage in Spanish The official Axie Infinity platform has not yet launched an official page for its Spanish-speaking users, however, on platforms like Twitter you can find their official profile in Spanish. In addition, fans and users of […]
ZOTAC, a well-known company of GPUs and components for PCs, has announced the new custom video cards of the GTX 1650 GDDR6 video cards. Both models are equipped with a factory overclock, despite the absence of an additional auxiliary power connector. The ZT-T16520F-10L […]
Il Black Diamond di Frosty it was created by gamers and for gamers. It features tempered glass side panels, enhanced cooling, rugged chassis and versatile internal layout. The BLACK DIAMOND also supports direct front vents to improve airflow inside the case with […]
Review for Two Point Hospital. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/09/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 25/02/2020 The version for Xbox One came out on 25/02/2020 Porting PC-born titles to consoles is becoming […]
In addition to sharing animated images for free using Giphy's built-in archive, you could use the GIF bot on Telegram. If you have an iPhone or Android smartphone, you could search for images that move from within the conversation, simply by using the keyboard.You […]
How to send a song with Whatsapp. The WhatsApp application has made our everyday life easier and one of the many advantages it has is that it allows us to send all types of files to another mobile device. This includes sending pictures, messages, videos and music […]
In the last few hours, Bethesda's social channels have announced a project in progress in the MachineGames studios in collaboration with Lucasfilms Games. This is the videogame version of Indiana Jones, with an original story completely unrelated to the movies. A […]
AORUS Gen4 7000s Prem is fast and durable, let's find out together GIGABYTE Technology today announces the latesto AORUS Gen4 7000s Prem. SSD with up to 7GB / s read speed and thermal dissipation […]
Review for Laser League. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 10/05/2018 Let's face it: in the last videogame year multiplayer decisively affirmed its supremacy. Just take a quick look at the sales and earnings figures of the […]
Denying the rumors popped up on the web a few months ago about a possible Nintendo Switch version, Mass Effect Legendary Edition will be released soon for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and through backward compatibility it will also be playable on PlayStation 5, […]
With the latest update of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the dear merchant Volpolo of Animal Crossing: New Leaf returns with his art shop "The Sea of Treasures of Volpolo", which will allow us to exhibit the works purchased in our art Gallery. Of many works, […]
You have a memory full of media and now you want to know how to automatically delete whatsapp photos? Well, then read on! We have the simplest method for you. Find how eliminate WhatsApp photos with just three simple steps. WhatsApp is a […]
The CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Jim Ryan, discussed in an interview how Sony has decided to grow his studies instead of spending a lot of money and buying external software houses like Microsoft products did it with Bethesda. Jim Ryan said: “I think […]
Raphael Lacoste, art director of various titles for Assassin's Creed, leaves Ubisoft. Raphael Lacoste, art director of various titles in the Assassin's Creed saga, leaves Ubisoft after sixteen years of work at the French company. To reveal it, it was Lacoste himself […]
After being unveiled in December 2019 with a surprise announcement from the stage of The Game Awards 2019, the tracks of Ruined King: A League of Legends Story had been lost but here it is. today Riot Game releases the official Announcement Trailer for this first […]
Review for Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido. Game for Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 08/06/2018 An ancient legend has it that a demon, in the form of a large white snake, spread disease and death in a village. The population, […]
Review for My Brother Rabbit. Game for Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One, the video game was released on 21/09/2018 Point and click graphic adventures have evolved a lot over time. From Monkey Island to Grim Fandango, passing through […]
In Yakuza: Like a Dragon you don't have to worry only about yourself, but also about your bizarre adventure companions: it is therefore not enough to fill yourself with Stamina Drinks as in the previous chapters, but you will have to buy weapons and objects for […]
On the official PlayStation site, Insomniac Games revealed some technical details of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, the new chapter of the saga coming out on PlayStation 5. Outlined what are the weapons used by Ratchet & Clank, the new characters who will […]
You can now also pay for your Amazon purchases through your bank account. All you have to do is add it to your Amazon account payment methods.All you need are: codice BIC (codice SWIFT)IBAN the name and surname of the current account holderHow to pay for Amazon […]
After trying to explain to you what you will be faced with playing Mount & Blade II Bannerlord through ours preview a few days ago, we now want to offer you a guide on how to get started on the right foot in the TaleWorlds PC game. Recall that the game is […]
One of the favorite moments of Pokémon GO trainers is certainly that of evolution: after training, battles and numerous captured monsters, the efforts are rewarded with the change of one's Pokémon into a superior, stronger form. Can't wait for your favorite […]
Thanks to the video game industry, countless people are enjoying themselves as the days go by. This is very important, because thanks to it, a very large market is created, which expands all over the globe and has billions of users. Video games have really changed […]
2K and Visual Concepts have unveiled Season 7 of NBA 2K21 MyTeam mode. Players will be able to unlock lots of very interesting rewards! Great news for all NBA and NBA 2K21 fans. 2K officially announced the arrival of Season 7 for the My Team mode (the equivalent […]
Mass Effect Legendary Edition on console: EA illustrates the yield that can be expected from each version. Il 14st May will finally be available Mass Effect Legendary Edition, game that will contain […]
App to record calls on Android. record your phone calls with these free apps on the PlayStore.If you are looking for an app for record phone calls on your Android smartphone on the Google store there are so many, but which are the best? Now we are going to list […]
In Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep it is possible to follow the story of three different characters: Aqua, Terra and Ventus. All three keyblade warriors, after a short start, separate to follow different paths and find themselves gradually during their travels, […]
The universe of Nioh 2, by now we have understood it, it is rich in thematic inspiration coming from a local folkloric culture, to say the least enormous. After having dealt with historical warriors and creatures taken with both hands by the Japanese tradition, […]
During the event dedicated to PlayStation 5 held last week, between one announcement and another, Sony has inserted the trailer for Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition. Not everyone would have expected a new version of the popular hack 'n slash, considering its release […]
Review for Life is Strange: True Colors. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 10/09/2021Life is Strange: True Colors is the evolution, in many ways, of everything […]
Epic Games will introduce Unreal Engine 5 as the Fortnite game engine with the new season. HYPEX, a well-known battle royale leaker recently revealed very interesting information regarding the upcoming season, which will radically change the title as we know it. […]
Riot Games, ten years of League of Legends played, that until a few months ago they would not have justified in any way that S aimed at indicating a lack of plurality. Suddenly the rumors about the making of a new title and then on its tenth birthday the announcement. An […]
Bloober Team explains how the features of the PlayStation 5 controller will be exploited. The Bloober Team title was among the first to embark on the road to release exclusively on next-gen consoles: The Medium is already available on Xbox Series X and, as the […]
Show the characteristics of the title further Bethesda and Arkane Studios have released a gameplay trailer a full nine minutes for Deathloop. The studio behind Dishonored has done their utmost in this new title without departing from the landscape of assassins: […]
In the first chapter of Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Spyro The Dragon, you can unlock 80 dragons, find 12 eggs and get 14 skill points. Spyro The Dragon: where to find all dragons and all eggs artisans: 4 dragons Stony Hill: 4 dragons, 1 egg Dark Valley: 3 dragons Borgo […]
Review for Tacoma. Game for PC, Steam, Mac, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 02/08/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 08/05/2018 Almost a year ago Tacoma, Fullbright's second project, made its debut on Xbox One and PC, four […]
How to conduct all bossfights in Crash Bandicoot 4. Part one. In this first part of ours boss fight guide in Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time we will explain how to come out as winners in every […]
Review for Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 10/07/2020 The surprise we tried to see the announcement of Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise, inside another rather subdued Nintendo Direct […]
How Whatsapp spy on us. Read the article in full, I recommend it. One of the unwritten laws of computer science provides that the more a certain technology gains people's trust, the greater the possibility that malicious people will try to use it to propagate […]
What is the difference between survival mode and creative mode in Minecraft? This game has different game modes, survival or survival are the normal way to play, as you will have a heart-shaped life bar and you will have to make your way through the world, as well […]
ATTENTION: This guide is based on a glitch in the game and, therefore, it is likely that it will be fixed in the future with a patch. The glitch allows you to get infinite ammunition in Mafia 3, restoring those of discharged weapons in a completely free way. After […]
Most Diablo Immortal players have found it impossible to transfer their accounts to a different region, a process that should otherwise be simple and seamless. When players try to transfer their account to another region, gives them a rather […]
With these simple tips, you too can solve the problem of YouTube not working. YouTube is the world's largest video sharing platform with a huge audience and support for a variety of devices. However, despite its immense popularity, users sometimes face a number […]
Godfall is showing itself more and more, especially in the last few months. In addition to the new Valorplates, the new weak point system was also shown. However, many are wondering how it will differ substantially from other titles. The youtuber Arekkz Gaming […]
The pre-orders of Horizon Forbidden West have finally opened, but a choice by Sony is causing discussion.It has recently been confirmed that Horizon Forbidden West will arrive on February 18, 2022 on PlayStation 5 and PS4 but today pre-orders have been opened, […]
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning just debuted in the West on PlayStation 4 and PC, so it's time for a look at gold, silver and bronze cups thanks to our trophy list. The game features 38 trophies, including 1 platinum, 3 gold, 18 silver and 16 bronze. Here is the list. […]
In this article we collect the best Christmas greetings apps that you can download on Android and iOS to use to send photos or phrases.Merry Christmas: best greeting card appsSeason's Greetings and Merry Christmas - Christmas Greetings app This application contains thousands […]
An important announcement at the opening of the Sony conference.An important announcement opened the event PlayStation Showcase 2021: a remake of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, a famous title, is in development released in the 2003 and highly […]
It has been many years since the last title in the series Prince of Persia has made its appearance in the videogame world, yet the hope of the players for the arrival of a new game has never been extinguished. The rumors regarding the latter have gradually followed […]
A job announcement from Naughty Dog reveals that developers are working on a multiplayer game, be it the long-awaited stand alone for The Last of Us: Part II? Naughty Dog has recently released the […]
Review for FIFA 18. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 29/09/2017 "EA Sports: It's in the game", how many times have we heard and tried to repeat this famous phrase that we find in […]
If you have already ventured into the world of FAIRY TAIL, Gust's latest RPG, you will have seen that there are several trophies, all of which can be obtained quite easily. One, however, is a bit more difficult to conquer, namely the one concerning the rare monster […]
Dreams, the latest title from Media Molecule, is recently available on PlayStation 4. Many players have already dived into story mode by unlocking new items to be included in their creations. However, your Imp (avatar) can also be grown outside the story mode, […]
Deemo Rayark developer of Rayark Inc. announced the new project, publishing a first concept video for the title Binary Gods. Conceptual video shows an android girl who faces the mutant mega entity named “Ravenous Devourer” in an action-style gameplay sequence. […]
In Milan a few weeks ago we had the opportunity, thanks to Ubisoft, to try in preview Far Cry: New Dawn, highly anticipated new chapter of the famous franchise, direct follow-up to Far Cry 5 which carries the arduous burden of introducing the theme of the […]
Farming Simulator 19 becomes even more realistic with the introduction of Precision farming (Precision Agriculture), a new DLC that brings "smart farming" technology to the field and will be available for PC and console from8th December. The DLC is part of […]
Microsoft shows its new title Stray Blade. Microsoft's panel for Gamescom 2021 showed some surprises and among them the announcement of a new game coming in 2022: Stray Blade. The title is a very brutal RPG in which we will play the role of an adventurer who, […]
You wouldn't be the first person to think Facebook is underwhelming when it comes to customer service and technical support. There is no number to call, no live chat support, nothing to help or guide you through technical difficulties. To add insult to injury, […]
Let's face it: lately, finding a driving game within the vast videogame market that is totally arcade and that at the same time manages to be very varied is not as simple as it seems. In a sense, Grand Theft Auto V was succeeding through a multiplayer consisting […]
As always, Fortnite's challenges push players to run from one side of the island to the other, but only one of them, at least for the 5 week, he sees you… having to dance with a robot! Yes, it sounds incredibly easy to hear, but the most logical place to find […]
Snubbed by many in its original version dated 2006, Okami HD instead it has received a good response from the public over the years. The original adventure directed by Hideki Kamiya and produced by Capcom was in fact re-proposed in Remastered format on PC, PlayStation […]
How to delete your YouTube videos on a computer or mobile device. It only takes a few minutes to delete YouTube videos. You can delete videos that you have uploaded to YouTube using the website or mobile apps. To delete a video on your computer, go to your account's […]
Review for Marvel's Avengers. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 04/09/2020 It has been on everyone's lips for months, and in the last period we have approached the exit deceiving […]
We know, talking about a beginner's guide referring to a title from 20 years ago, however remastered, may seem strange. Yet despite the hard core never giving up the title, there are people who face it Diablo II: Resurrected for the first time. And they are blown […]
The publication of Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 by SEGA on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation ecosystems and Xbox has certainly contributed to refresh the spirits of puzzle gamers around the world, considering the high gross quality offered. EpicTrick, to contribute to your own […]
Like streaming video on Facebook, Facebook also had to equip itself to compete with other social applications that allow live streaming. I personally never thought of streaming videos that they could be available to everyone until a few years ago. In recent […]
In Sonic Mania Plus we will have, as already in Sonic Mania, two types of stage bonuses that can be played in the Mania mode, that is the Stage of the blue spheres e the Chaos Emerald Stages. Here are some tips on how to best overcome these levels. Stage blue […]
Players of NBA 2K21 a collection. 2K and Visual Concepts have released a new, full-bodied update for the title, always one of those with a very high level post-launch support. The update in question modifies various aspects of the game, demonstrating once again […]
The director of the NieR saga shared some tips on the plot of the Capcom title. Yoko Taro, creator of the NIER series, of which he is recently released the remake of the first chapter, or NieR Replicant […]
Water in Minecraft Water is one of the oldest elements of the game and its behavior has always been curious. Being a liquid, its existence consists of a block like " root, »And then spread in all directions if space permits. This way, you can travel up to 7 blocks […]
Your PC webcam can do more than just take a selfie or record you during your Zoom meeting. If you pair it with the right software program, you can create amazing things with it and even use it for surveillance purposes.Best webcam apps for WindowsSo, what are the […]
In Mortal Kombat 11 it is possible to use the Forge present in the Krypt to create some key items. However, it is necessary to know precisely what you need and in what quantity, since using Koins, hearts or souls in the wrong way means losing them permanently […]
With the participation of the English ambassadorsBandai Namco and Arc System Works have brought together some of the UK's biggest fighting game ambassadors to create a new trailer for Guilty Gear Strive.The trailer includes the presence of:Daisuke Ishiwatari, […]
The Legacy of the Horadrim is a way for players to improve their character's stats in Diablo Immortal. It requires finding the legacy of the Horadrim vessels that are scattered around the world and are heavily guarded by enemies. The following guide […]
Review for Pokémon Café Mix. Game for Android, iOS and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 23/06/2020 A Pokémon café, run by Pokémon, for Pokémon customers. This is in short what Pokémon Café Mix offers, the new free-to-play title from Genius […]
Almost exactly one year after the release of Doom Eternal the epic of the Slayer ends with the second DLC The Ancient Gods Part 2, which will take us to Hell with the mythical Doomguy for one last, […]
How to send WhatsApp messages to a number not saved in the address book. WhatsApp is the best messaging app, something even Mark Zuckerberg would dare to deny. His strong point is the large user base he has, although functionality like real-time location sharing […]
LEGO Harry Potter Collection: Years 1-4, the action-adventure video game developed by Traveler's Tales and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, has a trophy list with altogether 37 trophies on PlayStation 4 e Xbox One. The video game is available […]
Ready to land on the next gen with many exclusive news, the trophy list of FIFA 22. The football title of Electronic Arts offers 17 bronze, 17 silver, 3 gold and 1 platinum cups. Let's see the trophy list together. BRONZE TROPHIES The dress makes the monk Edit […]
Razer Cynosa V2 is an entry-level gaming keyboard with individually backlit keys for limitless lighting combinations and in-game integration with popular titles such as Fortnite, Overwatch, Warframe and more. It is the new edition of the Cynosa Chroma that has […]
Id Software releases update 6 which optimizes its shooter for the latest generation of PCs and consoles.As anticipated by Bethesda and Id Software, DOOM Eternal is updated with the next-gen update that guarantees three new modes for PlayStation 5 and Xbox […]
Call of Duty's zombie mode is one of the most beloved by fans, even if you are often faced with puzzles or Easter Eggs that are difficult to understand. In this guide we will deal with a very recurring topic in Zombies mode, that is the machine for the Pack A […]
Like many Nintendo games, Intelligent Systems' Fire Emblem: Three Houses is also compatible with Amiibo. The rewards vary by model, so here's a list of what you can get from the collectible figurines. The figurines can be used interacting with the Amiibo Pavilion […]
ASUS, a well-known computer and PC components company, today announced the release of the ROG Strix GA35-G35DX gaming computer. The desktop computer is pre-assembled, comes with high-end hardware, geared towards triple AAA video games running at 4K (UHD) resolution. […]
Review for Outward. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 26/03/2019 In addition to creating games of remarkable quality, FromSoftware has the undoubted merit of having brought back what was one of the founding characteristics […]
The system architect of Microsoft products, Andrew Goossen, revealed to Digital Foundry that video games Xbox One are improved on Xbox series s better than if they turned up Xbox One X. Andrew Goossen said, “We designed the Xbox Series S to improve Xbox One […]
GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co. Ltd, a leading manufacturer of motherboards and graphics cards, has announced the launch of the latest B550 AORUS motherboards, ready to unleash the potential of 550rd generation AMD Ryzen ™ desktop processors. The new B4.0 AROUS motherboards […]
Immediately following the announcement of Final Fantasy XVI, Square Enix confirmed via a press release that the manufacturer of the game is Naoki Yoshida and the manager is Hiroshi takai. Also, Final Fantasy XVI will not be presented at Tokyo Game Show 2020: Square […]
Resident Evil 7 recently brought the No Hero and Zoe's End DLCs, which extend the main story by offering players a much more action-packed experience. Owners of the Gold and Deluxe Edition of the game, however, also have access to another interesting series of […]
Even as The Walking Dead: The Final Season is nearing its end, there will still be a lot to discover regarding the fate of its characters and storyline. Considering in this case only the gameplay, especially for players who crave to discover every detail of the […]
PlayStation has registered the Sunset Overdrive trademark, the title produced by Insomniac on Xbox One and PC that may soon arrive on Sony consoles. Several days ago, more precisely on April 26, 2021, […]
Review for Moving Out. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 28/04/2020 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 12/05/2020 Who hasn't dreamed of being part of a moving company? all? nobody? Well whatever the […]
Review for Trials Of Mana. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 24/04/2020 2020 seems to be the year of RPG lovers, given the amount of titles released or that will be released soon. In particular, the current month appears […]
Spotify will host a series of virtual concerts in May and June 2021. The likes of Jack Antonoff, The Black Keys and Leon Bridges will perform in pre-recorded live streams.Here's the full list of who performs at Spotify's virtual concerts, and how to get a ticket […]
Have you decided to deactivate WhatsApp? This is all you need to know if you want to delete or deactivate your account. There are many reasons why you might want to delete WhatsApp. Either because you created a new account and plan to never use the old one again, […]
Fallout 4 it is definitely a long-lived title, and the huge number of trophies and achievements (for a total of 50, plus a Platinum trophy) that can be obtained during the playthrough prove it. Some of them may be missing, as they foreclose on each other. Nothing […]
Turtle Rock is a development studio known for working on Left 4 Dead, a zombie-themed cooperative shooter series that has been able to entertain a large group of fans for years. The series and the team were talked about again in March 2019, with the announcement […]
Review for MORDHAU. PC game, the video game came out on 29/04/2019 If the smell of napalm in the morning is not enough for you, if you consider the clanging of the blades crossing the sweetest of lullabies, if you feel naked without chain mail and gambeson when […]
Where are the weapon upgrades in Resident Evil 3 Remake? In Capcom's latest survival horror it is possible to collect different upgrades for each weapon available and, since these are hidden or locked inside a safe, it is easy to miss them at the first playthrough. […]
A few recommendations before you enter the world of Metal Gear Solid: the guide contains some Spoilers so be careful to read the guide before the game otherwise you will be forced to read something unpleasant. However, I limited myself in describing the events […]
Here is the return of the adventure series with horror connotations by Capcom. As written in our review, Resident evil village recalls Resident Evil 4 following at the same time the revolution started […]
Bravely Default II, Square Enix's new JRPG coming out on Nintendo Switch, has been classified in Australia. The title, announced for the first time in 2019, has never had a precise launch date and Square Enix, together with Nintendo, has only stated that the […]
The Star Citizen developer, Cloud Imperium, has released a new update on the progress of the Squadron 42 single player campaign. If you are eager to get your hands on the Squadron 42 single player campaign you will unfortunately be disappointed. Director Chris […]
With the release of Hitman 3 su consul e PC, we could not miss our appointment with the guides dedicated to agent 47. In this guide we provide you with the security codes and combinations of the safes, so as to allow you to easily open the safes present and thus […]
Review for Darksiders Genesis. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 05/12/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 14/02/2020 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 14/02/2020 The version […]
New 50-minute gameplay released for the PS4 version of Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water During the Famitsu LIVE program they were shown 50 minutes of gameplay on PS4's Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, remastered of the fifth chapter of […]
If you want to play Space Hulk: Tactics online with the Terminators, the best chapter to start with is undoubtedly i Dark Angels, which possess the most powerful command cards in the game. A team composed as follows will be the top to be able to make the most […]
Review for Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 03/09/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 30/09/2019 There are so many reasons to choose to live as a space mercenary, surely among them are alcohol […]
Heroes of the Storm reached its version 2.0, and with it new characters such as Genji, D.Va, Malthael, Kel'Thuzad, Ana and Junkrat have appeared. The last hero to enter the fray was Alexstrasza, the dragon of life, able to both heal her team and destroy her enemies […]
When you play it, you will notice that it is very addicting and that it requires some tricks and strategies to win good characters and thus defeat your enemies. In this article we will show you how you can do it. Brawl Stars characters There are many fantastic […]
Acer has decided to let us know what the new Chromebooks will be coming Acer today announced four new Chromebooks, including Acer Chromebook 317, the first device with a 17-inch screen. All four devices […]
All the Trophies of A Plague Tale: InnocenceOne of the titles that has most surprised the world audience in recent months has certainly been A Plague Tale: Innocence: this multimedia work, developed by Asobo Studio and distributed by Focus Home Interactive, has […]
In this guide we show you the locations of all the golden Bolts present in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. In Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (here our review) there are a total of 25 Gold Bolts. […]
If it is not true that we are all better at Christmas, the same cannot be said for Epic Games Store. The studio of Tim Sweeney, responsible among other things for the Unreal Engine, has announced that 15 days of great gifts will be held on its famous store. Starting […]
MasterCode N473-6ZHY-KW500 ZZ68-XDAV-00RA9 XMF0-W3F5-ZNEH9 2BAK-A0NT-DKZXJ 0R20-Z7DE-8MF6Q HP to the max 6W49-U0EB-KMB7C EMR5-Z62P-PB8V7 QURY-CWJW-NTUHC AP always at the maximum 4RW6-PBB9-JB53H 6TNB-KDCU-03FF0 977Y-3847-T68NY Main weapon fully upgraded QP3J-B4QM-C45TG VY36-ARR0-BUXB7 Fully […]
The importance of humanity in Dark Souls is not limited to the passage of the character from the undead state to that of "human" but First of all, it will allow you to increase HP, resistance to curses and the possibility of finding objects more easily. The second […]
In the eighth mission of the Bethesda Doom: Eternal title, "Sentinel Prime", there are 10 objects that can be found throughout the level. Sentinel Prime is the shortest level in the game. All objects off the path will be marked with a white question mark on the […]
Nintendo publishes a summary video on New Pokémon Snap. Nintendo also released a rich video tour on New Pokémon Snap. The gameplay video summarizes everything you can expect from return of the series […]
You used the Disney Plus streaming service, but now you want to cancel your Disney + subscription for any reason, here's how to do it depending on where and with what system you activated your subscription.In fact, you must know that the Disney Plus subscription […]
A little while ago during Sony's streaming event called "PS5 Showcase" Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition gameplay trailer was shown. The trailer shows the three beloved characters of the fifth chapter of the Devil May Cry saga in scenic and spectacular action. […]
In the video games of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, wandering around the islands of Alola it is possible to find some NPCs who will ask to show them some Pokémon, offering us rewards in exchange. In this list you will find all the NPCs available in the video […]
App to edit body in photos. Edit your physical appearance on a photo through these free body editing apps.Would you like to modify your facial features, remove imperfections or slim your body on a photo? There are apps to edit the body on a photo, now we are […]
For some time the eyes of gamers have been on Twin Mirror, the new project developed by Dontnod Entertainment, a studio that has given life to games such as Life is Strange and Vampyr. Just a few hours ago, Dontnod Entertainment itself revealed that Twin Mirror's […]
The fights are one of the strong points of the saga conceived by Yu Suzuki and Shenmue III it is no less than its predecessors. This guide is intended to give you some advice in order to better face your opponents that will stand in front of you. The first thing […]
Gears of War it is undoubtedly the longest-running and profitable Microsoft IP. The first chapter saw the debut way back in 2006, thirteen years ago, both on Xbox 360 and PC. It was one of the first games to use Microsoft's new libraries, DirectX 10. After a long […]
App to crop music. With these apps, cutting and editing your songs on Android phones and tablets or on iPhones and iPads will be very simple.Thanks to these free apps that can be downloaded directly from the Play Store and App Store, cutting your audio tracks or […]
Review for Little Nightmares. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/04/2017 If you have followed the 2017 releases with medium participation, you will surely have noticed that it was a year very full of great games. So imagine […]
The solution was drastic. Despite the super powers and his higher mind, even Professor Xavier can be defeated sometimes. In particular, it seems that the opponent that has put him most in difficulty is the open world RPG The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Well yes. […]
Review for Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 15/03/2019 Version for Google Stadia from 17/03/2020 When it comes to looter shooter (or cover shooter as in this case) the evaluation […]
All the original 151 pokémon from the first generation of video games are featured in Pokémon Quest. Obviously many of us are particularly fond of the monsters called "starters", that is, those with whom the protagonists of these games begin the adventure, and […]
How to get cooked meat in ARK: Survival Evolved? Cooked meat can be obtained by cooking raw meat on a campfire, or if you prefer and have enough resources you can also use an industrial grill. This type of food is necessary if you want to prepare Prime Beef in […]
Review for Trover Saves the Universe. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR, the video game was released on 31/05/2019 The version for PC came out on 04/06/2019 Do you know the definition of insanity? An essay (or was he a fool?) Defined it as “pursuing […]
Perks are very important in Fallout 76 more than in the other titles in the series since it is an online game and you have to get as many advantages as possible in any way possible. Below we will explain in detail all the functions of the various perks, so that […]
Amazon Prime Student offers college students all the benefits of Amazon Prime, with a no-cost usage period of 90 days and then a 50% discount from the regular Amazon Prime price.What Amazon Prime Student includesUnlimited fast shipping at no additional costHundreds […]
Heroes of the Storm reached its version 2.0, and with it new characters such as Genji, D.Va, Malthael, Kel'Thuzad, Ana, Junkrat, and Alexstrasza have appeared. The latest hero to enter the fray was Blaze, the Firebat from Starcraft, ready to put everything in […]
Worms rumble, the video game developed by Team17, has a list with altogether 27 trophies on PlayStation 4 e PlayStation 5. The game is available on PC on the Steam platform. The Worms Rumble Trophy List includes 12 Bronze Trophies, 8 Silver Trophies, 6 Gold Trophies […]
The developer behind God of War may be working on a fantasy game. SIE Santa Monica Studios, the developer behind God of War on PlayStation 4, may be working on a new game with a fantasy setting. […]
WhatsApp is one of the leading chat apps available in the world. What makes it popular is its user-friendly nature and the ability to work in all kinds of circumstances. Even if you have a poor internet connection, WhatsApp works wonders. Also, once you create […]
What do you need to grow fast in Clash of Clans? Before we give you the important tips that can help you grow within this medieval game, we need to give you some interesting information. First, you should know that any external offer of riches is not valid, Clash […]
Ready to explore the lands of Azur to reveal all its secrets and trophies?Great: Memories of Azur is the single-player adventure that marks Navegante Entertainment's debut in the video game industry. It is a mix of Platform, Metroidvania, action and Puzzle […]
Sales of PlayStation 5 have exceeded Sony's estimates by as much as 200 thousand units, while the PS4 exceeds 115 million. Sony announced the financial results of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021: […]
Review for Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! / Pokémon Let's Go, Eevee!. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 16/11/2018 In 1996, a title that would later achieve worldwide fame made its first release in the gaming market: Pokémon. The first video […]
Rebecca introduces herself to the Ecliptic Express. If you continue to your right, towards the back of the train, you will find the door locked, for which you will need a key. So go to the one on the opposite side, entering the compartment of carriage # 3. After […]
Review for Minecraft: Dungeons. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 30/06/2020 The pixelated world of Minecraft has been one of the biggest successes in the field of video games ever. There are dozens of releases […]
Review for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 31/08/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 23/08/2018 The version for Xbox One came out on 23/08/2018 Warhammer 40.000 Inquisitor: […]
WhatsApp for iOS offers a wide range of features. This “simple” messaging service simplifies many complicated things, whether it's sending your current location or transferring a simple PDF file. But what it doesn't do is transfer the images in their original […]
Review for Devil May Cry 5. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 08/03/2019 Devil May Cry 5 is simply the best character action ever conceived. There are titles that can mark an era, games that, after their release, are […]
According to some rumors about the Final Fantasy series it seems that soon there should be news on a new chapter: considering that 4 years have passed since the release of Final Fantasy VII Remake and that of Final Fantasy XV, the news on a new chapter should […]
The Medium project, title out at the end of January su Xbox Series S / X and PC, will see the light exclusively on next-gen hardware: Bloober Team explains the reasons in an interview on GameInformer. The game stands out, as widely announced, for its curious multidimensional […]
Among the many who have contributed to reshape the telephony sector, WhatsApp is certainly among the first. This messaging service alone is responsible for destroying SMS and even international phone calls to a limited extent. How to upload YouTube videos […]
EVGA presented Frostbite 2, the new generation of thermal interface materials. Designed to provide heat transfer highly efficient under any workload, Frostbite 2 is easy to apply to ensure optimal thermal contact between the CPU or GPU and its heatsink. Whether […]
Review for Illusion: A Tale of the Mind. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One, the video game was released on 01/06/2018 Our mind is complex, based on past time, our emotions and other circumstances, reality and memories can be altered by it: it can […]
According to several rumors, Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy, could be released in December, albeit, it may not be the launch window for current-gen versions. At least this is what is reported according to the sources of the Polish website PPE (via VGC), which state […]
Here's how to stock up on all the trophies in the new FF VII Remake DLC. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade has recently landed on PlayStation 5. With him, the new DLC that sees Yuffie as the protagonist, […]
Review for Metro Exodus. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 15/02/2019 Metro Exodus it really needs no introduction, given the fame and the large slice of aficionados that the post-apocalyptic shooting saga […]
In the last few hours, the communication that all COD fans have been waiting for has finally arrived: the first Season of the recent Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will be playable from next December 16, and will be shown for the first time during The Game Awards […]
The general producer of the Tales of series, Yusuke Tomizawa, declares that the development of Tales of Arise has reached its final stages. The news can only cheer fans around the world. Tales of Arise is in fact one of the most anticipated jrpg by gamers. Yusuke […]
In Resident Evil 7 there are numerous collectibles scattered throughout the game. Some of these objects in question are the Mr. Everywhere, bobbleheads puppets (with the dangling head, so to speak): finding them and destroying them all will bring home a trophy. Here […]
Martial arts are a great way to practice self defense, or just to get fit, and there are tons of Android apps that can help you out.Some of these are in English, but just follow the videos and the illustrated instructions to understand the training to follow. […]
Ready to reinvent the Robin Hood legend? Hood: outlaws & legends is the new Shooter RPG developed by Sumo Digital and published by Focus Home Interactive. It is a title with a medieval setting […]
Joe Shely, having experience with World of Warcraft and Diablo III, has taken on the role of director of Diablo IV. In the quarterly update of Diablo IV, Shely is honored in taking on this role and making her contribution to the next chapter by Diablo. The previous […]
Kikuras Rapids is the fifth dungeon in Diablo Immortal and players are looking for a Nephalem Beacon to access the Namari Temple. In this guide, we will explain how to proceed through the Diablo Immortal Kikuras Rapids Dungeon and get the Nephalem Beacon […]
First appearing in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance as one of the game's few interesting new characters, and later only briefly glimpsed in both Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat X, lethal warrior Lin Kuei Frost finally returns in Mortal Kombat 11. Unlike the other […]
You are looking for free music download apps for Android. Here is our list of applications that will allow you to download all the music you want on your Android smartphone or tablet.Free music download app for AndroidYMusic - free music download YMusic lets […]
Will Sega announce a new chapter of the Yakuza saga during the Tokyo Game Show? It's possible. The news came via a promptly deleted tweet from Ayana Tsubaki. The description for the stream that will arrive on 27 September at 13 spoke of "new information regarding […]
The world of messaging has become very large in recent years and there is now a wide variety of messaging apps. Your favorite messaging app probably depends on where you live and what device you use every day. In the U.S., Apple fans rely on […]
Launch yourself into an eccentric world, where rockets will dictate the rules of the game. Rocket Arena new license plate title EA Originals, will see you protagonists in an explosive 3v3 shooter where action will certainly not be lacking. Discover with us the […]
Something is stirring, perhaps Sony is ready to release the latest information on the next one PlayStation 5? This is not known yet, but what is certain, that Sony has officially launched the pages of the games coming out on the next console Sony. The […]
The launch window was announced in the past few hours. A few hours ago we reported the news of the acquisition of the property rights of Ghostrunner by 505 Games and, following the operation, the […]
Last year The Callisto Protocol was announced. The title is a new generation horror developed by some of the minds who have worked on masterpieces such as Dead Space. At the moment only very little information is known and a CGI trailer is available. One of the […]
Review for Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 28/08/2020 The fascinating world of immortal beings called vampires - as fascinating as they are lethal - has always created an aura […]
The famous Let's Sing series sees the arrival of a new title and this time entirely dedicated to the famous band Queen. Let's Sing Queen lands on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and will soon be available on next-gen consoles in backward compatibility. The […]
Tripwire Interactive and Deep Silver have recently announced that Maneater is already available on Xbox Series X and and will arrive on PS5 on day one, set for November 19th. The title came out at the end of last May and is now ready to arrive on the new generation […]
343 Industries announces that Halo 3 will receive a new map 343 Industries announced that Halo 3 remastered, title present in Halo: The Master Chief Collection will update, receiving the Icebox map. With Halo Infinite coming on December 8th on Xbox Series S, Xbox […]
Best iOS photo editing apps for your iPhone and iPad. In iOS 11, Apple's built-in photo editing tools are pretty anemic. Considering the power of the iPhone camera, the device requires a more efficient image editor. Here are four of the best photo editing app for […]
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 is highly anticipated by all fans of the series and, finally, Square Enix will release a new trailer, which will again show what the game has to offer. This was announced a few hours ago by an important and famous journalist in […]
Review for Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist Of The Mysterious Book. Game for PC, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 19/11/2015 The version for PC came out on 07/02/2017 With Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist Of The Mysterious […]
Arc System Works pushes the pedal of absolute quality all the way, finally implementing a series of innovations within the PC version of Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R, yet another chapter of a fighting game saga that has now become legend. Among the tastiest […]
Review for Tokyo School Life. Game for Nintendo Switch and PC, the video game was released on 14/02/2019 The version for PC came out on 12/02/2015 One of the genres that certainly would suit Nintendo Switch better is that of Visual novel, a videogame niche that […]
Hitman 3, the new effort of IO Interactive, is about to arrive in a few days completing the new trilogy that has brought the series into the eighth and ninth generation of consoles. The load of trophies that Hitman 3 brings with it is considerable: 48 of which […]
June and the WWDC are approaching, and more and more rumors suggest that Apple could concentrate a large part of the event on news in the music field. There is now little time left for the WWDC in […]
Send anonymous messages on WhatsApp without showing your number. There are many apparently very useful online services that, if used incorrectly, can be harmful or otherwise not truly legal. This is the case with the service we are about to show you, for send […]
They finally arrive. Lenovo X1 arrives with the new models of the line: it is the thinnest ThinkPad ever, theX1 Titanium Yoga, with titanium chassis and thin just over 11mm. Lenovo X1 is not just […]
Many months have passed since the first time Black Myth: Wukong showed itself to the public, but with this new trailer released for the Lunar New Year, the interest of all players has rekindled, as the title continues to look very promising. In this brand new […]
Mission 1: Prologue Mission 2: Franklin and Lamar Mission 3: Vehicle recovery Mission 4: Complications Mission 5: Father and son […]
This makes a computer game often more desirable than a console, as since the controls have been implemented to play on a console, many of the excuses about using a keyboard and not a controller have been left behind . Even with the latter, many people are often […]
After being released for PlayStation Vita in 2012, Ys: Memories of Celceta is finally in the pipeline for PlayStation 4 on June 19th. Given its return to the Sony flagship console, we have compiled for you the list of all the trophies available in the title for […]
In “My Career” mode in NBA 2K20 you can use the VC, ie the virtual currency, to enhance the parameters of your player. In addition to the currency, badges will also have a crucial importance in the economy of the game. The badges will be earned as you play, […]
The Instagram live broadcasts have been available to anyone for some time and are increasingly used to make brand awareness and to increase the relationship with their followers. In fact, they allow a high involvement of users who can ask questions or express […]
New trailers and updates for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes. Yesterday's Pokémon Presents revealed several news regarding the world of Pokémon video games. A large space was obviously dedicated to the remakes of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, arriving on Nintendo […]
WhatsApp virus: what to do and how to eliminate it. As long as it is a "chain" - however boring they are - all is well, but if it's a real scam the story is very different! A virus WhatsApp Message it is nothing more than a fraud created specifically […]
Are you already looking for a device that allows you to fully enjoy the first Christmas jingles? To do for you, in this case, it could be Devil BOOMSTER! The latter, now in its third generation, is the sistema audio/stereo Bluetooth DAB+/FM most popular and iconic […]
Sony has made available a system firmware update for the PlayStation 5, this is the updated version 20.02-02.26.00, which according to the changelog released on the site goes to fix the characteristics of the system and some bugs, including the performance, the […]
Immediately after learning the fundamentals of the game, Kingdom Come: Deliverance it really kicks off and presents us with the first intriguing mystery to be solved. After that Henry tracked down the bandits from the Neuhof farm in Uzhitz, the story takes a very […]
App for making videos with photos and music. Do you want to easily create a video from the photos on your smartphone and also add music to it to make it even more impressive? Well there are many applications that you can download on both Android and iOS that will […]
Improvements to getting and wearing a silk touch pickaxe in Minecraft The new Minecraft updates have favored various aspects of the game. The touch of silk can currently be applied to any object or " block »Without major complications (obviously to do this you […]
Biomutant is a name we heard a while ago, but finally, after trailers and doubts about its arrival on next-gen, it is now back in the center of our attention. First shown in 2018 and then disappeared into oblivion, many thought Biomutant had been silently canceled, […]
Review for Space Junkies. PC game, the video game came out on 31/12/2018 Analyzing the characteristics proposed by Space Junkies, the conditions for doing well would seem to be all there: a solid technical system, the power of PlayStation VR subservient to gameplay, […]
There is currently a large number of games for our smartphones that we can play offline or online and download totally for free, however there are games that stand out among others and which currently have millions of downloads thanks to their great popularity […]
The best training apps for Android and iOS. Discover the best apps to train and keep fit on Android and iPhone.You love physical activity or you intend to start putting your body in perfect physical shape, these apps, depending on the one you choose, will help […]
Needle, a leading manufacturer of high-performance DRAM modules, NAND Flash products and gaming products and mobile accessories, today announces the launch of the memory module XPG SPECTRIX D50 DDR4 RGB. With performance up to 4800 MHz, a maximum capacity of 32 […]
Ready to discover the procedural dungeons created by NIS America? Void Terrarium ++ is the new adventure curated by NIS America available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch. In a post-apocalyptic setting mixed with fabulous features, a small robot […]
In See how it's done we explain how get rubies and coins for free in Mario Kart Tour. Get free rubies and coins in Mario Kart Tour I rubies they are the most important currency in the game, because it has more value than the currency itself. The system gives you […]
Netflix allows you to watch some of its contents including TV series and films and documentaries for free without a subscription. You don't need to create an account and you don't need a credit card. The only limitation is that you can't access free Netflix shows […]
Resident Evil Village is certainly one of the most anticipated titles of this year. During the last presentation several details were revealed but it seems that, through the Collector's Edition, recently revealed, others have emerged. These concern the game locations […]
Finally we are almost there, after years of long waits, the launch of one of the most acclaimed video games of recent years is missing: Elden Ring. The new work by From Software was announced three years ago, and since then the information on the title has been […]
Create the best submachine gun in Minecraft make a submachine gun in Minecraft, the first thing to take into consideration is that this item does not actually exist in the game, as there are no firearms in this title, the closest thing is the bow. So to have […]
And, if you think about it, nothing gives you more courage than having the your account closed for a period of time for something you have not committed. While this shouldn't happen, there are actually several players who have reported completely misplaced bans, […]
Review for . I play for,Sonic Mania reminds us of the distant times of the NES, characterized by that friendly rivalry between Nintendo and Sega, far from what is today the console war. Fans from both houses met to play together, including NES, Game Boy, Master […]
Review for Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure Pack. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 03/12/2020 The idea of a music-themed turn-based JRPG is so effective that we wonder why, before Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure Pack, we […]
Mass Effect Andromeda is a rift from the past, with enough changes to leave fans of the series baffled. Whether you are a fan of ME or a new player, follow our guide to make the initial stages of the game easier and be able to fully enjoy the latest BioWare effort. Improve […]
Review for Poochi & Yoshi's Woolly World. Game for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 26/06/2015 The version for 3DS came out on 03/02/2017 Everyone likes a warm woolen blanket in winter, to pull up in front of the TV while we watch our […]
After an unexpected delay, the release of Horizion Zero Dawn is upon us and we of EpicTrick we don't want you to miss anything. Here because preview we provide you the trophy list of this headline by Guerrilla Games. There is no need to thank, rather think about […]
It is difficult to find a person in the whole world who has never dreamed of having a farm with animals, crops and also a lot of land. Almost everyone at some point in their life dreams of owning all of these things. If you have this kind of thinking, you can make […]
If you know Roblox, then you know that one of the wonders of this game is its compatibility with multiple platforms, both on PC, mobile and Xbox One. Of course, within the range of mobile devices we have: Android, iOS and Amazon Fire operating system. This multiplayer […]
May 4th is the date chosen by Respawn Entertainment for its Legacy. Electronic Arts' Battle Royale, developed by Respawn Entertainment, crosses the finish line of the 9th season: in Apex Legends Origins […]
Review for Dark Souls: Remastered. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 25/05/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 19/10/2018 “In the middle of the journey of our life I found myself in a […]
In the DLC of Assassin's Creed III Remastered, The Tyranny of King Washington, some Lucid Memory Artifacts are scattered throughout the game map of the Frontier, Boston and New York. As for the objects scattered in the game world of the basic version: Chests, Feathers, […]
The hugely popular game creation platform Roblox has now become an experience creation platform, a definition changed by the project managers themselves probably in response to what is happening during the lawsuit between Epic Games and Apple.Until a few days […]
With the advent of the month of July the fauna of Animal Crossing: New Horizons undergoes a new replacement, making available some new specimens of insects with which to enrich your collection and make the good Blatero happy. The additions on the game for Nintendo […]
Review for Remothered: Tormented Fathers. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/01/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 30/08/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 25/07/2018 The version […]
What is the amulet of the raging blade? This spell was designed to increase the damage dealt to enemies. Power up sweep-type attacks, where a horde of monsters can be injured. The devastating edge spell it has three levels, one more lethal than the other, the minimum […]
After defeating the fascinating yet disturbing Magaraa Naotaka, it's time for another of the human bosses of Nioh 2, Azai Nagamasa. Azai Nagamasa: appearance and origins Azai Nagamasa introduces himself as a human, which mutates upon merging with his Guardian […]
Amazon echo allows you to be used as a Bluetooth speaker paired with your smartphone. Then you can use it to listen to YouTube music or videos from your phone with Amazon echo sound qualities.All you have to do is to pair Amazon echo with your smartphone via Bluetooth. […]
Finally Square Enix has made Legend of Mana available to European players in this remastered version.So let's see together all the objectives to be achieved to reach the coveted platinum of Legend of Mana.BRONZE TROPHIESA World is Born: Placed the “Mailbox” […]
Are you planning to get a tattoo and would you like ideas or designs to take inspiration from? Here are some of the best tattoo design sites from tattoo artists from around the world.Tattoo is one of the most popular destinations on the […]
After producing TV series like Castlevania and The Witcher, Netflix is also ready to welcome another videogame saga: Assassin's Creed. To announce the existence of a television series set in the world created by Ubisoft was the same Netflix, which published […]
Over the past few days, a major change has been made to Roblox by the development team with the aim of making the experience safer for younger users.Those who play the popular free to play title will have to enter a series of data to make one age verification. […]
Ghost of Tsushima was undoubtedly one of the best titles of this last period, thanks to a fun and elaborate combat system, an interesting plot and, to top it all, a magnificent (and particularly inspired) graphics sector; it is therefore no mystery why the news […]
A very interesting new feature is coming to PlayStation Store. Several foreign users have in fact received an email in which it is presented "Game Trials", or the possibility to try for free and for a defined number of hours Death Stranding: Director's Cut and […]
The Japanese author commented on the nomenclature used for the new version of the game.A few days from the official presentation of Death Stranding: Director's Cut, Hideo Kojima himself commented on the choice of the name used for this new version of the game.1/2A […]
Review for World's End Club. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 28/05/2021 Born from the minds behind Zero Escape and Danganronpa, World's End Club is a hybrid between visual novel and puzzle-platform released in early access on Apple Arcade […]
As in all PlayStation 4 titles, there will also be avalanches of trophies in Death Stranding. The purpose of this guide is to analyze them one by one in order to allow you to make them your own and grab the coveted platinum. In the title of Kojima Productions […]
Video games are very important to a large number of people. Since they stopped being something " nerd »During the 90s, video games achieved a place in the pop culture that no one can question. All this, to the point that many speak of video games as works of art; […]
All Dark Souls and Bloodborne fans (and more) are eagerly awaiting the new title from FromSoftware and Hidetaka Miyazaki, Elden Ring. The only more substantial news arrived during E3 2019 within the Microsoft conference. There were no new trailers, interviews, […]
Review for Ever Oasis. Nintendo 3DS game, the video game was released on 13/06/2017 Thanks to the Nintendo Direct presented to us from time to time, we get announcements of upcoming games, often unexpected, complete with trailers and detailed explanations. Ever […]
Given the reluctance of Sony and Microsoft to reveal all the technical details of their respective new consoles, in recent months the software houses have been vague about the real performance of their next games. After the official presentation of Xbox Series […]
It's been nearly two years since the project Metroid Prime 4 passed into the hands of Retro Studios. It was January 25, 2019, in fact, when Nintendo apologized to the public, revealing that it had made a clean sweep of what was done up to that moment. Since then, […]
Like a bolt from the blue, Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company International have announced the arrival on the well-known mobile MMO Pokémon GO of the Alola forms of the first generation monsters. For those unfamiliar with Alola forms, these are alternative […]
Chatroulette has been one of the most popular video chats with strangers, but there are plenty of good free alternatives you can try.If your interest is to engage in video chats with strangers in chasuble mode for free now we are going to list the best servants […]
Review for Persona 5 Strikers. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 20/02/2020 The version for PC is scheduled for the 23/02/2021(in 5 days). The version for Nintendo Switch is scheduled for the 23/02/2021(in 5 days). […]
Menstrual cycle app. Keep track of your menstrual cycle and periods of increased fertility with these free apps for Android and iOS.Thanks to these free apps you will be able to monitor your menstrual calendar and also know the periods of greatest fertility. […]
N concluded the PlayStation 4 generation, which ended a few months ago with a videogame masterpiece called: The Last Of Us Part II. Just as it had happened with PlayStation 3, which saw the arrival of The Last of Us right in the final cycle of the console, Naughty […]
Do you know what day it is today? It's SEGA's XNUMXth anniversary! To celebrate, the video game development and publishing company has applied substantial discounts on virtually its entire range of products on Steam. But there is something even more important: […]
The remake of the first title of the saga is coming NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… (for friends NieR Replicant) is now on its way and both fans of the saga and players who will approach the world […]
I war games they are the most popular industry and join millions of players behind. In the Google Play Store there are a large number of them, but in order not to lose any of them along the way, we offer you the 8 best war games for android mobiles. Some of the […]
The new movie introduces the character, also through the comments of the developers!You are curious to see some more details about the next one Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy? To afford it is a new trailer with comments from the developers who, recently […]
One of the final sections of Untitled Goose Game sees you wandering among the counters of a crowded pub, driven by the same desire to disturb and destroy that has moved you up to that moment, and it is between madness and fun that we will guide you. Here is a […]
Kingdom Hearts. Upon its appearance in 2002, this RPG series caused an incredible sensation and won thousands of fans around the world. Its fast-paced gameplay, story and characters, coupled with an unlikely crossover between SquareEnix and Disney, has captured […]
Electronic Arts has released the new FIFA 21 Team of the Week (TOTW). Let's find out which players are there! As we had already anticipated yesterday, Electronic Arts has unveiled the swimming team of the week (TOTW) that is the new team of players who have stood […]
How to protect WhatsApp chats on Android with fingerprints via these apps. The best apps to protect WhatsApp. Among the WhatsApp news that we expected for this year, one of the most important was the possibility of protecting Whatsapp access with fingerprint […]
In Assassin's Creed Odyssey there will be 44 Ancient Steles. These, as in Assassin's Creed Origins, will be found within the many tombs scattered throughout the game's map. Once you find Kassandra / Alexios you can read it to earn an extra skill point to spend […]
Scheduling Instagram posts is an incredibly useful feature to have at your disposal. Whether you're posting for fun or building a brand. Especially if you post on Instagram often. Unfortunately, scheduling Instagram posts isn't as simple as clicking a button. […]
In the course of several missions of the latest effort by Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics Marvel's Avengers we come across the coordinates of the Vault. These will give the player the opportunity to do new missions in which it will be possible to raid the Vault […]
Orcs Must Die! 3 is developed by Robot Entertainment and edited by Stadia Games and Entertainment Studio: the new episode of the series is set twenty years after the events of Orcs Must Die! 2, with the wizards who have restored order. As usual, we propose here […]
On the battlefield early Developer Torn Banner Studios, publisher Tripwire Presents and Deep Silver announced the first details of the Cross-Play Open Beta program Chivalry 2, which will start on 27 Maggio 2021 at 17; 00 and the1nd June at the same time. The […]
Premise: This game is all about craziness, so using solutions may prevent you from trying outrageous combinations of objects that will give you a smile. Consult this guide only if you don't know which location to go to and what to do. General advice: Scroll the […]
There are companies that over the years have managed to earn a place in our hearts, and we can say that one of them was the famous Nintendo. Although it has been around for many years, this company has renewed itself and launched more and more new games and products. […]
Two weeks before E3, the Redmond house could have unexpected surprises in store. Between Xbox Game Studios and Bethesda, this year's Xbox E3 showcase it will have to meet enormous expectations. There […]
Our guide on how to defeat Helio and Gladys in Bravely Default II. The JRPG is a genre that since the eighties always manages to have its say within the videogame world. In recent years, in particular, Japanese RPG has experienced a new golden age. Among the titles […]
Review for Castlevania Anniversary Collection. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 16/05/2019 Castlevania is undoubtedly one of the most important series in the history of video games. A franchise among the […]
What happens if you delete a person on Instagram? What happens when you delete a follower from Instagram? If you have a public profile on Instagram, anyone can follow you and view your posts on their feed. Thanks to this, sometimes a person we don't like can follow […]
Xbox Series X technology will help make the game more disturbing. The release of the new generation consoles is getting closer and, as always, most of the titles announced are crossgen. Some title, like The Medium, However, was meant to be played exclusively on […]
What is a mod in Grand Theft Auto V As the name suggests, these are in-game updates. Each modification offers different functions. Some focus on the quality of the graphics, while others guarantee one better playability. The most attractive are the ones that offer […]
Review for Astro's Playroom. Game for PlayStation 5, the video game was released on 12/11/2020 Version for PlayStation 5 from 19/11/2020 If you own, or have owned, a PS4 then you will certainly know the universe of Astrobot, the nice little robot that introduced […]
With the launch of Destiny 2 there was no shortage of connection problems, which they mainly affected PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro users, which among other things also suffer from countless game crashes. Recognizing the error is very simple, in fact you […]
The two characters will join forces against a common enemy! One of the most anticipated crossovers for generations will finally become a reality: spyro, Dark Spyro and Gnasty Gnorc they will all enter […]
How to pause a DAZN subscription. Have you made a DAZN subscription and would like to stop it for a few months without having to register again?Had it is possible. DAZN allows you to pause the monthly payment without necessarily having to cancel DAZN and then re-enter […]
A Monster Hunter World problem that could plague many hunters, especially those who want to craft different sets of armor or those who are just starting out, could find themselves in financial difficulty as they make new equipment. We explain in this guide how […]
You can switch countries to watch Netflix internationally or when you are in another country. We show you how.For anyone who loves movies and TV shows, Netflix is a must. The video streaming giant is available in 190 countries. Unfortunately, Netflix's library […]
The glacial Regice appeared in Pokémon GO in the raids yesterday and will therefore be again catchable until 22:00 today, December 27 for all Android and iOS players. Below we list the best ten pokémon to use in Regice raids with their optimal fast attacks (AV) […]
WhatsApp is one of the most popular apps and not only in the field of instant messaging. Communicating with this application is easy as you just need to add a person's number to our address book. However, it's annoying not being able to message someone who isn't […]
You've decided to delete your account permanently or just temporarily. Read our complete guide on how to delete an Instagram account. How to delete or remove an Instagram account for good. In general, with the default options presented by the photo social network, […]
One of the most difficult - but at the same time fascinating - areas of Dark Souls II is without shadow (excuse the pun) that of the Shady Woods. The dark land, infested with tough lion men, holds an almost solemn charm, thanks also to the presence of one of the […]
How to choose the right laptop for gaming or gaming Today i Games they have become an essential part of the lives of many. And it's understandable, since advertising and technological advances have made it difficult not to realize that video games can be a fun […]
In Just Cause 4, you will find a lot of vehicles and weapons to unlock by performing specific actions. To lighten the process and not go groping, performing random stunts, below we list which activities to take to make your vehicles and weapons yours. vehicles For […]
The eightfold path. With SaGa Frontier Remastered Square Enix has brought back to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC one of its most particular but also less friendly titles of the 90s. Anyone […]
Marvel's Iron Man VR, the latest title from Camouflaj, as well as the first AAA title for PlayStation VR, comes with a fairly long trophy list but also not too difficult to complete; There are 45 total of which 32 bronze, 4 silver, 5 gold and the platinum trophy.Bronze […]
The new season of Fortnite was released with a very special surprise guest: Deadpool. Unlike the new Season 2 skins, Deadpool will unlock as you progress through the Battle Pass with secret challenges. The first of these challenges will be that of “Finding […]
We all know what WhatsApp is. WhatsApp is the uncrowned king in the messaging category. If you are talking about me (and almost 99%) of smartphone users, we use WhatsApp as a daily communication and messaging application on our devices. WhatsApp has improved […]
Review for Hyper scape. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 11/08/2020 In the vast panorama of battle royale, Hyper Scape also makes its flashy entry, which manages with its dynamic battles and its being free-to-play to impress […]
Small preface before starting the solution of this game. The game has 3 endings, the Great one, the Normal one and the Bad one, the choices we will make will vary both the composition of our team and the objects and the ending we will find. So in this guide we […]
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has in its multiplayer, like so many other CODs before it, the heart of the gaming experience. That's why we're here to give you 5 tips to get you started. Train with the Bots One of the best ways to get familiar with the multiplayer […]
After the thousand adventures spent in the heat and dust of the Arizona deserts, the best thing to do is certainly a beautiful and relaxed ski week, perhaps in the pleasant ski resort of Aspen, Colorado. Are you ready to go? NO! As you can easily understand from […]
Poland has been a prolific land for leaking Xbox Series X bundles lately. A few days ago, in fact, a Polish user had posted a photo that showed the most powerful of the new Xbox sisters for sale with Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. For a few hours now, however, the […]
ASUS Republic of Gamers (ROG), a well-known gaming component and peripheral company, announces ROG Strix Go 2.4, the world's first headset with a USB-C dongle and 2,4 GHz wireless connectivity. The new ROG Strix Go 2.4 are light, load quickly and have a long autonomy. […]
Among the various classes of weapons present in The Division 2, in terms of damage per second, light machine guns stand out without a doubt; among the exotic weapons of this latest Ubisoft title we also find theLMG Plague. Unfortunately, however, this exotic machine […]
Valentine's day is approaching and the perpetual dilemma of every lover is always that of what to give original to his partner to surprise her with special effects. A bouquet of roses? Discounted even if it always makes its beautiful scene. A dinner in an exclusive […]
All out of town! Electronic Arts and Maxis announced today that The Sims 4 expansion titled Life in the Countryside the 22 July su PC e Mac tramite Origin e Steam, su PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X e Xbox One. In The Sims 4 Country Living, players […]
Final Fantasy XIV definitely is the symbol of how, with commitment and tenacity, even a product not born under the best star can become a real reference title for a genre, that of MMORPGs, increasingly full of competitors. In this sense, it is not surprising […]
Review for Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/06/2017 The version for PC came out on 29/06/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 29/06/2018 The version for PlayStation […]
Here is the full list of trophies from the PlayStation 5 exclusive game. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart represents a new beginning for the action platform saga with shooter elements. The exclusive […]
The universes of Mass Effect and Star Wars share many similarities. Between aliens, space travel, galactic threats, heroes and villains, there are plenty of points of contact. A figure like that of Han Solo, in the Mass Effect universe, it could certainly be a […]
Review for Dragon Quest II. Game for Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo (NES), the video game was released on 26/01/1987 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 10/08/2017 The version for 3DS came out on 10/08/2017 After having already covered […]
Dazn app on Sky Q. The special DAZN app is integrated into Sky Q. You can access it comfortably using the Sky remote control. Sky Q will be the most immediate, easiest and most technological way to enjoy great football on your home TV, even for those who don't […]
Downloading songs from YouTube is very easy. On the Internet you have a lot of methods that allow you to download songs and music from YouTube without any software. As there are many, we have selected the best alternatives for you. Because it hosts millions […]
Introduced the new exclusive amiibo of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD will arrive on July 16, 2021, the remaster announced in February for the Nintendo […]
Blair Witch is certainly not one of the most memorable titles of this 2019, but it is undeniable that the structure of the game makes the title intriguing in the eyes of fans, but also of those who approach it for the first time. The work of Bloober Team is almost […]
What is rust? As you well know, the world of video games is a highly competitive sector. So, for a video game to stand out, it absolutely must have something special. It is the case of Rust, a survival-based video game. In addition to the fact that it had an early […]
In Wolfenstein: Youngblood, last title of the Wolfenstein saga, produced by Bethesda, there are three different types of Kraftwerk doors: each of these requires a different weapon to be unlocked, thanks to the skills needed to open the grids. While not crucial […]
The title FYQD-Studio and Playism returns to show itself with the movie Game Charging Night 2021. The Bright Memory: Infinite fps is an ambitious project announced in 2020 as evolution of Bright Memory, debut title (but could almost be considered an extended demo, […]
The Canadian full-back of Bayern Munich "breaks" the association with the competition and becomes part of the Electronic Arts family. The virtual battle between FIFA 22 and eFootball 2022 (the now ex pes), as for decades now, has already begun, albeit not on the […]
Scratches is a classic graphic adventure that presents many objects to observe, not all obviously linked to the main story line that will then lead us to the epilogue. Obviously not all will be listed in the solution below but it is advisable to pay attention […]
The coronavirus has forced us to confine ourselves indoors, which gives us more time to spend with the family. Fortunately, there are many activities that can be done in a group, such as watching those Netflix series that are ideal for a quarantine. Between series […]
With this Demon's Souls guide you will be able to get all five Pure White and Pure Black Environmental Trend Events as well as both Pure White and Pure Black Character Trend Events in one play session. Character creation Pick a Noble because it's the easiest […]
The new DLC of Resident Evil 7, Confidential Movies Vol. 2, is recently available for purchase or for anyone who has purchased the Season Pass / Deluxe Edition. This DLC includes two interesting episodes (tapes): Daughters, in which the life of the Baker family […]
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle It is certainly a fun game, but the multiplicity of endings and the different possible choices to be made during the story mode would certainly waste time that players may want to use differently, perhaps online. In this guide, we will […]
The Marvel's Avengers beta officially ended a few days ago, after the open phase on all platforms and the previous phases closed on PlayStation 4 in the first week of August and the one on Xbox One and PC in the second week. Although the overall availability time […]
Samsung Electronics is reportedly developing its memory V-NAND of the seventh generation with ultra-high 3D stacking. The first model will present at least 160 levels, later models will offer more. Samsung, which never wanted to hand over the technology initiative […]
Sony has released a new trailer for Returnal in which we are presented in detail some of the enemies present in the title. Two weeks separate us from the release of Returnal, the Roguelike-Spartan […]
How to video call with Whatsapp - Download now, after months of leaks, the option to video call with WhatsApp for Android has finally been released. Until now it is limited to beta version 2.16.318. A couple of days ago, a beta version was also spotted for Windows […]
Review for Game of Thrones. Game for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the video game was released on 15/05/2012 A Song of Ice and Fire, the (still ongoing) literary saga of George RR Martin, has now reached a global notoriety especially thanks to the television […]
Review for Ghost of Tsushima. Game for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 17/07/2020A little over a year after the release of Ghost of Tsushima, Sucker Punch offers players the chance to return to impersonate Jin Sakai in the lands of […]
No future for the mobile title. During his announcement during E3 2018, Gears Pop! it immediately appeared as a somewhat bizarre title. The union of styles as different from each other as that of […]
In this article we will teach you how to download WhatsApp in 2020 and install it for free on your smartphone, PC and tablet, how to download its official APK file and how to update WhatsApp to the latest version of 2020. WhatsApp, also known as "Wazzup", […]
The revelation comes with a trailer. Flying Wild Hog and Devolver Digital have revealed a new video for Shadow Warrior 3. This video shows the Doomsday Device mission. Below is the video: In the […]
The following guide will help you unlock all the trophies of the PlayStation 4 de Middle-earth: Shadow of War. WARNING: this guide may contain spoilers. Total Trophies: 52 + 1 (Platinum) Platinum difficulty: Media Hours needed for platinum: 50-60 Middle-earth: […]
Review for 1-2-Switch. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 03/03/2017 It has been a long time since that distant December 2006, when the best-selling Nintendo Wii hit the shops. One of the best-selling consoles in the world and which has also […]
The pandemic has made you realize a number of changes you have made in your life. This is general, as it affects not only you, but also the little ones in the house, as they have no classes and cannot go out to play with their friends more often, spend more time […]
The title is developed by Koch Media's premium label. GoldKnights and Prime Matter have revealed to the public a first taste of the gameplay of their next title, the action RPG The Last Oricru. Developed in Prague, the game transports players to the sci-fi / medieval […]
Hideki Kamiya is famous for being a very direct man. In its nature, it invites us to forget about Bayonetta 3 at least for now, in response to constant questions about the project. After all, the third title in the series was announced for 4 years ago, only to […]
Kojima Prodcutions is officially working on a new title. To reveal it, it was the same team through its Twitter account: #KojimaProductions confirms a new project is in development and is looking to hire the best-in-class talent to work out of our Tokyo studio. […]
It would appear that the sequel to The Outer Worlds is currently in pre-development, and is believed to be in the very early stages of development. Niko Partners analyst Daniel Ahmad said a new game from The Outer Worlds series is "in exploration and pre-production". As […]
A guide on how to get the Gray Orb in Pokémon Sword and Shield. Pokémon Sword and Shield are not only the latest major games in the Pokémon series, but also two of the most played titles of all […]
La Harry Potter saga has transcended for many generations, for a long time it remains history and part of the life of those who have always liked it the most, for a long time it has been of great impact, there are still passionate people who never tire of seeing […]
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is here, ready to enter the Nintendo Switch of all JRPG fans. The combat system of the game is totally revolutionized compared to the first two chapters (counting the spinoff Xenoblade Chronicles X for WiiU) and also quite complex. The game […]
Thermaltake announces the Mid Tower case S500 Tempered glass Snow Edition. Conceived with the main idea of being elegant, simple and functional, theS500 TG Snow it shows refinement and simplicity and is all built with a modern steel structure. The white […]
The Swords of Ditto is a compact action RPG in which each hero of the legend has their own special adventure, in the unstoppable fight against the evil Mormo. The game features 21 trophies: 4 bronze, 9 silver, 7 gold and platinum; for a total of 1140 points. Visit […]
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV is coming to Nintendo Switch. A date has been shared by NIS for the publication of the JRPG, released in 2020 on Playstation 4 in the West and in 2017 in motherland. Following the press release, the […]
Review for Spelunky 2. Game for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 15/09/2020 The version for PC came out on 29/09/2020 Spelunky is one of the first truly popular indie games. Arrived at the end of 2008 on PC as freeware, Derek Yu's game was […]
Review for Fade to silence. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/04/2018 At their essence, videogames are basically a sophisticated means of time killing, a little story, a little physical and mechanical commitment, a little […]
Would you like to be able to know the name of a star while looking at the sky, or raise your smartphone or tablet to the sky even if it is covered and see the stars anyway?These star seeing apps will help you understand the constellations and give you a completely […]
Chongqing is one of the new locations of Hitman 3, which projects Agent 47 into a crowded Chinese transport hub enclosed in very narrow alleys. It is also the ideal location to showcase the improvements there will be in the game. The new game from IO Interactive […]
The Arcade Crew (publisher) and 1P2P (developer) have announced that Young Souls, their new cooperative RPG title, will arrive first on Google Stadia. This title follows the adventures of two orphans. The story of this couple of orphans will go through a gripping […]
Applin e Dreepy are among the most particular Pokémon of the eighth generation in Pokémon Sword and Shield. They are both of Dragon type and as the type has been teaching for years now they are quite rare, but once evolved they are among the strongest. Applin […]
If you want more from Netflix or pay less, it's easy to switch your plan on the streaming service. Here's how to do it in just over two steps.However, pay close attention to what each package offers and the costs to make sure you get exactly what you need. Netflix […]
During the recent Nintendo Direct Mini: Showcase Partner, Capcom announced Monster hunter rise for Nintendo Switch. The game will be released worldwide on March 26 and along with that launch are several amiibo figures depicting the new combat partner Palico, the […]
How to find your friends on WhatsApp? How to find a person on WhatsApp? WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging and video calling apps around. It has over 300 million active users worldwide and the number is growing. WhatsApp users love the app because it […]
Un video tutorial for FIFA 20 presents us with a new skill, the Heel Chop Turn. Kazooie94, ProPlayer and EA Gamechangers member, posts on his Youtube profile a movie showing how to do it. This is part of a series of videos already analyzed in detail by our editorial […]
But who is Uri Geller? It is about a well-known illusionist who became famous for his peculiar ability to bend spoons and who rose to the headlines in 2000 for a complaint against Nintendo, accused by Geller of having created with Kadabra "an evil and occult Pokémon" […]
The rich package released by Activision will be called Crashiversario. An important anniversary for Crash Bandicoot that blows the candles on the 25 years since it was first released on the historic and unforgettable PlayStation back in 1996, today Activision announces […]
In this tutorial we will talk about how to send a message on Whatsapp without having it in the address book. We see how to contact someone without having them in the list of our Whatsapp contacts. Send a message to someone you don't have on WhatsApp […]
Halo, XBox's historic IP, exceeds ten million downloads on PC with the Master Chief Collection. It was the December of the 2019 when Halo: The Master Chief Collection landed on Steam, GamePass e Windows […]
DAZN freezes during playback. This can be a problem given by your internet network to find out if the causes are on it and not a DAZN glitch. We will give you some tips on how to fix the problem.If during a sports event or football match DAZN freezes the problem […]
In this short guide we will provide you with help in tracking down the various Embers of Dark Souls, very useful items that allow blacksmiths to upgrade and enchant your weapons, once we were able to recover and supply them. Before starting it is good to keep […]
Here is the list of all the trophies obtainable in Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster. Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster, a remastered version of the original title released in […]
Epic Games says with certainty that PS5 and Xbox Series X will have games in cinema quality. Through the words of its Chief Technology Officer, Epic Games once again states that the quality of PS5 and Xbox Series X games will be almost comparable to cinema works. […]
How to check the quality of the video streamed by Netflix on your Browser. You must know that Netflix if you are watching it on your browser from your computer has no limits in the reproduction of its quality. In fact, on browsers like Chrome and FireFox the quality […]
Bitdefender, the world's leading cybersecurity company protecting more than 500 million systems worldwide (such as PCs), won AV-Comparatives' top award for 2019, solidifying Bitdefender's position as the company with the largest number of awards in the “Product […]
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War on PlayStation 5 will fully support DualSense. According to reports from the developers, the new controller will make sure that the triggers of the DualSense simulate each weapon differently. The adaptive triggers of DualSense […]
Is someone bothering you on Facebook or Messenger? Or are you done scrolling through your Facebook feed non-stop? Whatever the reason, we want to uninstall the Facebook app from our phone - yes, that's it. But before we take that step, we want to be sure of the […]
Da Cougar, come the Headphones "Phontum Pro" which offer excellent sound quality and comfort of use. Auricles have a LED RGB addressable with 5 preset. The Cougar Phontum Pro driver measures well 53 mm and uses a chamber design and a diaphragm in graphene for […]
Codemasters invites us to take a look at the latest Dirt 5 gameplay which shows a frenetic race running through the stadium of Cape Town in South Africa. Taking inspiration from the arena action of previous Dirt titles, this stadium is the perfect setting for […]
Like every month, Electronic Arts has unveiled the face of the player who will receive the coveted prize of POTM. The Player of the Month in the FIFA 21 Premier League, the most important league at least for the Vancouver giant, is a welcome return to football […]
Good news for the gaming world is what it sees Yoko Taro and Yosuke Saito together for the production of two new titles: this is what emerges from a talk show for the conclusion of the videogame year organized by V-Jump and Famitsu. Yoko Taro, currently working […]
How many of you playing Battlefield V or Grand Theft Auto V have been forced to immediately switch between mouse and keyboard and pad in order to better fly helicopters? Let's face it, although the mouse and keyboard are much more precise and faster controllers, […]
The kind of Metroidvania it has suffered a slow, inexorable decline over the years, mainly due to the advent of games in three dimensions; since the 2000s, however, the spread of indie titles has allowed a return of the flame, although their apparent simplicity […]
Review for Overcooked! 2. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 07/08/2018 The Onion Kingdom has been stormed by the Shaky Bread! This is the basis on which Overcooked 2 rests, released two years ago and only today […]
Kingston is behind an interesting one market survey aimed at trying to understand how our gamer habits have changed during this pandemic period. The pandemic, it is almost useless to mention, has disrupted many of our routines: remote work (here the review of […]
List of trophies for conquering the platinum of the PlayStation 4 version. Character 5 Strikers is the new action RPG that can be entered in the category of Musou that follows the events of Persona […]
When a PC player has to choose which service to use to converse during games, the names taken into consideration are generally few: TeamSpeak and especially Discord. The latter has indeed become particularly popular, as it is used by hundreds of millions of […]
Review for Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn. Game for Android, PC, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 05/06/2018 If there was a ranking of the most senseless projects in the world the idea of bringing back to life Shaq […]
Review for Super Mario 3D All-Stars. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 18/09/2020 There are several reasons why Super Mario is the most popular character in the vast cosmos of gaming entertainment. Among these reasons is the non-trivial fact […]
All players who have dedicated themselves to the saga at least once Pokémon they know the MT, the famous ones Technical Machines, essential to teach our pocket monsters certain moves. As in the previous chapters, also in Ultrasole Pokémon e Ultraluna we find […]
FaceApp. Aging face, changing gender and age, transform your face. The best app that allows age one's face very realistically.With a few simple taps, from a man you can become a woman and vice versa, but not only. He is also able to remove wrinkles and imperfections, […]
Following the new line of WhatsApp's privacy policy, people have switched to security and privacy-focused apps like Telegram and Signal. However, many users continue to use WhatsApp as most of their contacts already use it. Sometimes, WhatsApp users create groups […]
How many spells does a weapon have in Minecraft Spells offer many tricks up their sleeves and they will protect the players as they progress through the game. there is also a way to create a spell on weapons and armor for defense. bow A long-range weapon used […]
The Spectrum Retreat puts us to the test with its puzzles, not too difficult but still interesting: you can find our review at this address, if you want to find out more. Now, however, let's see what the game's trophies are and how to get them. The game features […]
Yesterday Square Enix showed us Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy for the first time, also revealing many details on the title arriving in October. After Square Enix's not-so-successful attempt to […]
The memories HyperX FURY ddr4 they will be integrated into the desktops Hp Omen 25L e Omen 30L and will be fully upgradeable. According to Larry Gonzales, HyperX seems to be very excited to provide their RAM banks for these new desktops OMEN. Game enthusiasts […]
After defeating the first Colossus of Shadow of the Colossus you will be teleported back to the hall of idols inside the Shrine of the Cult. The voices will prompt you to look for the cave by the sea, which is not far from your current location. Exit the Sanctuary […]
Ray Tracing is one of those terms that, for those of us most attached to consul and fewer PC users, until the last generation meant (or cared) little or nothing, but the next-gen moved the checkers and now, checkmate, we have the Ray Tracing on PlayStation 5 and […]
As usual lately, the challenges of Fortnite week 6 have been detected in advance so that everyone can get an idea of what awaits them starting from this Thursday. playing field Thanks to this guide you can save hours of research on the place to reach between […]
A vast prairie to explore, leaving the wonders of the castle behind and the shield already anchored to the left arm, faithful companion of new, epic experiences. Link who juggles a battlefield plagued by the presence of hideous hairy beasts, bordering the opulence […]
Review for The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2. Game for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 23/02/2017 The development house Nippon Ichi, famous for the series of tactical JRPGs that fall under the name of Disgaea, in 2013 tried to move away from its […]
It is always nice to meet new Italian development studios and it is also with a certain parochialism and particular interest that we are attracted to such projects when we find ourselves at sector fairs abroad. This is why at EGX Rezzed (a fair where there was […]
One of the secondary activities of Final Fantasy VII Remake is to collect discs to listen to in the various jukeboxes scattered around the game, each of which plays a track of the original Final Fantasy VII soundtrack remixed in various styles, from jazz to techno. Collecting […]
The new cameras PTZ infrared security i-PRO Extreme Panasonic sets a new standard for night vision quality and smart features. These devices have been designed for reliability and low maintenance, thereby reducing the total cost of ownership. The range IR-PTZ […]
With the arrival of the fourth week of the Battle Pass, Epic Games has made available the new weekly challenges which, as usual, include various missions with riddles. The challenge we will analyze in this guide is "Search among a vehicle tower, a rock sculpture […]
How to protect Whatsapp with two-factor authentication. With the rise in data theft and SIM cloning, it's more important than ever to protect your online identity and social media accounts with two-step verification. The platform that gets on board the 2FA train […]
Check out the best phone cleaner apps for Android that help you eliminate junk files that are taking up space on your device.Most people only think about cleaning their phone when something starts to go wrong. Android devices are smart enough that they don't require […]
The development team has revealed the presence of a particular mini game in its next title. Kind of like the main Yakuza series, the spin-off too Lost Judgment will count several mini games. Apparently, among them the players will have the chance to try eight classics […]
The Gulag mode in Call of Duty: Mobile has a very different gameplay dynamic from what we are used to, because here it is no longer a mode where you have to frantically attack enemies to have many victims, but you have to be smarter to be able to take out opponents […]
Review for Real Farm. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 20/10/2017 The version for PC came out on 31/12/2017 Among the many simulatives, a genre that is increasingly gaining ground in the videogame industry, those relating […]
The project no longer exists For fans it will be difficult to digest but it was in the air: Tekken X Street Fighter has been officially canceled. The title was officially announced 11 years ago, at San Diego Comic Con in 2010 along with Street Fighter X Tekken, […]
Until Dawn, literally "until dawn": the eight protagonists of the horror adventure developed by Supermassive Games exclusively for Playstation 4 will have to survive, whose release date is set for August 26, 2015. Initially designed to be played on Playstation […]
TikTok has seen a surge in popularity over the past two years. At first, it was just an app with lots of dancing and lip syncing to music. Today, it is a platform with many different types of content and content creators. One reason for this boom is the app's […]
These errors can manifest themselves as follows: When you press play, an announcement »download and install« is displayed, even if the game is already installed on our computer. It may also indicate a "Roblox Error ID 17, 149, 148" that does not allow us to play, […]
Sloclap, developer studio and publisher of the upcoming action game Kung Fu SIFU, has released an incredible behind-the-scenes video, which takes all fans to the set of a dynamic action-packed fight, to tell them about the approach with which the game tries to […]
Among the most iconic Pokémon of all time is him, the specter par excellence, Gengar! A funny-looking and at the same time a little disturbing little monster, but which has always been a great success despite the years since its debut. Finding a specimen with […]
App for writing books on Android and iOS. Your passion is writing books and novels then these apps will be useful on your smartphone or tablet.Thanks to these apps you can write your books or novels from the comfort of your Android smartphone or tablet or from […]
How to hide WhatsApp conversations from Android, iPhone and from the Web . Whatsapp, here's the trick to hide conversations and messages. How to hide WhatsApp chats on iphone, Android and Pc or Mac. WhatsApp has become one of our main forms of communication. […]
New details and the official release date of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker have been revealed in a new trailer. During the Final Fantasy XIV Digital Fan Festival 2021, Square Enix announced the upcoming […]
Review for Ash of Gods: Redemption. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 23/03/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 31/12/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 31/12/2018 The version for […]
Review for Yakuza 0. Game for PC, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 12/03/2015 The version for PC came out on 01/08/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 24/01/2017 Yakuza 0 finally arrives on PC, bringing us a much younger […]
There is no direct way to transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone, as WhatsApp doesn't officially support users moving between different phone types. However, there are workarounds that make switching from WhatsApp from Android to iPhone less painful. Here's […]
Want to know how to search for someone on TikTok without knowing their username? Do not worry! The procedure is simpler than you think, read on and find out. TikTok is perhaps the most attractive social network of the moment. With a community of over 800 million […]
Anyone who has played Final Fantasy XV will have seen - or at least should see - the CGI film Kingsglaive, starring Nyx Ulric. Well, the same daggers used by Nyx can be obtained in the game through a special procedure. We warn those who have not yet reached the […]
The toughest challenge. Also Batman: Arkham Knight hosts the Riddler, who this time has littered a total of 179 trophies throughout the city of Gotham. Finding them is not so impossible: some are conspicuously placed in the center of the city, while others […]
Well yes, the hardest choice in any RPG - and The Outer Worlds is no exception - is decide your character's starting stats during the very first phase of creation. This difficulty is given above all by the fact that starting a new adventure we do not know what […]
Review for Total War: Warhammer. PC game, the video game came out on 24/05/2016 Tumultuous times reign in the world of Warhammer with armies ready to march, lords and heroes preparing the way for their men to glory or death. If we think of the strategic genre […]
After three previous delays, it's no wonder some are still worried that Cyberpunk 2077 may miss the release date as well. December 10, on PC, PlayStation 4 e Xbox One. CD Projekt RED, however, seems determined not to tolerate further slippage. In the company's […]
MMD, a well-known display company and Philips partner, announces the release of the new 243-inch Philips 1B24 LCD monitor. The monitor in question is equipped with a Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) display. There are various integrated features, including USB-C docking […]
If you want to know how to get lots of likes on Instagram, you should read the following article and then choose the app to get lots of likes on Instagram from real people instead of buying likes from inactive or fake accounts. Here we have collected the […]
Introduction This is Prince of Persia complete solution. The game allows you to explore 4 regions consisting of 4 different zones, as well as 4 initial "levels" and the 4 rooms where the 4 corrupt followers of Ahriman reside. There is no order to explore these […]
How to use WhatsApp to monitor your friends in real time! Lately WhatsApp the most popular instant messaging application in the world has released a very useful feature called Location. How to use WhatsApp to monitor your friends in real time. This […]
After, with the arrival of the latest update, Call of Duty: Warzone has approached the new chapter of the Black Ops series with the addition of new weapons and a new map, it seems to be getting closer and closer to the conclusion of the narrative arc of Modern […]
Thermaltake introduced the line Smart BM2 of traditional semi-modular power supplies. Available in mid-range capacities of 450 W (model: PS-SPD-0450MNFABx-1), 550W (PS-SPD-0550MNFABx-1), 650 W (PS-SPD-0650MNFABx) e 750 W (PS-SPD -0750MNFABx), these PSUs are equipped […]
Review for Watch Dogs Legion. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 29/10/2020 Version for PlayStation 5 from 12/11/2020 Version for Xbox Series X from 10/11/2020 Initially scheduled […]
Icon pack: Free icon packs for Android. Transforming the look of your Android device costs you nothing. Below you will find icon packs, all highly rated on Google Play, with hundreds or thousands of votes.Icon packvoxels If you like more pronounced drop shadows, […]
La Rare Replay is a Collection that lands on the Microsoft home console, Xbox One. The guys from the English software house have done an excellent job, serving the many video game enthusiasts a rich package consisting of the great classics that have made the brand […]
You are searching Eevee in Pokémon Sword and Shield why can't an evolution be missing from your team or simply to complete the Galar regional Pokédex? You are in the right place: in this guide we will see where to find Eevee and its respective evolutions. Where […]
But the franchise decides to launch another version of Pokémon, one that makes the user feel like a real one pokemon master. And that he should be looking for those iconic characters for himself. Pokémon Go is undoubtedly one of the viral video games of the moment, […]
Review for Black Desert Online. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 14/07/2015 The version for PC came out on 03/03/2016 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 30/06/2018 The version for Xbox One came out on 07/01/2018 With […]
The universe of Titanfall has been enriched by a Free-to-play spin-off published in the last few hours by the boys of Respawn Entertainment e Electronic Arts. His name is Apex Legends and represents a Battle Royale incarnation of the brand. Without Titans. Aware […]
We are used to expecting a series of from EA Sports every year titles and big names for the gameplay news of the next episode of FIFA, innovations that often seem beautiful and revolutionary on paper but which are then reduced most of the time to small differences […]
WhatsApp is a widely used application that allows users to send messages, multimedia content, videos and even make calls over the internet. This means that if you connect to your WIFI or mobile data, you can easily make free WhatsApp calls to your WhatsApp contacts. The […]
The latest trailer provides some more details on the story behind the game. A new trailer, shown during the PlayStation Showcase held in live streaming on the evening of 9 September, it allowed us to take a deeper look at the plot behind Guardians of the Galaxy, […]
Best free DJ apps. The following apps will help you improve your DJ skills, whether you want to do it personally or professionally.Best free DJ appsdjay Djay is one of the most popular and recognized DJ apps. Its interface is very […]
Microsoft's subscription service is enriched with new titles. After the surprise represented by the end of PlayStation exclusivity for MLB The Show 2021, Microsoft has announced the next games that […]
Next-gen hardware optimized versions of Destiny 2, shooter title landed on PC and console PlayStation 4, Xbox One e Google Stadia during 2017, they will be available starting fromDecember 8 2020, despite the release of the new platforms set at 10 and 12 November. This […]
Although it was recently revealed that the new Resident Evil Village will be a cross-gen title, the developers are working to refine those exclusive features of the new consoles. It had already been stated that the new Sony's pad will be leveraged with haptic […]
Review for Elysium disk. PC game, the video game came out on 15/10/2019 Released exclusively on PC in October 2019 and landed on Mac last year, Elysium disk turned out to be one of the best games […]
Let's arm ourselves with katana and patience Obtaining all the trophies of Nioh 2 will not be easy at all, not only in terms of the difficulty of the Team Ninja game, but also because you will have […]
How to edit WhatsApp images. Sending an image or photograph to a contact in the WhatsApp app is a common practice that most users are already familiar with, but did you know that you can also edit the image directly within WhatsApp without having to open a separate […]
Minecraft: Dungeons it was recently released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, and after having talked about it in depth in our review, this time we want to help you in the mechanics of enchantments. This is an essential system to be able to facilitate your progress […]
Blizzard co-founder and former CEO Mike Morhaime has announced the birth of Dreamhaven. Dreamhaven will be a new video game publisher that will include two different development studios: Moonshot and Secret Door. Moonshot's boss will be Jason Chayes (Blizzard […]
Square Enix has registered a new brand on Japanese soil, namely Valkyrie Elysium. This might suggest a new arrival in the Valkyrie Profile series, although obviously it does not give mathematical certainty. The latest release in the series was Valkyrie Anatomia: […]
Along with the release date for Tales of Arise, the pre-order bonuses and especially the special edition were also revealed Collector editions are now commonplace for every major triple A release. Although the JRPG genre is not the most expanded commercially, it […]
It's been a long time since we heard about the Metal Gear Solid movie, years of announcements, denials, expectations and changes. In all this information hustle, until now, there was the only certainty that Jordan Vogt-Roberts would be leading the project, former […]
Review for FIFA 21. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and | , the video game was released on 09/10/2020 Version for PlayStation 5 from 03/12/2020 Version for Xbox Series X from 03/12/2020 A few weeks later than the traditional […]
Look around the room you are in. You will find at least a dozen products with a barcode on them. Every product sold in a market comes with a unique identifier. You can scan these codes using a barcode scanner app and find the associated product on the web.In addition […]
The best thing about Clash of Clans is that you can download it and play it on your Windows PC or Mac, you will automatically join millions of users who use the video game all over the world. Actually Clash of Clans, or also known as CoC, has been very successful; […]
Five to five instead of six to six. The news is hot: Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller has recently clarified that the pvp experience included in the second episode will not be intended to be […]
Persona 5 Royal, the revamped special version of the acclaimed Japanese RPG and one of the best PlayStation 4 games of all time, is being sold at 29,99 € on the PS Store for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The standard edition of Persona 5 always on the […]
There are two canonical endings in YIIK: A Postmodern RPG, Ackk Studios' 2019 indie. Three, if we count a post from the developers claiming there was another one (it turned out to be an urban legend). This guide is dedicated to the alternate ending of YIIK: A Postmodern […]
We already knew that Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game of a thousand possibilities, aiming practically for infinity in terms of playability. But if between a bandit hunt and a shooting here and there you feel like a little relaxation, what could be better than a […]
cyberpunk 2077 is in the home straight on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X e Xbox series s and apparently, it requires the player a day one update to fix several bugs. In the last few hours there has been talk of a 43,35GB patch for the title of CD […]
The best tattoo apps for Android and iOS. Try new tattoos on your skin in a virtual way through these free apps.Are you a tattoo lover, would you like to see how your chosen one would fit on you or try one of the many suggested by these free tattoo apps? Are […]
Instagram is one of the most successful social networks in the world today. Instagram has become one of the most popular social networks of the moment, a perfect place to share with friends, follow famous people or admire beautiful girls. Why not say it, Instagram […]
How can you start using and testing xCloud? Now, to get right to the point and learn as soon as possible how to start using and testing xCloud, the first thing to keep in mind is that this service is still in its infancy, so it is not free from errors and bugs. Furthermore, […]
When it comes to social media, no app is hotter than TikTok right now. Sure, Facebook and Instagram still have user bases reaching well over a billion users, but if you're anywhere on the web, you've seen countless TikTok reposts appearing in all kinds of communities. TikTok […]
In total there are 11 agents available in the game, at the beginning of the game you will only have two, but all the others can also be used, but you have to go through a series of steps to be able to unlock them and be able to use them without problems, their […]
Review for Knights and Bikes. Game for Linux, Mac, PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 27/08/2019 It is a period of evident revival of the 80s in the world of cinema and television, with great productions such as Stranger Things, the next Ghostbusters […]
WhatsApp is the most used instant messaging application in the world, it is the most complete, but it suffers from some shortcomings that Mark Zuckerberg does not seem to want to solve in the short term, that is, it is not possible to install Whatsapp on Android […]
For the first 10 days, Knockout City opens its arenas to all players completely free of charge. Knockout City, title out May 21, 2021, will be available for free for the first ten days on PC, Xbox […]
The developers of the 343 Industries they wanted to clarify some details about the characteristics of Halo Infinite, new chapter of the famous first person shooter series by signature Bungie studios and intended for family consul Xbox e Microsoft Windows PC. The […]
West Virginia in Fallout 76 is largely inhabited by radiation-mutated creatures and monsters of all kinds, but the most interesting come from American folklore. The Appalachian Mountains areaIn fact, gave rise to a large group of legends from both the culture […]
Review for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 01/12/2017 Switch has enjoyed considerable success since launch thanks also to titles such as Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, as well as […]
Review for The Way of Life. Game for Steam, the video game was released on 15/03/2018 Sometimes, playing the role of game critic can be painful: This is one of those times. Write the review of The Way of Life it hurt us because we know the developers (Cyber Coconut), […]
Wedding app. Try these free apps that will help you organize your wedding available for Android and iOS.Are you about to get married and would you like to have useful advice, supplier numbers, advice and much more to create your fairytale wedding? Then try installing […]
Who hasn't had their own peaceful and carefree stroll through the flowery lands of Hyrule abruptly brought to the game over by a laser seemingly popping out of nowhere? The fault is all gods Guardians: the most difficult and representative enemy of The Legend […]
The launch of Assassin's Creed Valhalla was undoubtedly important for Ubisoft and in recent days, an employee of the transalpine software house has hinted that the lack of achievements in the PC version was intentional. The issue was generated by a discussion […]
Bad news for all who were hoping to have some succulent information about a hypothetical Halo Wars 3. 343 Industries, certainly one of the excellences in the software house first party kit owned by Microsoft, underlined through his community manager John Junyszek […]
And, with lots of to do in such a vast world, a guide is needed to help understand the main mechanics and objects of the game, and later if you want to use them in more complicated combinations and constructions that come out of every player's imagination from […]
Final Fantasy XV is finally available for all players, and among the many monsters that the game Square-Enix offers us, there is also an iconic creature of the series, which any player has seen at least once. It's about the funny Cactus, a recurring being […]
The truth is that if you have decided to start playing and get into aces breeding, it is a good investment, over time you will be able to see the results if you do the crossings as it should be, that's why this short guide can be very useful. in this sense. How […]
Here is the complete list of trophies for PlayStation 4 of SnowRunner, the off-road simulator developed by Saber Interactive and distributed by Focus Home Interactive. SnowRunner's full list of PlayStation 4 trophies features a total of 38 including 20 bronze, […]
And the fact is, in a game of this type (which is updated every now and then), you have to always be active looking for what's new to come out and what's already out (e.g. how often a new quarter comes out). Because you never know when they put something they can […]
Borderlands 3 DLC, 'Director's Cut', the March 18th. A set of “Multiverse” cosmetic items should also arrive along with the DLC. The date was announced today by 2K Games and Gearbox Software. The DLC will be available for purchase individually or through […]
Two years have passed since the launch of Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Ubisoft has decided to focus again on the franchise by offering the public the new chapter Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. With this new chapter Ubisoft wanted to take back the good things created with […]
What Makes Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout Acclaimed on New Platforms? With its only release on PlayStation and recently on Steam, this spectacular platformer has garnered rave reviews. The gameplay and how fun it can be made it uncontrollable. You have two options […]
Review for Monster Crown. PC game, the video game came out on 31/07/2020 You know the Pokémon saga? Well, try to forget every single thing you knew about it, because after trying this particular indie nature product entitled "Monster Crown" you might see […]
There is a lot of talk about next-gen these days. The official reveal of the date and price of the new Sony and Microsoft consoles has kicked off one communication avalanche that only a new incoming generation is able to generate, in fact diverting much of the […]
Unfortunately, TikTok still doesn't use superior security features like two-factor authentication. Thankfully, you can make your TikTok account more secure by adding a verification code and tweaking some key settings. That's how. How to set up a verification […]
How to send a Whatsapp message to people whose number you don't want to save with these steps. You can send messages to anyone on WhatsApp, as long as their number is saved in your address book. If you don't have the person's number saved in your contacts, WhatsApp […]
Milestone has made official that LAUGH 4, the latest chapter of the famous franchise dedicated to two-wheel lovers, is available from today, Thursday 8 October, 2020 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam. To celebrate the release, a dedicated launch […]
WhatsApp is the world's most significant instant messaging (IM) platform with over 2 billion users. Even after the recent privacy fiasco, the Facebook-owned company tops the popularity charts on both the App Store and Play Store. As millions of users jump aboard […]
Playing PUBG Mobile as a guest is a risky action, since you can lose all progress made in this popular Battle Royale for Android. To the 3 tips we gave you to survive on the Miramar map, we now add another key: play registered whenever you can. If you haven't, […]
A few days ago, the end of Nintendo 3DS production was announced after 9 years of great success and satisfaction, however Nintendo wanted to reassure the fans confirming that, although no new consoles will be produced "Nintendo and third-party titles for Nintendo […]
How to save Instagram photos on Android and PC, via this simple guide. While Instagram doesn't officially allow it, there are some ways to save Instagram photos on your Android device and on your PC. Instagram has been in our lives for six years and the number […]
Some rumors indicate that a new team is at work at Sony studios in San Diego. This new team appears to be working on existing PlayStation franchises. This is reflected in the LinkedIn profile of former lead developer Michael Mumbauer, in which he admits that […]
In Persona 5 Royal, in Shujin, there are periodic tests that Akira will have to answer. In this guide you will find the correct answers that you must choose, in order to obtain the silver trophy: A clever disguise. Some days, the tests will […]
One of the most intrinsic features of the series, also in this Resident Evil 2 Remake we will find different locks and safes to make our progress more interesting and less linear. Fear not, we are here to help you, starting with one of the first puzzles we will […]
Agitated, not scrapped Psyonix Studios, the San Diego-based video game development studio, in partnership with Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) and Aston Martin, has announced that Aston Martin DB5 of the famous agent 007 will be available on Rocket League starting […]
Rocket League Season 4 has been announced with release date, new cars, arena and modes. The 4 season of Rocket League has been announced by Psyonix that will start the11 August, precisely at 17.00 on PlayStation 4, Xbox, PC and Nintendo Switch. Let's see all the […]
App to open PDF. You are looking for a free app that allows you to view and read PDF files on your Android or iOS smartphone or tablet.Now we will list the best apps to open PDFs on both Android and iPhone smartphones and Android and iPad tablets. Opening a […]
Creative Technology announces Creative T100, the latest addition to the series T of speaker systems desktop 2.0, Among which T20 e T40, high-performance speakers that have already graced many desks. T100 packs many audio features in minimal size. With an enveloping […]
Reached the Chapter 5 di Doraemon: Story of Seasons, Vera, NPC present at "Roots of the great Tree”Asks Nobita to get four ciuski. These four ciuski are necessary to advance in the main quest: the secret of the big tree, main quest which, if completed, also […]
Review for The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters. Game for Linux, PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 31/12/2019 After some time in early access, The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters is getting close to finally being released in full […]
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild allows you to have all the ingredients you want in your inventory, but when it comes to weapons, bows, arrows and shields, you will soon need to increase the space available in the inventory. The only way to have more space […]
In this last weekend of lockdown we have, like many others of you, tried the test demo of Predator: Hunting Grounds, in new title of Illfonic centered on the ferocious alien hunter made famous by the film with Arnold Schwarzenegger dating back to the distant 80s. Predator: […]
Are you trying to complete the objectives of Battlefield 1 on Xbox but finding it difficult to keep track? With this guide you will no longer have to interrupt in the middle of a fight and you can continue to slaughter the enemy ranks. Operations (10) Win […]
PlayStation exclusives will arrive more often on PC, confirmed on Famitsu Speak Jim Ryan, CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment. In front of Famitsu's microphones, the president confirms Sony's desire to bring its intellectual properties to personal computers as […]
A concept artist denies his own leak: his words have been misunderstood The Fable franchise is certainly one of the most beloved in Microsoft's history, so it's no wonder there's a lot of hype about the long-awaited fourth chapter. With E3 approaching, fans of […]
Sony kicked off the Black Friday, proposing to all owners of PlayStation 4 e PlayStation 5 several interesting offers. Among the most interesting discounted products, you can find the subscription service PlayStation Plus now on sale at the price of € 44.99, […]
ASUS, a well-known company of components and peripherals for PCs, today announced the presentation of the new custom model of the Phoenix GeForce GTX1650 video card equipped with GDDR6 memory modules. The model in question is marked with the initials PH-GTX1650-O4GD6. This […]
However, even if this happens to you, you shouldn't get mad that someone is blocked, as reporting or reporting a server or user in Minecraft is an important practice to keep the community fresh (that's why it's important to learn the answer to How to ban hackers […]
Samsung Electronics, a leader in the gaming monitor market, has announced the revolutionary Odyssey G7 gaming monitor. Unveiled at CES 2020 in Las Vegas, the Odyssey line reinvents the gaming experience by combining curved displays with best-in-class performance. Odyssey […]
Pinocchio has been cinematically adapted several times but what Neowiz West and Round8 Studio are doing with Lies of P is undoubtedly something totally new and original for the famous puppet born from the pen of Carlo Collodi. Set in the baroque town of Krat, […]
During the second mission of Sniper Elite 4, you will receive as an optional objective the task of verifying a graveyard in your vicinity. After wandering the length and breadth of the tombs, you will find a closed door that opens onto a Mausoleum. As there is […]
Review for One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/02/2020 Videogame tie-ins, especially those linked to the universe of anime and manga, have often experienced alternating fortunes. In fact, […]
Review for Ghost 'n Goblins Resurrection. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 25/02/2021 The decade that starts around the 80s was the golden age of cabinets: at that time video […]
If you're on the go or run out of data plan, you'll want your favorite music to be available for offline listening. Fortunately, a number of services offer this feature, so here are the best music download apps for Android and iOS.App to download music on Android […]
All human numbers Amplitude Studios has released a video illustrating the greatness and diversity of content that will be featured in Humankind. In the game there are 129 unit several that cross 10 biomes wonderfully detailed. Those biomes will host 45 different […]
The various titles announced for the 35th anniversary of the brand. Square Enix wanted to celebrate 35 years of Dragon Quest without sparing, by announcing several games. Among them, the HD 2D remake […]
According to some rumors, a game mode in Battlefield 2042 will allow us to play in the classic maps in the remaster version. According to some rumors, still not confirmed by EA and DICE, in the next Battlefield 2042 there will be a mode in which we can play in […]
Respawn Entertainment has finally announced the September Soiree by Apex Legends, which will celebrate fan favorite modes and skins for a limited time during the month. Kicks off today, Tuesday 8 September, the Dummies Big Day, the first event of […]
Review for Final Fantasy XV. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 29/11/2016 The version for PC came out on 06/03/2018 Final Fantasy XV is a more than good game, victim of problems and internal changes in Square Enix that have […]
With the arrival of week 8 of Fortnite season 4, Epic Games has also released the new weekly challenges to be completed to receive the Battle Pass Stars. The challenge we are going to analyze today is "Search among a bear, a crater and a shipment of a refrigerator". To […]
Scaricare torrent Android smartphone or tablet. In this guide I will show you the best tools to download torrents from mobile.Download torrent Android the best appsVuze Torrent Downloader Vuze is the main alternative to the most famous clients, of which it fully […]
WhatsApp's new privacy policy has created quite a stir. That's why most people consider Signal and Telegram as an alternative. You can find out what a better alternative to WhatsApp is in this post. Both Telegram and Signal are committed to protecting the privacy […]
In NBA 2K18 there are different ways in which you can strengthen the team. Among the best Playmakers, Guards, Small Wings, Large Wings and Centers these are the best available. These are the best playmakers available at the beginning of their career: Russell […]
The novelties of the title were presented with a video. The traditional Forza Horizon campaign will have big changes in the next title, Forza Horizon 5. In the latest episode of “Let's Go”, Playground Games showed the new Horizon Adventure and how it offers […]
Roblox is a video game platform that presents itself as a learning tool. It facilitates the design of games through Roblox Studio andallows access to worlds created by other developers/players.. Users can take advantage of new designs through […]
Review for absolver. Game for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 29/08/2017 absolver, the first effort of the newborn software house Sloclap, the pride of the publisher Devolver Digital, is one of those games that under normal circumstances we […]
WhatsApp is an application used by millions of people all over the world, due to its popularity, often some bad intentions use the app to create ad hoc scams. Not all WhatsApp users are familiar with all the functions of the mobile phone or the dangers. This […]
Sega has recently announced that its strategic RPG Valkyria Chronicles 4: Complete Edition will be available on Google Stadia from next December 8 2020. The game will be available for purchase through the Stadia store, at a price of € 49,99. For the occasion, […]
Remote control app for iOS, use iPhone as a remote control. Download these free apps and turn your iphone or iPad into a remote control.You would like to check yours Smart TV conveniently using your iPhone as a remote control? Thanks to these apps, some […]
Amazon Prime Video Store is a new service for all holders of an Amazon Prime subscription that, in addition to accessing Amazon Prime video, and seeing the films and series present, now allows you to buy or rent the latest films and premieres.Prime Video Store […]
Netflix offers far more content in the US than many other countries, but we'll teach you how to access it no matter where you live.The Netflix library in the US is considerably larger than in other countries as it has no global licensing rights for most of the […]
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice proved to be a game full of contents and above all of secrets to discover. One of the first that will appear in front of us in one way or another will be mysterious pieces of one Ceremonial mask for dance. This was in fact divided into […]
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is in the pipeline on Android and iOS mobile devices. To announce the news were the publisher NetEase Games and the developer Artplay. The download will be paid and will be supported by the following localizations: English, Japanese, […]
Here are the best racing games for Android, including car games, racing and even horse racing.The Play Store has a huge selection of racing games of all kinds, free and premium. So big, in fact, that it's hard to find the best ones. Racing games for AndroidHere […]
Review for Lineage II: Revolution. Game for Android and iOS, the video game was released on 15/11/2017 MMORPGs are a genre loved and hated at the same time, since most of the titles are free to play and have a not indifferent pay to win component. Over the years, […]
The Diablo Immortal Battle Pass offers free Legendary Rewards to all players even if they have not purchased the Empowered Pass. In this guide, we'll show you the best Rank 10 Legendary Rewards you can receive using Diablo's Immortal Battle Pass. […]
Review for The Touryst. Game for PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 21/11/2019 The version for PC came out on 30/07/2020 The version for Xbox One came out on 30/07/2020 Version for Xbox Series X from 10/11/2020 Finding […]
Thermaltake Core P8 TG is a convertible full tower E-ATX case that can be used as a closed or open case, with certification Tt LCS. This full tower PC chassis uses tempered glass on the front, left and top. The supported form factors are E-ATX, ATX, microATX, […]
Like any self-respecting Pokémon game, even in Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go Eevee! It is not possible to catch all Pokémon with only one version of the game: there are in fact Pokémon exclusive in one or the other version for Nintendo […]
Bandai Namco releases not one but two videos of the expected action title. About two months after launch, Scarlet Nexus returns to show itself with two new gameplay videos dedicated to as many game […]
Nuki, European leader in the market of intelligent home access systems, has received an important international recognition for the security of its devices. The flagship product Nuki Combo 2.0 it has in fact been certified as "Safe Smart Home Product" byAV-TEST […]
Let's see how to block users on TikTok and how to delete followers. TikTok is the trending app and, as we have talked about before, it is surpassing other apps like Instagram, Snapchat or WhatsApp. This app allows us to show all our creativity by posting […]
OnePlus, a global brand in the mobile technology sector, today announced a special offer for the purchase of every OnePlus 8, designed for gamers across Europe. Within this bundle, each customer will receive a pair of Bullets Wireless Z for free with the purchase […]
Detailed information has been provided on the official Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War blog how much space the game will occupy on day one, and what will be given to users who make the digital pre-order. You must have at least some space available depending […]
GALAX, a well-known manufacturer of custom models of GPUs, has announced the release of the new range of GeForce GTX 1650 video cards equipped with GDDR6 memory modules. 4 different custom models will be available on the market. The range includes the standard […]
Best photo enhancement app for Android and iOS. Fix or refine your photos with these free photo enhancement apps.Have you taken a photo but it has blur errors or would you like to embellish it with effects that will improve its appearance? So now we will offer […]
"When there are many against one ..." along with "The fashion of Ofier" are two of the 78 trophies of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This short guide explains in detail how to get the first one. It is a trophy easy to miss, and related to a specific plot point main […]
Best Android browsers with AdBlock functions. Browse the internet ad-free with these free browsers for Android.Annoyed by the constant advertisements while browsing the internet on the sites? Using these Best Android browsers with AdBlock functions you can have […]
How to request a refund or return when buying Minecraft - Mail support As with returning or refunding skins in Fortine In Minecraft, it's also possible that you've made a purchase that you regret, and in that sense, requesting a refund can become a relatively complex […]
The Double Fine project will also arrive on Game Pass. More and more crazy and colorful. This is how Psychonauts 2 showed itself: a sequel to the famous platformer released in 2005 on PC and PlayStation […]
Untitled Goose Game is something never seen before, a subtle balance between fun and madness that makes you rejoice with a pad in your hand like few others are able to do. Each area places you in front of objectives, some easier, others more hostile. Now together […]
The announcement of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has certainly made many fans snap to attention who can't wait to be able to play with the two heroes of New York. Little is known about the title yet but some rumors are starting to circulate. Insomniac Games has already […]
This Christmas , and we have repeated it several times, it will not be a Christmas like any other. The emergency Covid it has in fact profoundly changed what is the identity of a period of union and celebration, leaving room, for obvious reasons, for diametrically […]
After a quick look at Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 trophies, his list of skaters and the great review, we've come to the trick list. To make it easier for you to read, we have divided the tricks as in the title of Vicarious Visions in Grave, Grind, flip e Flatland, […]
Let's take a final, early look at Final Fantasy VII Remake Integrade, talking about lots of news on Yuffie's DLC shared by Square Enix. Despite the inability to hold hands-on events due to the obvious […]
Gmail is the leading email provider on the planet. It is feature rich, ubiquitous on all smartphones and very well presented. For these reasons, you may simply want to be able to log into Gmail directly from your desktop, without having to open a browser window […]
Review for Tropico 6. Game for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 29/03/2019 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 31/12/2019 The version for Xbox One came out on 31/12/2019 We have now left winter behind us, and a warm holiday […]
Review for Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 31/12/2020 After a very long and exhausting wait, worthy of the best actions seen on the giant soccer fields of the anime and manga, […]
In this post we will see how to make beautiful cinemagraphs and recommend the best applications to do it.Le cinemagraph (moving photos) are nothing more than photos that come to life, such as the flow of water, the clouds of the sky that move and other effects […]
Hades was one of the videogame revelations of the year and was able to conquer critics and audiences. The role-playing game developed by Supergiant Games, in fact, was originally released in 2018 in early access and the market launch took place in September 2020. The […]
ASUS announces today three: new Radeon ™ video cards, including ROG Strix, ASUS TUF Gaming X3 EVO e ASUS Dual EVO Radeon ™ RX 5600 XT. These new GPUs add PCBs, power design and custom cooling to the latest AMD chipset, allowing for more performance than design […]
Who created and invented Fortnite? , was made by Epic Games. The goal is to survive on an island full of enemies; obtaining weapons, shields and ammo is essential. Therefore, we will explain how to find the hidden mining areas in Fortnite Battle Royale. So what's […]
It was during the recent Video Game Awards 2020 that we were able to abandon logic and emotional reins to the few frames of the teaser of the next chapter of Mass Effect, as yet unnamed. The trailer says a lot about the direction BioWare can take with the Mass […]
Review for Zengeon. Game for PC, Nintendo Switch, Steam, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 24/06/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 06/08/2021 Isometric visuals and a strong anime imprint in Chinese sauce are the elements […]
Have you already played the second chapter of Deltarune? If so, you may have noticed that this new adventure also offers players numerous challenges, including some extras that can be unlocked by fully exploring the surrounding environment. In addition, there […]
We were invited by Ubisoft for a long four hour rehearsal in the streets of London's Watch Dogs: Legion and today we can tell you our impressions on the new chapter of the saga of Watch Dogs which changes its formula in favor of a more original and free path. This […]
While the gamer community is clamoring for a sequel and a 60-frame version of Bloodborne, a couple of developers are working to make a demake for PlayStation 1. Some excerpts of videos had already appeared on the net in recent months, and while everyone expected […]
How to Disable WhatsApp Voice Call, WhatsApp recently introduced a new feature that allows users to make VOIP calls to other WhatsApp users. The feature was added in Whatsapp 2.12.19 but there hasn't been any setting since then that allows the user to disable […]
Directly from the device, without external apps and for free, without limits to your imagination and obviously choosing any other song you prefer. Despite the passing of time, Apple's closed ecosystem […]
Not many people usually notice it, yet once you notice it, it's hard to ignore it: lip-sync in video games is very often different from what characters say.. This is because they are animated according to the reference language of the studio, and then be dubbed […]
With the release of Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access, players were able to start their new adventure in the Forgotten Realms, but not without asking themselves some questions about the fate of their data. Although it is a non-definitive, and above all incomplete, […]
Photomath is a mobile application described as a "calculator camera", which uses a phone's camera to recognize mathematical operations and to display the solution directly on the screen. It is available for free on Android and iOS.What is PhotomathWithout the right […]
The director Christopher Nolan, during a discussion with Geoff keighley, told how he would like a video game based on one of his films to be made. Christopher Nolan, related to Warner Bros., presented the GOTY award while nominating the winners at The Game Awards. Cristopher […]
Following Square Enix's decision to anticipate shipments, copies of Final Fantasy VII Remake are gradually coming to our PlayStation 4, ready to engage you in hours of fun and powerful memories. For the more completists among you, here is the list of trophies […]
Review for Sine Mora EX. Game for PlayStation Network, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 31/07/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 10/10/2017 Almost five years ago it made its debut Sine Mora, a shoot 'em […]
In the fifth mission of Bethesda's masterpiece, Doom: Eternal, "Super Gore Nest“, There are 23 objects that can be found while exploring. Some of these, such as modbots and code entries, will automatically appear on the map. A hidden or secret object will not […]
Thanks to its new innovative "online mode" function, you will be able to compete with other users and start a section with the social network Facebook, to be able to connect with your friends and acquaintances. Therefore it is essential to have a good Internet […]
The story of the expansion will be centered around intrigue and conspiracy. In the past hours Tripwire Interactive has finally announced the first planned DLC for Maneater, a title that recently also […]
Liam is one of the first characters you will meet along the way. He will already be aboard the Tempest for the first mission of the game, on Eos. After building the first camp you can talk to Liam in the warehouse in the back of the ship on the lower level. He […]
Simultaneously with the launch of the Nintendo Switch OLED has come the new chapter of the franchise that sees Samus Aran protagonist: Metroid dread is finally available and the MercurySteam title, as per tradition, it includes several unlockable upgrades that […]
In a short clip published by the official Insomniac Games account, we discover new stealth and camouflage features for the protagonist of Spider-Man: Miles Morales. This confirms even more the fact that the new episode of the Marvel saga will not be a simple continuation, […]
According to some rumors, a single-player expansion for Ghost of Tsushima is in development at Sucker Punch.After the rumors that expected the arrival of Ghost of Tsushima on PC, now according to what emerged on the net, it seems that the title could receive a […]
Here's everything you need to know about the new Nintendo Switch title Pac-Man 99, along with some tips to improve your scores. Pac-Man 99 is the new Battle Royale exclusive to Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Online subscribers. As in Tetris 99, players […]
The Disgaea series exceeds five million copies sold. Development house Nippon Ichi Software announces that its famous Disgaea series exceeds five million copies sold worldwide. News that can only cheer the fans of this Japanese series around the globe. To celebrate […]
128-bit technical prowess.E3 2000 was underway. PlayStation 2 had been available for a handful of months in Japan and would soon be available in the West as well.The new machine promised extraordinary performance and the screenshots of the first games reported […]
Ubisoft has decided to respond to players who are unhappy with the latest updates. After the disappointment due to the postponement of the first DLC planned for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the Wrath […]
In NBA 2K18 there are different ways in which you can strengthen the team. Among the best Playmakers, Guards, Small Wings, Large Wings and Centers these are the best available. These are the best early guards available: James Harden (Houston Rockets - 95) Jimmy […]
Review for Outlast 2. Game for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 25/04/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 27/03/2018 There is a dark place in our mind that morbidly longs for all that reason shuns. […]
Vinted is an online intermediary hosting service that allows users to trade and / or sell and / or purchase items, to use the integrated payment and shipping service, to communicate by sending private messages or using the forum or to use other additional services. […]
Telegram is one of the most used and appreciated messaging apps in the world. It is extremely versatile, safe and equipped with some unique features, to the point of making it a milestone in its category. By using it, you may have archived or deleted certain conversations. […]
How are candies obtained? Candy is an item that can be obtained from a Pokémon that has just been caught or obtained after hatching an egg (egg guide). Typically, received Pokémon will give 3 Candy of their type at a time. A Candy can be obtained by transferring […]
Review for Nelke And The Legendary Alchemists: Atelier Of The New World. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, the video game was released on 31/01/2019 The version for PC came out on 26/03/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came […]
Fans of the Legend of Zelda series are eagerly awaiting the sequel to the latest chapter in the Nintendo saga. It seems that the release of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 may come sooner than expected, although only one video has been shown to date. […]
Review for déraciné. Game for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR, The release is scheduled: 2018déraciné it's a game for a few. Although glazed by a melancholy air that does not hurt, the production of FromSoftware fails in the almost impossible attempt to represent […]
We have already talked to you extensively in our review of the last chapter of the series Ace Combat, that is, be Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, the latest iteration of the famous series of air combat simulators. In the new chapter there are, as the series has accustomed […]
Review for Musynx. Game for PC, iOS, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 06/07/2015 The version for PC came out on 05/12/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 21/06/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came […]
Yesterday the announcement, which took place in China. Currently there is little information we can disclose on Dell's new G-series gaming laptop, the G15, but by the end of the month, we may know […]
Netflix Bug Bounty the first public bug bug program. This means that anyone using the streaming service can report any vulnerabilities and receive a cash payment as well as the satisfaction of keeping Netflix safe and secure.Netflix Bug BountyNetflix is running […]
So you want to know how to download Twitter videos online from PC or smartphone? Knowing download videos from Twitter directly to your computer or mobile phone is a question that every user of the social network has asked at some point. The option isn't […]
However, in case you want to play Minecraft online with a friend with or without Hamachi, the steps will be different and this tutorial won't help you. The same is true if you want to open a Minecraft or Minecraft PE server in the future or any other creation page. How […]
Fantastic online ludo club game could easily be included among the best free internet free games for mobile phones, and it doesn't matter if you have a connection or not, you can have fun with this game wherever you are. Also, don't worry if you don't have any […]
8 Ball Pool is an international game became very famous and is therefore available for all mobile devices. In addition, the game can be connected to the Facebook social network so that you can interact with all your friends and thus carry out races. But, if you […]
For some time now, they can create Telegram supergroups. All multiple conversations, excluding broadcast channels, up to their introduction, allowed to add up to a maximum of 200 members and to have a sole administrator for all participants.Now, however, these […]
Il according to DLC di Sword and Shield Pokémon, The snowy lands of the crown, was the protagonist of a trailer released today by the official channel of The Pokémon Company International; the release date of the additional content has also been revealed: it […]
Insomniac Games, after the success of Marvel's Spider-Man on PlayStation 4, is preparing the ground for the next-gen. The baton, after making his debut in style with Peter Parker, passes to Miles Morales, the second Spider-Man, with whom the creators of Spyro […]
What is director mode in GTA 5? Before we know exactly what this innovation is about, keep in mind that it's only available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Director mode is nothing more than a function accessible from the Rockstar Editor with which Grand Theft Auto […]
How to delete comments on Instagram for Android. One of the features of Instagram is the ability to comment on the photos posted by users, just as it is possible to comment on photos, it is also possible to find something written that you do not like or something […]
Mount & Blade II Bannerlord, after eight long years of development, it has finally come up PC (via Steam) and despite being in early access version however, he immediately received a huge and perhaps unexpected success in terms of sales. For those unfamiliar […]
Telegram has enjoyed the limelight in recent weeks, ever since Facebook decided to change WhatsApp's privacy policy for better or worse. Telegram is a privacy-focused messaging app that works a little differently than its peers. For example, in addition to groups, […]
The first thing is to check the characteristics of your computer Undoubtedly the first thing to consider for know if a video game runs on your computer are its characteristics. There are several ways to find the information, in any case within Windows there is […]
MAGIC EFFECT Cure Recover HP Heal Heals Poison, Darkness, and Stone statuses Sleep Put an enemy to sleep Mute Prevents an enemy from casting spells Fire Magic attack of fire Ice Magic attack of ice Bed Magic attack of thunder Nuke Non-elemental […]
Why can my Free Fire account be banned? The ban usually results from violations of the rules or regulations contained in the game. When one is broken rule involving cheating, harming other players or the game , the command that is responsible for it or another […]
The release of Sword of the Necromancer on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One didn't generate the success developer Grimoire of Games was probably hoping for. While not being able to aspire to the title of GOTY, the work still manages to entertain, […]
Turn off automatic audio in Facebook videos. Mute audio on Facebook. Facebook automatic audio. Facebook's recent growth is due to its latest feature, videos. Videos on Facebook are certainly a very important function, but not everyone appreciates this function, […]
Twin Mirror is the latest work by Dontnod, the authors of Life is Strange. Published by Bandai Namco, it is a third person adventure where the player will take on the role of investigative journalist Sam, passing between the real world and his "Palace of the Mind". Available […]
Loud ringtones app. Discover the best apps to set classic loud ringtones for free download on Android and iPhone smartphones.Are you looking for apps that will help you on how to set loud and loud ringtones on an android or iOS smartphone? Now we will list the […]
Following the incredible critically and financially acclaimed success of Hitman 3, Hakan Abrak, the studio director of IO Interactive, was interviewed talking specifically about Project 007, the brand new IP from IO Interactive. Originally revealed late last […]
Endless horror Capcom revolutionized the Survival Horror game genre with its stunning Resident Evil. As logic dictates in these cases, Capcom therefore decided to immediately create a sequel to be able to take advantage of the wave of success of its great game. […]
LA Noire, Case 2 - "Armed and dangerous" There is not much to say about this case, inserted by the developers mainly to familiarize the players with the commands to use during the firefights. Follow the instructions given on-screen to eliminate all your opponents […]
Instagram is one of the funniest social media platforms with millions of users around the world. Instagram offers amazing features to its users such as reacting to or liking direct messages. YES! You can reply to direct messages or DMs on Instagram. You […]
Review for Mercenaries Saga Chronicles. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 18/01/2018 These are definitely hard times for lovers of Japanese-style tactical RPGs. If years ago the genre could count on a fair number of sagas, today practically […]
While it is possible to play Cyberpunk 2077 on Android, not everyone is willing to buy a game whose initial reviews weren't exactly positive. Fortunately on Google Play we can find alternative games to Cyberpunk 2077, with aesthetics or mechanics similar to those […]
Review for RANGE 2. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 14/05/2019 Version for Google Stadia from 19/11/2019 Anger is not only inevitable, it is necessary. Its absence indicates indifference, the most disastrous […]
There is a question that haunts many of the Pokémon Go players: where are the unavailable regional monsters located? Niantic, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have in fact decided to make some specific Pokémon exclusive to some parts of the globe, so as to […]
The new video provides information on an intense conspiracy! A dark conspiracy: that's what the plot of King's Bounty II, signed turn-based tactical role-playing game 1C Entertainment and Koch Media […]
Japanese release of the sequel leaked? According to the PSN lists, Lost Judgment will come out in Japan il September 24th on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. The original title, in Japanese, is Lost […]
When we have multiple applications, tools, files and folders distributed on our computer, the use and management of the links is essential. For this reason, we recommend that you read this article with which you will learn how to easily customize video game shortcuts The […]
Trying to survive wasn't enough. Rise of the Tomb Raider has a total of 18 different challenges, scattered across almost all maps in the game: Syria - 1 challenge Siberian Lands - 1 challenge Soviet base - 4 challenges Geothermal Valley - 5 challenges Acropolis […]
Football games for Android. Discover and download now the best football games on Android available on the PlayStore for free.Are you a football fan and would like to play the best on your Android smartphone and tablet? Here is a list of the best soccer games […]
Acer for Education renews the Innovative School program for 2020, specifically designed to support schools that adopt Acer technologies in the use of new educational environments in which to offer new generations the tools they need to develop the skills required […]
Dead By Daylight, with the advent of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, will receive a new graphic overhaul with a series of free updates starting next year. Users who own the copy for the current console generation will have the option to upgrade to the next-gen […]
Pokèmon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl have a release date in November 2021 Pokèmon Shining Diamond and Shining Pearl, remake of the fourth generation Pokèmon games, will be released in November […]
In the guide below we compare Escape From Tarkov's .366 ammunition. This caliber is used by the assault rifle Vepr AKM / VPO-209 and from the sniper rifle VPO-215. Le .366 TKM EKO they deal 65 damage and have an armor penetration power of 30. They […]
Causes of missing audio in ARK: Survival Evolved THE reason for not listening to the audio of a video game like ARK: Survival Evolved can have many causes; These can also be of two types, the intrinsic of the game and the extrinsic of the game. They both have the […]
Gotham trains our brains. After the guide to the trophies and tests of the riddle, it's time for the guide to the riddles of Nygma. A total of 40 riddles. As mentioned earlier, if you are short of information about where to find them, interview a few criminals […]
As per the tradition of the saga, even Kingdom Hearts III can count on its secret boss. This time it's not a shady hooded figure, nor a lingering feeling, "just" a powerful Heartless called Black Hell (Dark Inferno). Like the others who carry on that reputation, […]
There is talk of about 900 hours of battery. Razer today announced the Razer Orochi V2, a compact, ultralight gaming mouse capable of approximately 900 hours of battery life from a single AA battery. […]
As you know, Horizon Zero Dawn allows you to operate override and ride three different types of cars but only after completing specific dungeons. Here's what they are the riders e how to unlock them. From the beginning, in Horizon Zero Dawn, Aloy will gain the […]
Review for Doom Eternal. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 20/03/2020 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 08/12/2020 The current videogame year has opened a bit quietly […]
With the arrival of Fortnite Season 3, many challenges have been introduced that will allow you to climb much faster and unlock many skins and stickers. In the previous guide we explained how to find the treasure of Magazzino Muffito, thanks to which you will […]
To help you complete the Haunted Carriage event in Diablo Immortal, we have prepared this guide in which we will walk you through the process of starting the event and what you need to do to complete it. How to start the Haunted Carriage event in Diablo […]
It may seem incredible, but there are Pokémon GO players who would like to permanently delete their account and all personal data connected to it. The elimination is not manageable independently, but to complete it you must fill out a form on the Niantic website. […]
While the return of the original trilogy in a renewed version with Mass Effect Legendary Edition is getting closer, several former members of BioWare have retraced the stages of the problematic development of Mass Effect Andromeda, revealing new details on what […]
Sony has developed a platform called Playstation Now, but it is necessary to know it, its use and its functions to have its excellent services. You can have access to very interesting options, in a sense, consists of one streaming platform but you can play from […]
Many are playing The Last Guardian and many will have already finished it. In fact, the title is not the most long-lived even considering the slowness with which the gameplay is presented: in fact, finishing it is not difficult once you overcome the emotional […]
Following the Square Enix event, some details on the new game come. At the center of various rumors, last Sunday Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin has become reality. At the end of the Square […]
4Game Platform has recently announced the arrival, scheduled for the end of November, of a new update for Ragnarok Online Eruope, MMORPG free-to-play based on the manhwa universe Ragnarok by Lee Myung-Jin. The update will bring the challenge of the new one first […]
Last week we had the pleasure of being able to preview a full-bodied hands off of Pathfinder Kingmaker Definitive Edition, extensively revised and corrected version that will see the light on ours PC, but especially on consoles starting next August 18th. Pathfinder […]
Therefore, today we are already present at phones that are powerful enough to run fairly heavy and dense games both in space and in resolution. This opportunity has not been wasted by the big companies and we can see it reflected in rather amazing titles for the […]
It was the seemingly distant April 2019 when Project EVE, signed title Shift Up Corporation, was shown for the first time in a teaser trailer, and then remained wrapped in a cloak of shadow and not reveal too many details about himself. To break the silence were […]
News that will surely interest all those who are in possession of a Switch Online account and have not yet purchased Overcooked 2. Starting today, in fact, and until next February 16th it will be possible to download and play the full version of the hilarious […]
We were able to put our hands on Nintendo's latest hardware effort. Nintendo Switch OLED was announced only a few weeks ago, but immediately it was greeted with some of the extremes to which the videogame landscape has now accustomed us: those who on the one hand […]
Blacksmiths play a key role in your character development. They provide certain services to help you play the game. The Blacksmith mechanics can be quite confusing at times, but we're here to help. This guide will go over everything there is to know […]
Dead Cells was certainly one of the titles that most impressed during 2018. One outstanding graphic style e a truly succulent gameplay have ensured that i spotlight of critics and audiences were aimed at this splendid Motion Twin metroidvania. And today is the […]
1 of 3 Psycho Pass: Mandatory Happiness is a visual novel released on PlayStation 4, Playstation Vita, Xbox One and PC inspired by the anime of the same name (consisting of two seasons and a film) located approximately in the first episodes of the first season. Obtaining […]
The Nintendo console next to reach 90 million units sold. The most recent financial results of Nintendo Switch show important figures from the point of view of sales: during the last quarter they were sold 4,45 million of Nintendo Switch, while from the point of […]
The title finally has a release date! During the'Xbox & Bethesda Showcase dell'E3 2021, held during the evening of June 13th, one of the most anticipated announcements of recent years has arrived: […]
Review for Rocket League. Game for Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Network, Steam and Xbox One, the video game was released on 07/07/2015 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 14/11/2017 The version for Xbox One came out on 17/02/2016 […]
In this article we will see how to hide the last login on Instagram. The process is very simple and similar on both operating systems, Android and iOS. In the last few hours, a new Instagram feature has been activated that the users of the social network did not […]
Materia is an extremely important mechanic in Final Fantasy VII Remake, just as they were in the original game. They are able to help you consistently in every battle, as they are useful for obtaining various passive and non-passive bonuses; it goes from the simplest […]
How many players does PUBG have? How many became active? PUBG was a milestone when it is was released in 2017, has since grown considerably. Certainly the appearance of other games like Fortnite has made the numbers grow not as much as in those days. Even so, it […]
Discovering the Dome Prime Matter and Dark Crystal Games have unveiled a new gameplay trailer for Encased, the next isometric dystopian sci-fi RPG set for this fall. The new trailer reveals situations, characters and weapons from all three acts, including previously […]
App for singles, apps for meeting new people. The best websites for dating singles are now available via smartphone app.If you are looking for new friends or relationships these applications will help you to meet new people who have the same desire as you. So […]
The arrival of the TOTS (or TOTSSF) changed the face of FIFA 20 and its pivotal mode once and for all. The equilibrium reached (actually never really reached, but this is another matter) in the months, with the now beautiful teams that you have formed, has been […]
Garena Free Fire is one of those video games that is gaining fame among users, in fact it is one of the most popular and downloaded mobile games today. It is for this reason that many are wondering if they can play it on their consoles, as is the case with Xbox […]
Review for Langrisser I & II Remake. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 18/04/2019 The version for PC came out on 10/03/2020 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 13/03/2020 The version for PlayStation 4 came […]
OnePlus, a global company in the mobile technology sector, today announces a partnership with Epic Games, dedicated to Fortnite fans to create an unprecedented mobile user experience for the owners of their devices. With the rollout currently underway, the OnePlus […]
How to share ZIP, PDF, EXE, APK, RAR and large files with WhatsApp, as we all know WhatsApp came out with the limitation that you can only send audio files, videos and images with it. But with the help of this WhatsApp trick, you will be able to send or […]
The decision came as a result of user feedback. A few days ago, we reported Sony's decision of end PlayStation Store support on PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, thus making it impossible to make further […]
We have already mentioned it here, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S were an excellent choice for Microsoft, also thanks to a period, as shown by the figures, in which expenses dedicated to video games have increased exponentially. It is the first time that Microsoft […]
Our guide to the best free selfie photo editing apps will ensure you always look your best every time you take a photo.Smartphone cameras have greatly improved in recent years. But despite that, taking the best selfie requires a lot more than fantastic front camera […]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the occasion of the new incoming DLC she becomes the protagonist of a new TV commercial starring Juliana Moreira, previously the protagonist of the commercial of Ring Fit Adventure. After the great success in Europe, Animal […]
Rya Ga Gotoku and SEGA have launched a site referencing "Judgment Day". What will it be about? A concerning announcement Judgment could be coming: Sega and Ryu ga Gotoku Studio (development team responsible […]
One year after collecting 15 "best-of-CES" awards for Super X-Fi, the revolutionary holography technology for headphones, Creative Technology unveils the all-new Super X-Fi Gen2 audio profile, which features major enhancements to offer users a more natural headphone […]
Review for Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux. Nintendo 3DS game, the video game was released on 26/10/2017 The Shin Megami Tensei series returns to be talked about, riding the positive wave of ATLUS thanks to the recent Persona 5, the JRPG taken from a […]
We present today an atypical review, as we are talking about a game of atypical circumstances. Street of Kamurocho is a free title, given by Sega to celebrate its anniversary, and which sees the characters of Yakuza in a game with mechanics taken from Street of […]
Review for Left Alive. Game for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 28/02/2019 The version for PC came out on 05/03/2019 There is no doubt that that of Front Mission is a decidedly mistreated saga. If once upon a time it could be defined as a […]
How to avoid speed cameras with your android or iPhone smartphone is possible thanks to these free apps downloadable from Paly store or Apple Store.Ready to go and travel all the roads not having the fear of speed cameras? Now we will show you some very useful […]
Review for Yakuza Kiwami. Game for PlayStation 4 and PC, the video game was released on 29/08/2017 The porting of the Yakuza on PC it is a tangible evidence of the feverish passion, exponentially increasing, that the Western public has for Japanese culture. A […]
The tech company expands its new range of Mesh Wi-Fi systems It is now clear that the number of devices we use every day, equipped with Wi-Fi, is increasing; Netgear, one of the leading companies […]
The Xbox Series X was launched recently, one of the two Microsoft net-gen consoles that, at least initially, promised the Halo Infinite experience at day one of the console, done shortly after denied, unfortunately for everyone. 343 certainly does not want to […]
Coffee Addict Studio founder believes the difference between PS5 and XboX Series X won't be played on Tflops. The debate on teraflops and on which of the next two next-generation consoles will or will not have a performance advantage over the other. On the subject, […]
Don't know how to defeat the first Blasphemous boss? Here is a brief guide on how to do it. Your journey has now begun in the lands of Cvstodia, very devoted to religion, and now afflicted by the […]
As time and technology advance, our home is filling more and more wireless devices that require an Internet connection. Just think of all the home automation devices, Smart TVs, Consoles, our beloved smartphones,… in a short time we found ourselves having an […]
After Remothered: Tormented Fathers and the recent Remothered: Broken Porcelain, Stormind Games sets aside the horror atmospheres to dive into fantasy with Batora: Lost Haven, Action RPG markedly hack & slash and characterized by a story driven setting. The […]
Review for NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139 .... Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 22/04/2021 Revisiting the story of Nier Replicant through this new version […]
Death's Gambit is the new action RPG platformer that takes great inspiration from the works of Miyazaki, Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Death's Gambit sees us take control of a revenant, a soldier pardoned by Death himself, who is assigned a mysterious mission. Let's […]
Review for Contra Anniversary Collection. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 11/06/2019 Contra Anniversary Collection, as well as the recent one Castlevania Anniversary Collection, lands on our consoles of […]
With the latest update, WhatsApp has added stickers that can display the time and our location, its two new stickers can be added to photos, videos or statuses. In this guide we will show you the simple steps to use them on an Android and iPhone smartphone. The […]
If there are any pictures taken with the camera on your computer, we tell you how to upload photos to instagram from your windows pc in a very easy and simple way. Hands in the workplace! Upload photos to Instagram from Chrome Il trick to upload […]
New World is the video game developed by Amazon Game Studios, released in August 2020. This video game is illustrated in a XNUMXth century setting where players explore different lands and at the same time have to colonize them at image and likeness of the British […]
Infinite Undiscovery, the Xbox360 exclusive Square-Enix game, is entirely in English, so the names that I will list below will be kept in Anglo-Saxon. Beware of spoilers as you read, so I advise you to continue reading only in parallel with the game. I have marked […]
IGN colleagues have just discovered a patent (yes, still a patent), probably in application on PSVR 2, which would allow viewers to participate in the virtual content in which the player is immersed. Yes, the illustration is not strictly self-explanatory, but […]
In the video games of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, by wandering around the islands of Alola you can use the Island Scanner, which is used to find rare Pokémon with special moves. In this list you will find all the Pokémon obtainable with the Island Scanner, […]
Review for . I play for,A prophecy. A promise. The warning of the mistakes of the past. History repeating itself: from the mind of Yuji Horii in the 30th anniversary of the famous saga of the rising sun from 70 millions of copies sold the following of the hilarious […]
Respawn Entertainment shared the brand new trailer for Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond, putting the spotlight on the “Gallery”Of the game: a series of interviews with veterans who survived the Second World War that help players, as they progress through the […]
Exclusive to PlayStation 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, has finally arrived. Guerrilla Games' new adventure throws players into the shoes of Aloy, a young Nora who finds herself stuck in the middle of one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Through this - and more […]
A closure with a bang at The Game Awards 2020: the event ended with a teaser linked to Mass Effect and its new chapter, with the words “Mass Effect will continue“. The trailer caption explains how a veteran team BioWare is engaged in the initial stages of […]
Review for Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires Plot - Deluxe Edition. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 09/08/2018 Solving puzzles has always been a way to keep the mind active and the combination with the videogame […]
The release of the new generation consoles, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, is getting closer and closer and we are starting to take stock of the situation on the titles that will accompany the launch. In the last few hours, the focus has been on Godfall, video […]
Review for Elite Dangerous. Game for Mac, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 02/04/2015 The version for PC came out on 16/12/2014 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 27/06/2017 The version for Xbox One came out on 26/04/2016 That […]
Last year, Instagram finally added one of the most anticipated features: music. Now you can add your favorite songs to your Instagram Stories. This innovative feature doesn't extend to conventional Instagram videos. Yes, you can't add music directly to Instagram […]
The in-game economy it is in a very accelerated growth phase, more and more people are joining this game and investing in purchasing Axies with unique attributes with the desire that their investment quickly begins to multiply and grow in their favor. What is the […]
Electronic Arts revealed the features of FIFA 21 which continues to offer unprecedented authenticity with over 17.000 players, 700 teams, more than 90 stadiums and 30 leagues available, which will give players exclusive access to the greatest competitions in the […]
Ever since the PlayStation 5 was announced, everyone knows that in size it will be a console important. However, few thought it could be that big. Thanks to some hardware measurements of the National Communications Commission (NCC) of Taiwan, we now have some […]
If like us you have been smashing hard since December 7, the release date of the superb Nintendo fighting game signed by Sakurai, surely you have ventured online in search of some more challenging matches than the single player offer. Unfortunately Ultimate tutorial […]
Review for Shadow of the Colossus. Game for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 06/02/2018 In recent years the saying "sometimes they come back" seems more and more a custom, so much so that we could shorten it to "they return": the incarnations of the […]
MOBAs are a type of real-time strategy video game that originated from a game mode in World of Warcraft and was soon to be adopted to be played via Dota. Today there are all kinds of MOBAs, from third-person ones like Smite or the popular league of legends. League […]
Stop worrying about what your child is watching on Amazon Fire TV and create a child profile to check their content. You have the option to restrict screen usage, add or remove appropriate content, and create a security PIN to restrict access to apps.You no longer […]
FIFA 22 it was only released on the market last year 1 October, and already totals amazing numbers, from what we read from the data published by EA Sports. In fact, users from over 200 countries around the world have played at the football in question, with an […]
How to locate a person by chatting on Facebook & WhatsApp, today we are here with a very cool trick to track the location of any person chatting on Facebook / WhatsApp. If we want to know the location of the person you are chatting with on Facebook / Whatsapp, […]
EA has revealed its plans for compatibility of next-gen versions of many of his PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X titles, explaining how his current generation games will run on upcoming consoles. Electronic Arts has planned a series of updates - here's a look at […]
The following contains revelations about the game's ending, if you have not yet completed the latest adventure of the mighty off-site Spartan and his son, you should read no further. We are returning from the highest peak of the kingdom of Jothunheim, still stunned […]
After having seen how to easily overcome one of the most mangy subquests of Yakuza Kiwami 2 (with an unorthodox method, but do you prefer to study mahjong manuals?), We leave you here some tips on how to progress better and how to easily get money and experience. For […]
Microsoft's head of marketing explains why gamers should buy the new Xbox Series X console. In a recent interview, Xbox Marketing Manager Aaron Greenberg talked about the potential of the new console from Microsoft, Xbox Series X. Aaron Greenberg said Microsoft […]
How to check, manage and remove authorized apps on Instagram? There are many ways your Instagram account could be compromised. And giving access to malicious third-party apps is one of them. This is exactly how some 87 million Facebook users unknowingly “donated” […]
Let's find out the voices of the new characters Square Enix has unveiled new details on Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, the improved and enriched version for PlayStation 5 of his latest effort. The team has revealed the official title of the new episode with […]
Review for NBA 2K Playgrounds 2. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 16/10/2018 NBA Jam disappeared, NBA Street shelved, it was the turn - now more than a year ago - of Saber Interactive (Shaq Fu) and their […]
Pokémon Sword and Shield are two of the best-selling games ever for Nintendo Switch. Game Freak, for better or for worse, has managed to bring many gamers back into the Pokémon world, sometimes winking at longtime fans. The latest DLC, in this sense, has proved […]
After its announcement during the PlayStation 5 event in June, the developers of Kena: Bridge of Spirits have answered 20 questions from Game Informer, revealing some new details about the game. Starting from the setting, we have the confirmation that the game […]
PC and Xbox owners will be able to play together. Still confirmations from Microsoft regarding the highly anticipated Halo Infinite. According to what has been announced, in fact, the shooter in progress […]
We have already talked to you in a special guide of the best Pokémon to attack a gym. Now it's up to the best defenders. The values taken into consideration are therefore only two: Health points and Defense. But beware: as you may have noticed looking at […]
How to send blank messages with Whatsapp. We are going to share an interesting trick that will allow you to send blank messages to your friends quickly. Well, you can send a blank message to your friend, or reply to a message from a girl you like, but she always […]
Attack Roles Attacker - Basic role Insect Slayer - Basic role Invoker - Fiore joins the party Menace - Emmerson joins the party Brawler - Anne joins the party Machine Slayer - Warrior Lv. 3 Raven Slayer - Insect Slayer Lv. 3 Beast Slayer - Plant Slayer Lv. 3 Mutant […]
With the arrival of the Seasonings 3 Fortnite, the new weekly challenges have also arrived that include many fun objectives to complete. Quite a challenging challenge to complete certainly is “Dance in different forbidden places”. To complete the challenge […]
The countdown to the market launch of cyberpunk 2077 is about to expire and after showing the rich photo mode in video, CD Projekt RED has revealed all the precise dates and times relating to the moment when players from all over the world can start downloading […]
How to tie a tie. You don't know how to tie a tie or you might learn new ones here are the best apps for Android iPhone and iPad.The tie is a clothing accessory that fascinates you and you use it daily and would like to know how to make new knots to change the […]
The difficult mode of Final Fantasy VII Remake can present several headaches due to some handicaps such as the inability to recover MP while resting or using objects. However, completing the title in hard mode is a necessary step for platinum and some challenges […]
By reading this article you will understand how you can make group video calls with WhatsApp, simply with a few words. The group video calls on WhatsApp were announced at the F8 conference on May 1st and now the option is ready to be released to early Apple and […]
Thermaltake has announced the CPU water block Pacific W7 Plus for custom liquid cooling systems. The new water block has a built-in temperature sensor that measures the water temperature of the coolant. You can check the status of the temperature sensor with "TT […]
Review for NiOh: Complete Edition. Game for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 07/11/2017 the brand Nioh, no matter what people say, it has been able to become a reference point for many players. Born and conceived as an extremely niche product, […]
In The Division 2, Ubisoft wanted to include several exotic weapons, among these we find an excellent gun called Freedom. It's about a Desert Eagle .50 caliber characterized by extremely high damage and high level talents (especially the second). The three talents […]
The presentation is scheduled for the afternoon, but it is now night with us. It is a rainy winter day outside, just to make the scenery even more picturesque. He keeps us company a countdown marked by the solitary and ghostly ticking of a heavy clock, which reverberates […]
Problems with whatsapp? The Premium Guide to solve the most common problems of the messaging application. That WhatsApp being the most used instant messaging application in the world doesn't mean it's perfect. The app, in fact, has some strange problems, […]
Review for Total War: Warhammer 2. Game for PC, Mac and Linux, the video game was released on 28/09/2017 In the middle of the great ocean of the new world stands Ulthuan, a bulwark of civilization. In the center of the island, the incredible magical vortex has […]
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is finally on our consoles and is getting very positive reviews, too from our part. The Greek world (re) created by Ubisoft is huge and chock full of mysteries to uncover, so buckle up as we go. Here are 12 secrets you may not have […]
This Diablo Immortal guide will cover some of the best Necromancer builds. We have covered 5 Necromancer builds below, and each of them offers a different play style. Therefore, you will surely find a build that suits your playing habits […]
Numerous graphic improvements, including the definition in 4K on PS5 and Xbox Series X Port Royale 4 is coming to next generation consolesGaming developer Minds Studios and publisher Kalypso Media announce it. In this regard, a trailer has been published on the […]
As in previous Zelda chapters, the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for Wii U and Nintendo Switch is also present the mythical Master Sword, the mighty supreme sword which recalls the myth of King Arthur's sword in the stone. To start the optional quest that […]
TCL Electronics, a major player in the global television industry and the leading consumer electronics company, announced its latest in Europe today QLED 8K TV: the X91 Series. The new series can be purchased from authorized dealers and all information is […]
Mission 46: Predator Mission 47: Shot at Paleto Mission 48: Point of Impact Mission 49: Monkey Business Mission 50: Hang Ten […]
Tomorrow Electronic Arts will unveil the new FIFA 21 TOTW (Team of the Week). Among the possible players there could be Kylian Mbappè! On Wednesdays, for every fan of FIFA 21, it only means one thing: the announcement of the new Team of The Week (TOTW). Also this […]
The talented Giant Squid studio, former author of the sensory walking simulator Abzû, is back with The Pathless: new extremely successful and interesting title. As specified by the review of our Federico De Santis, The Pathless is an excellent title both from […]
Fortunately, there are many high-quality apps that allow you to work out at home and exercise through your smartphone and your body. Here are some of the best bodyweight exercise apps you can try.You Are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren Just like the name of the […]
In the ARK world, everything will not be so simple. Yesterday you were in your bedroom, but today you are in the middle of the city of ARK and you are faced with problems that you did not expect to encounter. This is the magic of the virtual world, which tests […]
Review for Two Point Hospital. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/09/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 25/02/2020 The version for Xbox One came out on 25/02/2020 Two Point Hospital it could be considered, without […]
Naughty Dog has launched The Last of Us Part II for a few months now: the title has overcome various vicissitudes, from the senseless bombardment of negative reviews on Metacritic, to the exaltation of the press. The developer, however, is keen to point out that […]
Netflix is available for almost all devices including Smart TVs. Many of them already have the Netflix app pre-installed and you can immediately access it by typing your credentials.The Smart TV will remember your Netflix login credentials so once entered […]
Deathloop is certainly a very difficult title to explain, as it is one of a kind (if you don't believe it you have a preview and a review to read). These are just some of the tips we would like to give you to face it in the best possible way. Try not to find […]
The Miles in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a character who, at least in the comics, has been around for quite a while: introduced in 2011 in Ultimate Spider-Man, he achieved fame thanks to that "Into the Spider-VerseWhich undoubtedly made it mainstream. The […]
Review for 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Game for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 22/09/2020 After a story of about 23 hours and a freshly acquired platinum, we have concluded the atypical adventure of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim; game developed by Vanillaware […]
Responding to a question on Twitter, Insomniac Games confirmed that Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart will not arrive on PlayStation 4, but will be exclusive next gen: It's a PS5 exclusive - Insomniac Games (@insomniacgames) November 2, 2020 With this tweet, Insomniac […]
Today we present the guide to the objects usable in the new video game Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to Nintendo Switch. We can divide them into 3 main categories, let's go and see them together: Commonly used objects: Smash Ball - Allows you to […]
Facebook allows families and friends to stay connected no matter where they are in the world. Use the video chat feature on Facebook Messenger to quickly connect with up to 50 people on the most modern devices. How to use video chat on Facebook Messenger […]
Here are some of the best weather apps for Android. The best apps to know what the weather will do to be consulted on Android smartphones and tablets. Contents Weather App for Android Today Weather - Forecast, Radar & Severe Alerts Weather & Widget - […]
Review for Patapon Remastered. Game for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 15/06/2017 Gamers over twenty are the ones who often complain about lack of innovation of this videogame generation which, especially in the console scene, seems to aim […]
It was back in 1996, when Capcom gave birth to one of its most famous series: Resident Evil. This game helped popularize the Survival Horror genre. Up to the present day the series has been enriched with other titles and spin-offs on different platforms and generations, […]
DICE has revealed the release period and the first official details on Battlefield 6 and on the news of Battlefield Mobile. After several rumors DICE breaks the silence and clears up any doubts by […]
Elden Ring's in-game lyrics are the work of Miyazaki, not George RR Martin. When Elden Ring was first announced, one of the biggest surprises was the collaboration between FromSoftware and A Song of Ice and Fire author George RR Martin. Hence the hypothesis that […]
This is the complete walkthrough of the game. Before starting, I recommend saving often, even if there is an autosave. Autosave is activated only upon completion of missions and sub quests. Therefore, it is good to save when you have obtained something outside […]
Review for LA Noire. Game for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the video game was released on 17/05/2011 The version for PC came out on 08/11/2011 Seeing a Rockstar title on Nintendo consoles is really rare; seeing LA Noire is a unique event. The choice to propose […]
One of the innovations introduced in Destiny 2 with the Curse of Osiris expansion, they are the shells of exotic ghosts. Here then how to get Sagira wrapper in Destiny 2. Once the main story is over, Brother Vance on Mercury will unlock the Lost Prophecies. These […]
CD Projekt RED today unveiled new movies and screenshots for Cyberpunk 2077 during the live streaming of “Night City Wire Episode 5“, Including official gameplay and trailers for Johnny Silverhand. The game trailer lasting five minutes features never-before-seen […]
A short teaser lasting just forty seconds reveals Tomb Raider Reloaded surprisingly announced by Square Enix for Android and iOS devices and due out in 2021: With an old style and super deformed Lara, Tomb Raider Reloaded will be a action / arcade free to play […]
App to manage screen brightness on Android. Eye strain can be a huge problem for anyone who spends a lot of time looking at screens, whether it's a desktop monitor, a TV, or even a smartphone.Research has shown that exposure to blue light (the kind emitted by electronic […]
How to silence someone on Instagram. It might be rude to unfollow a new colleague on Instagram. If you don't want to see someone's stories and posts, but want to keep texting, try silencing them. Here's how to mute someone on Instagram. When you deactivate a profile, […]
The exciting launch of Elden Ring brought with it a whole series of very heated discussions about the title. The new work by FromSoftware, on the other hand, presented itself at the starting line as one of the most anticipated video games of 2022, and with an amazing […]
Jaal is one of the characters who will join the crew after the mission "A trace of hope". You will need to complete a few missions before he gets some confidence, in fact initially he will turn out to be distant and disinterested. It doesn't matter whether the […]
You will have the opportunity to collect bounties for additional experience points and rewards in Diablo Immortal. These are mini-quests that require you to kill a specific number of enemies and, as is evident, can be completed fairly quickly. The following guide […]
After the good success obtained on PlayStation 3, Tomb Raider from Crystal Dynamics initially exploited and tested the hardware of PlayStation 4, to then arrive, after a few months, with a Definitive Edition designed primarily for the new generation of Sony and […]
Here are the best third-party apps you can use to track your steps on your iPhone.The best pedometer apps for iOS track your steps and other vital health stats to let you see your fitness progress over a period of time. With so many apps available, it can be confusing […]
Review for Ashen. Game for PC and Xbox One, the video game was released on 07/12/2018 In the now very distant 2009, thanks to the genius of the Japanese team FromSoftware and his dad, Hidetaka Miyazaki, was giving life to what, from then on, would become […]
Step by step solution to all The Witness Puzzles and Brainteasers The Witness is a fairly complex puzzle game: the game puts us in difficulty not only with various high-level puzzles, but above all through a large number of rules that are introduced to each new […]
In Ghost of Tsushima, hot springs are places where you can both recover and increase your health points. Around the island Sucker Punch has positioned 18 springs just waiting to be found. In addition to the boost for the life bar, visiting the springs will also […]
Mission 66: Lamar on the ground Mission 67: Meltdown Mission 68: SOS parents Mission 69: Nails Mission 70: Gauntlet […]
First steps You will begin your adventure in Fallout 3 at the age of one, after a short introductory movie that will allow you to create your character in terms of his physical characteristics. First, let your dad out of the room and open the door of the playpen […]
In the good variety of collectibles present in Horizon Zero Dawn, there is the possibility of recovering six small statuettes Banuk, cultural artifacts, along with great rewards. As with the metal flowers, a map to find out their location can be purchased from […]
Review for Hey! Pikmin. Nintendo 3DS game, the video game was released on 13/07/2017 Three years after his last appearance, Captain Olimar is back in action. But Hey! Pikmin it is not at all what one might expect from the return of the brave astronaut, at least […]
A few months ago kojima production had made it known that it was working on a new project, and this had made the minds of the players travel towards different hypotheses: a sequel to Death Stranding? A new ip? The software house may have left a clue ... December […]
Sony has managed to keep the quality and quantity of exclusives for the PlayStation 4 high (and which have in fact marked its undisputed success during the current generation) and would seem to be willing to continue on this line also with PS5. In its recent report, […]
Why is League of Legends not opening for me? There are several reasons why LoL it may have problems with your computer, loading errors in the game or software on your computer. Many times the error is in the files you have downloaded or in the compatibility of […]
When you think of a mobile game, you imagine the typical shooter game like Fornite or Call of Duty, but it must be said that there are many genres besides action games and that among […]
Review for Do Extella. Game for PC, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 10/11/2016 The version for PC came out on 25/07/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 20/07/2017 The Fate brand saw the light in […]
The fine that Russia intends to apply to the Cupertino giant amounts to 12 million. The accusation is that of abuse of dominant position, the fine for Apple to pay is not exactly for all budgets: […]
In our opinion, these are the best apps you can download and install on your Android, iPhone or iPad device for weight loss.These apps will provide you with information on proper nutrition, how to do physical activity and much more. NB: These applications cannot […]
We spent a few minutes in the company of Life is Strange: True Colors, this is what we can tell you. Life is Strange: True Colors is the next chapter of the Square Enix franchise that first appeared […]
It's been days since the launch of Days Gone, but there is no shortage of ravines to explore or new methods to use to improve one's life. Let's see some of them, right? How Fast Travel works The mechanism is very different from most other open worlds, as at first […]
In a world as big as that of Half-Life: Alyx, there was no lack of easter eggs scattered all along the way. Many of these are simple references to old Valve titles, so some of you may have already noticed some nostalgic goodies, especially if your curiosity has […]
Guide on how to get Hugo's Herbarium plants in the title Asobo Studio. In the gray and devastated world of A Plague Tale: Innocence it is possible to come across different flowers, notes of color […]
Setting up a new Twitter account can be completed in a few simple steps. You can set up a new Twitter account from the website or mobile app. First, Twitter will show you how to register your account in five easy steps. Twitter will then ask you to add a photo, […]
Steps to download and install PUBG From the PC First you need to know that to play PUBG you need to download and install Steam from its official page. Once you have downloaded Steam, you need to log in with a new account. Then, go to the bottom left corner and […]
It's been a few years now that Epic has declared war on Valve by creating its Epic Games Store. What might have seemed like a store like many others, destined from the outset to be irrelevant to the Steam monopoly, instead it managed to carve out its own more […]
Cyberpunk 2077, the latest effort by CD Projekt RED, after the latest events regarding the postponements, now seems to have finally reached the fateful moment. It seems that retailers, at least in the UK, have already received some copies of the covers and promotional […]
As we had anticipated today, Electronic Arts has officially unveiled the players of team 1 of the Summer Stars. Let's find out together! The event Summer Stars of FIFA 21 has officially begun. Electronic Arts has selected the first players for this new, spectacular […]
Review for Ride 3. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Steam and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/11/2018 Ride 3, let's face it right away, it is the ideal title for those who understand a lot about motorcycles and motorcycling but also for those who have always […]
EA's football is confirmed as the best-selling title in the United Kingdom, anticipating two of Nintendo's sacred monsters in the standings such as Animal Crossing and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Great […]
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